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2016年 11月 22日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
119.3 kg 34.9 kg 5.9 kg まあまあ
   (2件のコメント) 週に0.5 kg増量中

2016年 11月 21日

Hello to my FS friends. I normally say good morning or something like that but today is not good. My oldest was in the hospital for the weekend, she fell while being part of the stage crew for the school play on Friday and ended up having mild fractures to her L1 and T12 vertebrae. Let's just say, we got home from the hospital yesterday, the food sucked, and it's going to be a slow healing process. She didn't need surgery, it will heal on it's own, but it is not going to be an easy go at all. Please keep her in your thoughts.
Due to this, my schedule will be off when it comes to the gym and what not. So, I am going to put emphasis on doing some home exercises (when I can find time) and just eating smart. I have the knowledge, now is the time to use it. I will be on as much as I can to keep updating and keep track of how I'm doing. I hope you all had a better weekend than we did here. I will talk at you all later.

2016年 11月 10日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
118.5 kg 35.7 kg 5.1 kg まあまあ
   (コメント1件) 週に0.5 kg増量中

2016年 11月 8日

What a busy couple of weeks I have had. Family issues are not easy to deal with. And having to deal with my daughter's mom.... It can cause the best of us to start giving in to stress eating. Thankfully I didn't totally give in, maybe once or twice. But, things are as drama filled as ever with her, and the lies and the guilt just keeps flowing. But just know I have the situation handled, and my daughter is happy. That is all that matters.

I was on a trip for work last week. I got to travel to our plant in Virginia, finally after being with our company for 4 years. It isn't a good reason why either. We are not doing so well producing our material, so they are sending teams of people down to put an extra set of eyes on the process. Nothing like having to learn the process and learn how to audit a production system that you have never seen before. OMG!!! It was a nightmare to start, but after a day I got into a rhythm and things went great. Met new people and had a great time learning new things. But, with this brought a price of not being able to go to the gym. Which I thought was going to suck. However, I walked about 6 miles every day, going up and down about 20 flights of stairs too. So, I think I got my workout in each day I was there. My body this week is finally starting to recover, so hopefully I can get back into my schedule of working out during the week.

Still more news from me..... My wife started a new job this week. Yay for her. Awesome thing about that is I am able to quit my second job. Yay for me. So, Yay for us!!! This new job, and the fact that we have acquired two new little lap dogs, and our lives have taken a fun turn right now. Not sure how our workout schedules are going to be affected, but I am sure that we will be able to get things figured out quickly. I hope you all have a great day!!!

2016年 10月 10日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
116.5 kg 37.7 kg 3.1 kg まあまあ
   (2件のコメント) 週に1.1 kg減量中


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