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2019年 04月 20日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
83.0 kg 24.9 kg 19.5 kg まあまあ
   (2件のコメント) 週に1.2 kg減量中

2019年 04月 1日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
86.2 kg 21.8 kg 22.7 kg 該当なし
   コメントを追加 週に0.7 kg増量中

2019年 03月 15日

So I'm pleased that I managed to get back to 186. My next step is to gt down to 185....184....183 etc. Depending on the weathr I'll try to get outdoor more and do some walking and hiking to help get me moving around.

I've made some changes to my eating habits (are they habits if I am still trying to learn them and _make_ them habits?)

I've added a lot of steamed veggies to my daily intake with a minimum of goop slopped on top of them since that's counterproductive. I'm eating brussels sprouts, squash, spinach (with vinegar and lemon), peas & carrots and whatever else I can find for under 99cents a bag at walmart in the frozen section. I eat fresh carrots occasionally, but not as much, and I have the celery when I eat my tuna fish for the week (I don't like fish at all, I don't like tuna, but I'm trying to do something to get the omega fatty acids in me). I'm drinking more water, have nixed all the soda again (usually I kept a bottle of cola around for when I have really bad acid/upset stomach but I haven't been using it and the same open bottle's been in the fridge since december.) I am still drinking tea, although I am trying to find a nice green jasmine, or green & fruit tea that isn't too harsh and is just nice to drink. I've had the tazo green tea & ginger but despite the fact I love ginger the tea is too astringent and makes my stomach cry.

I've also started taking melatonin again at night to try to help with the insomnia. It's not as effective as the nights when i take the antihistmines from the dollartree, but the side effects are fewer and I think the melatonin is better (I wish I could convince my husband that the price of it was worth it). But I do still have insomnia and I tend to sleep in 2-3 hour blocks, waking up periodically and then trying to find another way to fall asleep. The cat fountain is really good for that because it's a relaxing kind of noise (especially on nights like last night when we had 40mph gusting winds).

I've also started taking a d vitamin supplement. Looking into it, my nutrition (or lack, thereof) shows that I am in no way getting all the nutrients I ought to be. I'm good on the vitamin c (I use lemons or limes when I can get them fresh) if not I use the true lemon and true lime that cmes in a packet. I tend to add it to a lot of the canned foods (soups mostly) it adds some zest. But anyway, added the vitamin D because I know I am not getting enough exposure to sunlight (I stay out of it as much as possible because of too much dangerous sun exposure as a child (when people still covered themselves in oil and laid out in the sun).
We'll see if the supplement helps I think it might (I know that milk is fortified with A&D but since I have cut down the amount of dairy I use dramatically--I use 2 tablespoons in a cup of black tea) and that's it. I love my butter but because I love it I have a difficult time not over portioning it so I am at this time not using it.

I've also started taking Zinc.
It's been a week since I started both of those and I try to space out when I take those versus taking them first thing in the morning with my morning prescription meds.

I'll let you know in another week if I think they are making any kind of a difference yet. (although my anxiety levels are still very, very high, I've been able to breathe 2 days this week without feeling like I had a ton of bricks on me). SO that's an improvement.

There are a few other things I want to add on the side of supplements but I can't do it all at once, and I have to justify every expense of them to my other half (who, admittedly eats a much healthier diet but is also IMO borderline anorexic and has body issues). But he does eat healthier even if I do have to force products with protein in them on him...

Anyway, that's the update for now.
BTW: Thanks to people who read my crap and support it. I am generally overwhelmed by the computer and stuff and rarely respond--but I'd like to say I appreciate the <3 anyway!

2019年 03月 13日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
84.4 kg 23.6 kg 20.9 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 週に0.5 kg減量中

2019年 02月 27日

Ok, so I have been trying hard to get back to eating right (mindfully, thinking and carefully choosing what I shove in my mouth). I was really bummed by my weight gain (and after that I am pretty sure I actually put on another pound or two as well). I've been consciously trying to add more veg (even though they are all frozen, but I am guessing frozen's better than none at all, right?) and drinking more water, and working towards zero dairy and sweeteners (I had managed that a few months ago but when I started having another depressive episode I threw it all to the wind, even though I know I am lactose intolerant). So I also decided that I needed to go back to cutting out the breads again (they are a trigger food, I can eat a whole loaf in a sitting without even thinking about anything except how good it tastes).

I did have a back-slide last night (I blame my insomnia which makes it so easy to feel "hungry" when I am not, not really). At our local dollar store (which is an idie shop so they always have random stuff) they carry some food. You never know what you will find there, but when you are on a really tight budget, you gotta look because an empty cupboard is not nice). Anyway, last week they had some frozen stuff--including some pints of ben & jerry's non dairy ice cream, some sorbet, and other ice cream stuff. This only happens once ina blue moon (and I can't usually afford the stuff) so I bought 6 pints (2 pints of b&J and 2 pints of lactaid ice cream, and 1 thing of sorbet and one thing of some other brand ice cream which had 330 calories in the whole pint.
Anyway, last night/ this morning at 2am I ate half a pint of ben and jerry's and 1/4 of a thing of raspberry sorbet. I feel bad about it, felt bad while I was doing it, but it all tasted good (surprisingly, for me, the sorbet tasted nicest and I deliberately put it back so I could make it last).
Wish I could do that with more food. *sigh*

Anyway, the weather is super cold this week (we're in the single digits at night with negative windchill factors, and during the day it hasn't cone above 18. Friday is supposed to be about 30 and not so windy so I am planning
to go then and get weighed. If nothing else it will tell me where I am at.


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