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2019年 06月 6日

2017年 04月 24日

2017年 04月 20日

This year has been flying by. Have been consistent with crossfit/personal training, and hoping to get more cycling in as the weather warms up. My ideal plan is to get 20-30 miles in in the morning before work, and then do my weight training stuff in the evenings. I've got a century ride the beginning of June that I want to be all prepped for.

Found out I'll be getting relocated to Arkansas for work in September, so I'm trying to plan out that whole process. Fortunately, the area I'm moving to is very bike-friendly, and I found a couple fantastic apartment complexes right on bike paths.

My best friend also just got engaged over the weekend, so I'll be working with her to plan everything. She wants to drop some weight before the wedding, so we are going to be each other's accountability partner even though we don't live in the same city. I always do better when I have someone to report to!

2017年 03月 20日

2017年 02月 17日

Haven't journaled in a few weeks, but still sticking on track. Have been looser with calorie counting, but still seeing good results. It's also helping me behave better when eating out. For some reason, when I give myself super strict rules, I end up rebelling. With looser rules, I make smarter choices. My brain is dumb, lol.

Having good progress at the gym as well. Accidentally forgot to count the bar yesterday, so ended up PR'ing my deadlift by 30 lbs! Shows how much of weight lifting is a mental game. Also starting a new training plan focused more on eccentric movements, which will be nice since I can do that better on my own without a need for a spotter.

In the saga of my neverending dating life, met another boy at a YP meeting. Have been on a few dates with him, but he's a pretty health-conscious guy. Not a cyclist, but he is buying a road bike this summer since he's always wanted to, so I will hopefully have someone to ride with!


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