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2017年 02月 24日

There it is...The only thing I have been maintaining is a LIE! I cannot maintain or lose weight without logging food and activity. The bathroom remodel is finished and the scale came out from under the bed and I looked the numbers square in the face and had to "fess up". I did enjoy my "vacation" but seriously, I felt my work pants getting tighter, or hey ladies...How about that bra strap? We all have a lot going on in our lives, But we must take care of ourselves. My mother-in-law has slowed down so much, she now needs help to get out of bed and dress and go to the bathroom...its an all day affair. I truly believe she is slowly checking out...My dad fell last week and that was scary to see him spotted with blood and trembling when I went to pick him up for his daily outing....I must remain strong, so they don't see my fear. My husband and I have quiet discussions and sometimes my brain won't stop. I sat and created artwork for the bathroom all weekend, totally immersed, it was an escape...just like yesterday, I shopped for shoes with the grand kids, and took twice as long...I didn't want to go home. I realize I am coping, and thank goodness I have some help and some outlets...I have been away, but not far. THANK YOU Friends, for the support and invites to challenges and comments. I promise to allot time to visit this site and put time and energy into myself. I think my husband is ready to join me, but his journey is his, but after all, we are ONE... aren't WE ALL? Have a great Friday and Weekend.
体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
80.3 kg 0 kg 7.7 kg 不十分
   (10件のコメント) 週に1.1 kg増量中

2017年 02月 10日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
78.0 kg 1.4 kg 5.4 kg まあまあ
   (4件のコメント) 体重に変化ありません

2017年 02月 1日

Happy February 1st!!!! New year's started out like a BUST...being sick I did not achieve much of my goals, but this past week, I rallied! I got ONE room deep cleaned and organized. I started with the bedroom and I swear I am sleeping better in there without so much clutter!

I also am 75% finished with gutting and deep cleaning our bathroom and readying it for a total makeover....I never had it decorated anyway...it's been BLAH for over 10 years!!!!!

As for ME???? I have been away, but not far...I am trying to eat intuitively and make healthy food choices and move more. No recording of anything....I know this is dangerous territory, but I feel I can navigate it successfully.
I got a hair trim and got new, bolder glasses and am starting to pay a bit more attention to taking care of myself as well as everyone else. My dad and mother-in-law are doing fine, No major problems. Yeah! My grown children are all doing well and the grand kids are AWESOME! Here's to a FABULOUS FEBRUARY!
体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
78.0 kg 1.4 kg 5.4 kg まあまあ
   (4件のコメント) 体重に変化ありません

2017年 01月 13日

Good Morning! I have been on the site reading, supporting and keeping a low profile. It's time to face the scale...not bad...one pound up or down is really normal fluctuation. What I have been doing is trying not to obsess over what I do eat or do not eat. Still recovering from this hideous cough thing that everyone seems to have...My oldest brother and his wife are staying with my dad, so I have a little break from that and Hopefully we'll get this New Year in Gear! I still have my goals to get fitter and stronger and lose 10 pounds. Most importantly, I am eating intuitively...what i want, when i want and not too much. After logging some food, i realized my data bank was full of crappy choices...too many holiday treats became the norm... Also, my husband has to find what works for him. He has to do this. I am not abandoning him, as I have supported any WOE that he has chosen in the past. But his choice to get moving or make his own food choices has to come from him. We're both in a bit of a winter funk, but he's in it deeper. Work wears the crap out of him and stress isn't making it easier. like I said, HE has to make the changes and take the time for himself...I will be here for him always.

Have a super good weekend everyone!
体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
78.0 kg 1.4 kg 5.4 kg まあまあ
   (3件のコメント) 週に0.3 kg増量中

2017年 01月 3日

Been MIA for a few days. Must've had an intestinal thing then it morphed into a head cold OR its all the dang sugar escaping from my body!!!!! The only thing that is concerning me is inexplicable dizziness from time to time. Checked my BP and its where it usually is...a few high days or moments but I was under stress...Other than that...doing OK.

I am easing into the New year. I am down 6 pounds from last year and the great thing about that, is the trend is down. There are ups and downs but for the last three years that I have used this site, there is a steady shift into a lower weight range. The fact that I had hovered in the 200 pound range for many, many years, these 170's and soon to be 160's are welcome.

I want to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR and Good Luck with all of your endeavors. Thanks for all the Buddy requests and positive comments and your wealth of information. Your experiences and sharing really makes a difference in all of our lives.
体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
77.6 kg 1.8 kg 5.0 kg まあまあ
   (5件のコメント) 体重に変化ありません


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