Alright, I'm really quite pissed right now. Angry rant coming.

But how DARE people come on here, a place filled with overweight people staying positive and trying to better themselves, and whine when people get upset when they call fat people "grotesque" or "blubbery" or "disgusting"?? I mean honestly, don't we get that enough LITERALLY EVERYWHERE ELSE?? This is my happy place. My place where I can go and be honest, and admit my flaws and mistakes while encouraging my friends when they struggle too. Deliberately insulting and bringing people down on here to elevate your own shitty self esteem is rude, disrespectful, childish, and honestly pretty pathetic. I mean, where else could you go to try and hurt such a large portion of people at one time?

I am fat. And I know many of you lovely people are fat too. And just because we are fat, does not mean we are ANY LESS deserving of kindness, respect, and love. I will not stop my life until I lose weight. I will go out and enjoy the world without concerning myself with what other people may think of my happy blubbery self.

And I will continue to support and encourage people on here with respect and kindness, no matter what they look like, how much they have to lose, how much they may have gained, or if they are perfectly comfortable at the weight they are at.

1271 kcal 脂質: 65.54g | たんぱく質: 116.32g | 炭水化物: 46.70g.   朝食: Boiled Egg, Butter, Food For Life Baking Company Ezekiel 4:9 Flax Sprouted Whole Grain Bread, Daniele Sopressata. 昼食: Chicken and Andouille sausage gumbo. 夕食: Chicken and Andouille sausage gumbo. 軽食/その他: Strawberries, Dymatize Nutrition ISO 100 Hydrolyzed 100% Whey Protein Isolate - Gourmet Chocolate. もっと...

38 人のサポーター    いいね!   

so basically you are promoting obesity. telling someone who weighs 300 plus pounds that its all " good" as long as you are happy with themselves is not helping them,only hurting them, not to mention the laundry list of health problems that come with that sort of irresponsible thinking 
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: alone4ever78
Most of us know what it's like being fat. I hope people find me supportive and helpful. This is a place for us to help one another, not denigrate each other.  
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: CatHerder
Alone, go blow yourself. loving yourself and living your life isn't promoting obesity.  
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: notelaine
I agree. I do not think it's right to bad-mouth anyone. Thank you for posting this important reminder. 
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: slimjim21
People on here want to better themselves. Insulting people is not motivation. It's a way for adults to continue school yard bullying.  
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: notelaine
alone4ever78, great job missing the point. A lot of self care issues, including overeating and lack of exercise come from issues of poor self image, and low self esteem. Most of us here are here because we are trying to make a change. Having to deal with further judgment amongst a group of people who are also claiming to be working towards bettering themselves is not entirely constructive or helpful, except to make oneself feel better at someone else's expense. I don't think anyone is here to promote obesity. But it is helpful to have encouragement on working to become the best versions of ourselves that we can. Being told we are less than someone else because of a number on a scale simply fuels the problem many of us are trying to overcome, which is to care about ourselves enough to prioritize our own care. 
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: tempest_spirit
Alright Alone is a guy, my mystery is solved. Alone, if you've never been obese you wouldn't understand this kind of self love we need to support. male or female  
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: ToniK98087
Notelaine, BEAUTIFUL post. Thank you. I've always believed that it's really a relatively small percentage of people who judge others in this way. And frankly, there's no pleasing them. If you're not the acceptible weight, you'll have the wrong hair color or inappropriate shoes or something else. They're happiest being superior to other people. And FWIW, I think your happy blubbery self is pretty damn cool!  
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: Vickie 5966
Hey, the fatter you are, the more credit I give you for being on a social weight loss site, and trying to live a better life. I think people should thank their lucky stars, if they are not waging a huge battle, and able to enjoy food. One of my posts was about, the different battles people wage on here. You are stupid if you think this is a level playing field. IT JUST ISN'T!!!  
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: warrenwinter
Warrenwinter, well said! 
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: tempest_spirit
Weight is temporary. A$$hole is forever. 
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: kpwcalories
LMAO, literally ,I'm workin out and reading this ! ;P  
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: -FatWarrior-
oops, meant read kpwcalories post, that was the funny part.  
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: -FatWarrior-
most people here - both men and women - are wonderful and supportive but there are a few trolls who just can't seem to resist putting others down. i resolve to ignore the trolls. we all need encouragement to be the best we can be regardless of where we are in our journey, so i'll do my best to provide that. thanks for the reminder, Notelaine! 
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: berley1
i Feel Like i missed something!!!! 
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: blondie-61
Thank you for this post. I've been sad the last few days. Seeing what some people think of overweight people, the words they use, the descriptions, appalling. I am not morbidly obese anymore BUT I AM still the same person. When I decided to lose weight it wasn't because I wanted to look good, it was for my health. Maybe it's my age but I began to think about dying, and frankly, I didn't want to because of health issues. Looking better and fitting into nifty clothes is a by-product of my weight loss, not the motivator. I try to ignore the negativity and shallowness of certain people on here but they really bring me down. That being said, I realize now it is MY choice in how I react to them. I WILL NOT LET NEGATIVE, JUDGMENTAL, SHALLOW, CALLOUS, CRUEL PEOPLE DICTATE HOW I FEEL! I will continue to try to be a decent caring person to all, to have compassion to those that need it the most.  
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: Rckc
Hey, "Fat" is different to all people. My best friend who goes to the gym everyday and eats very clean, thinks she's got a weight problem. I mean, really??? Heck...I know I'm fat, but I also know that I have the power to change this. The one thing I have the most control over in my life is what I put in my mouth. This gives me courage and strength to make other important and lasting changes in my life. We are all on a journey of self love, self discovery, and reinvention.....I love it!  
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: You are lovable
Hey Rckc, I appreciate you as a friend, get that chin up. 
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: warrenwinter
Maturity shows itself in so many beautiful ways. One of my favorites is learning which things in life are worth focusing on and which things aren't even worth the effort of ignoring. Sorry Alone, your words aren't even worth the effort at this point. You, however, as a person, are not so different than the people you stir up arguments with. We're all on a journey, and some of us are a little farther down the path than others. Unfortunately, Alone, you are somewhere near the beginning. You won't see it, because you can't see it yet. I hope you come to realize this someday and brush that chip off your shoulder and join us on the fun side of the island. AND NOTELAINE- thank you for this post. We all love you and want nothing more than your happiness (both today and in the future)! 
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: RkTkFx
Thank you my friend, do not let the post of the other person bother you is their issue to learn. 
2016年 02月 11日 投稿者: HCB





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