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2009年 04月 9日

2009年 04月 9日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
80 kg 0 kg 15 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 週に0.2 kg増量中

2009年 04月 8日

2008年 08月 23日

I've not been journalling as much as I'd liked over the past week. The lull in work is slowly picking up due to my bosses work commitments in Beijing coming to an end and having to make sure her travel arrangements are up to scratch for her return to the UK! She's had an amazing time out at the Beijing Olympics and learned alot... alot of which is grounding for our team putting on the best Olympics in 2012 that the world has ever seen! So she's back in a fortnight's time and while she's been gone I've kinda got lazy... net week is crutial in making sure that everything she's asked me to do while she's been away is completed perfectly... whew it's going to be a very busy week!

Last night we picked up my partners son for his 1 week stay with us over the summer holidays. I'm looking forward to having him here with us as I have alot planned for him. Today we are going out to get the last of his Daddy's birthday bits. Tomorrow we fetch my partners eldest son and he too will be staying for a night or two, then we also have his brother-in-law's annual birthday bbq and I've arranged a little treasure hunt for the children who are coming. On Monday it is a public holiday so as a birthday present to my partner we are going to have a tour of his favourite football team's (soccer)stadium. The boys aren't looking forward to this as they support other teams... trust kids to be difficult! LOL. On tuesday, it is my partners birthday and the boys will be going to a day's holiday football academy and that will give my partner and myself a little time for ourselves. I'll be going back to work on Wednesday! Whew... that's only 3 of the next 7 days... wish me luck!

Last night, after we'd fetched the little one, I decided we'd have a seafood stirfry. The little one will try anything so I showed him what was going into the dish and he watched me make it... it was purely veg and then I added a few muscles, squid and bits of crab meat. He wanted to know why there weren't any noodles so I added a little (for effect of course) Stir fry noodles in! i must say, it was a resounding success! I loved it, my partner loved it, and the little one loved it!He wanted to know who taught me how to cook such YUMMY food! I laughed at that because although my mother is a brilliant cook, we never had things like stirfry as children... it was all healthy food but not this healthy! (my mom is a professional dancer so she's passed down the healthiness onto my sister and I... it was just our choices when she wasn't watching that made us put on weight - oh and my gramma's rice pudding!)

So it's now 7:30 on a saturday morning.. I can hear the little one stirring in his bedroom - he knows not to come down until the clock says 8 0 0 (Eight Oh Oh as he says it!)and he hates that so I think I'll put him out of his misery and get our day started!

2008年 08月 20日

Whooooooowe! Let me tell you something! I hurt... Everywhere! Hahaha! I might hurt but it feels awesome!

I started my first class of kickercise, which is a variation of kickboxing and aerobics, last night. I took along my eldest stepson's mother (weird I know but we get on really well and this is helping to form a bond between her and I) and a new friend I've been chatting to on a Stepparenting forum online. We arrived, we watched the kickboxing class end and all the while thinking "holy crap... what have we got ourselves into!".

The class started out slow but really intense and I discovered that I wasn't as unfit as I thought I was - I was breathing correctly, I was punching correctly and my double jointedness in my shoulders was helping with the stretches we had to do! It was just a fantastic workout and I'd recommend it to anyone that is looking to tone up and loose a few calories at the same time! We walked out dripping in perspiration but we felt great!

I've decided to change the diet that I've been following to WW. The reason behind this change is do to a slight demotivation on my part recently! Here's to the last 5kg's of my original goal and then, depending on how I feel, I may reset it a few pounds lower!


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