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2014年 02月 6日

Still riding the weather roller coaster in Florida...one day freezing, the next, it's in the 60's and I'm eyeing my shorts.

My WOE continues to frustrate me....just when I think I'm solid and moving along, I get too hungry one day and - POOF! - can't seem to snarf up enough food. What in the world is up with that?

Am I spending too much time thinking about all this? Am I not concentrating enough? What IS going on with me? In late March I'll have been on this WOE for 4 years....you'd think it would be smooth sailing at this point. All I know right now is that it's taking a whole lot of mental effort to go nowhere.

I'm not blowing my plan with off-plan stuff, just too many "legal" items. I think I need to go on Survivor where I'd be lucky to have some fish and coconut milk - LOL!

On the plus side these days: DH bought me "iPad for Dummies" which is actually very much appreciated, after he gave me an iPad for Christmas.
My Collie guy appears to be handling his heartworm medication change very well....the previous med (also a new one begun this fall)had made him so lethargic for so many hours in December, I was very close to taking him to the vet!
My tax preparation is coming along nicely.
My second cold of the season, while still hanging around, is on its way out!
We have a new grocery store in town and I'm ECSTATIC!! Many of the unique, low-carb-friendly products, that I used to have to travel all over to find, are being carried by this store. And....this store is actually within reasonable walking distance of my home.

2014年 01月 30日

Still hanging in here. That mild cold bug seemed to be waning when another one hit me with a different variety of symptoms....not my usual cold progression at all. While I wouldn't say I'm recovered just yet, I do feel I'm getting better.

The Iceman Cometh....to Florida!!!! Wow, amazing storm for this area. Schools are closed for Day #3 and businesses are just beginning to reopen. Some highways and bridges are still closed, however.

The Southern "plan" for de-icing the roads is to just wait until it all melts. LOL! In this part of the country, on the rare occasions when we get ice, it would only take a day to get back to normal. But this storm had a LOT of ice and the temps have been too cold for much melting....until today. If the sun comes out, we may get into the 40's so that will be a help. By Super Bowl Sunday, we might hit 70, so we can't complain.

WOE could be better, but I'm OK with where I am......for now. :)

2014年 01月 22日

Culinary disasters found me yesterday. I tried 2 new recipes from the Wheat Belly book that looked fantastic. Well, the better one is edible but nothing at all special. Made me mad because it required 2 cups of grated carrots, which I dutifully peeled and grated myself.

The other recipe I screwed up by accidentally doubling the amount of an ingredient, which made the batter too wet....so I added more almond flour. It never did set up properly even with extra baking time plus there was a funny taste to it. Yuck. Then I finally realized why my batter had been too wet! Threw the entire mess in the trash.

Fortunately, the chocolate chip bars made with s/f chocolate chips came out perfectly.

I've been battling a mild cold for the last few days, so, of course, my body is NOT responding to any weight-loss efforts and is doing its best to go in the opposite direction. Although I tried to resist, I had to finally take some cold meds last night to relieve the sinus pressure that was keeping me from sleeping. I've got a constant mantra going that this too shall pass...nothing to worry about.....just fluid retention....etc., etc.

It's a very cold day today....still barely above freezing, but bright and sunny. No exercise walking for me today, but I'll get some mileage in at the thrift store this afternoon.

2014年 01月 19日

Seems like forever since I've been on here, but it's really not that long. I haven't totally lost track of everyone, as I can now read on my Christmas gift....an iPad! I could probably respond from it too, but I can type faster on a regular keyboard. Got lots and lots to learn on the thing, as I don't have any 7-year-olds to teach me the ropes - LOL!

A few WOE tidbits here:

Be sure to check your "usual" foods from time to time for carb changes, esp. when they revamp the packaging. DH has used 1 particular Kraft salad dressing for a very long time because he likes it and the net carbs are 2 for 2Tblsp. The packaging changed slightly and - WHOA! - the net carbs jumped to FIVE per 2Tblsp! Major change! He'll finish up this bottle but then move on to something else.

Just yesterday, I tried fresh goat cheese for the first time. It was a log rolled in some cranberries and cinnamon, with NC of about 5 per 1/2-inch slice. It was really tasty all by itself! Perhaps not for everyone in all stages of Atkins, but if you can handle the cranberries and the NCs, this is a very nice, different treat.

I had thought that with all the bad press for high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), it wasn't in many products anymore. I hadn't seen it listed on much of anything that I've looked at for a very long while. Well.....guess where I found a whole lot of the stuff? In applesauce! I was looking for some unsweetened applesauce for a new recipe (not much needed). I began looking at various varieties and labels and jar after jar had HFCS very high up in the ingredient list. Amazing! And....while I was searching for unsweetened applesauce without HFCS (found it eventually), parent after parent came by, picking up jar after jar of the HFCS-laden stuff. Too bad the companies had to ruin a perfectly good, healthy product for kids with that stuff.

My own WOE is going well....feeling MUCH better than at certain points during the holidays. Today, I even passed up wonderful-looking, delicious-smelling, frosted doughnuts at a meeting at church. MAJOR pats on the back! Dropping a pound this AM helped my resolve. :)

2014年 01月 7日

Compared to everyone else's entries, we're warm down here with 19 degrees overnight, but I believe this ties the record from somewhere back in the 1920's. We may not go above freezing all day, but might be close to 70 by the weekend! What a swing!

Still....for now, my fingers are cold and my feet have been so cold, I've resorted to wearing substantial shoes to keep them warm rather than lighter slides.

I'm paying closer attention to my foods and am feeling marginally less bloated. A few more days of this and I should be back to feeling "normal" even if the scale reads higher than it ought. It's a revelation to me how uncomfortable I can feel when I don't stay with the right foods in the right amounts. I want to rebel and have all sorts of off-plan foods or too much of the on-plan stuff, but I don't feel good afterwards, I really don't. In the moment, I like it, but... My body does not like it. The problem is that sometimes the head (and the mouth) forgets what the aftermath feels like - LOL!

I'm not going anywhere today! Staying home and inside where it's warm I'll make a haircut appointment for Thursday when it should be about 50 degrees or so. I've turned into such a wimp since living in the South.

Sadly, in a mall in the region, an anchor store - an ANCHOR! - is closing! The company still has locations elsewhere and is staying open, but the loss of an anchor in a mall already struggling might just push it over the edge. There's already one wing of this mall that has nothing in it....it's just a long, dark, hallway to one of the anchor stores (NOT the one that's closing, surprisingly).

For my entire life, malls were wonderful collections of merchandise you couldn't get anywhere else. It was THE place to shop. Much of the retail part of my career was spent running mall stores. To see a mall begin to deteriorate with store after store closing, with no replacement businesses coming in, is so sad. The end of an era, I guess. The Internet, mega-big box stores, and unique strip malls seem to be capturing the consumer dollars.


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