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2014年 04月 15日

2014年 03月 28日

Wow, it's been awhile! Seems like it was just the other day when I was on site, but I guess time flies!

I'll need to do a lot of catching up on journals!

Things are pretty much the same with me, still trying to find the "easy" way back to my goal. Sigh.

I was at Wally World yesterday and saw that the Atkins nutritionist has a 2013 book about the Atkins program, published especially for WalMart. The book has a few pages of coupons for Atkins products, redeemable at WalMart, of course. I flipped through it for a bit to get an idea if there was anything new. I WAS surprised - but then again, maybe not - that there was a part about making sure you have a supply of Atkins bars, shakes, and meals on hand to help your journey along. There also seemed to be a few more question-and-answer sections that had some information on carb cycling and other more current topics. I ended up not buying the book.

Today is my 4-year anniversary of beginning this weight loss journey and switching to a low-carb WOE. Although I didn't find FS until June of 2010, the real work began 4 years ago today. While not perfect, I'm still in MUCH better shape and health than I was 4 years ago, not to mention 70-80 pounds lighter!

This morning, I was at McDonald's with a group of women, having coffee. At one point, the conversation turned to restaurants and typical meals they would have with their grandkids and counting calories, etc. I realized that my food experiences these days are completely different than what they were describing. I USED TO eat regularly at Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy's, this sub sandwich place and that, have Chinese take-out, etc., but now it's completely different.

Most of these women did not know me when I began this journey and I very rarely talk about my weight loss. While I'm proud of my journey, and it's still a work-in-progress to me, the bulk of my weight loss is in the past and not really a relevant topic for most conversations. Ultimately, as time passes, people will come to know me only as I am right now, not as I used to be. My weight loss is a big part of my history, but it isn't my ONLY history. :)

2014年 03月 13日

2014年 03月 11日

Contractors and more contractors!

The gas meter switchout for the pool didn't go quite as expected last week, so the various parties set it up for today. So far, 2 of the 3 tasks have been completed. Fortunately, it's a warmer day (rain coming later), as we have no gas service until Step #3 is completed sometime this afternoon.

Once service is restored, I need to call an appliance repair company to take a look at our oven. It gave me a bit of a "boom" when I used it for chicken over the weekend....not a good sign. I'm not using it again until someone checks it out. I suspect we need a new igniter...or a cleaning of the existing one. That info is courtesy of a Google search and, after all, is there anything more trustworthy??? LOL!

Doggies had an exhausting afternoon yesterday, as a friend came over with her 2 dogs for a bit of a play date. One of hers is a chocolate Lab puppy, not quite 10 weeks. Between all 4 dogs, they had a great time doing what dogs do. My 2 are STILL recuperating from the energetic play session!

I received the results of my DEXA bone density scan from last week. It shows minor changes/deterioration to my bone mass. Sigh. Comes with the territory of getting older. I suspect "they" will try to give me a drug when I see the doctor next month. After reading about the drugs to "treat" osteopenia, I saw the same pattern that exists with statins. At some point, the drugs may be worthwhile for certain patients. But too often it appears it's just another case of Big Pharma expanding the range of what's considered "disease" to sell more of their drugs.

Funny, I never used to be so cynical and skeptical. :)

If there's any good news to this, it's that I'm at the higher end of results "for my age." (Shakes head.)

WOE is going well. Not that it's been easy, but I'm keeping up a steady stream of encouraging, realistic self-talk. The weight didn't fall off during my major journey and it's not going to drop off in a day this time, either. I found a wonderful article online about treating any divergence from one's WOE as a grand science experiment. Believe it or not, that perspective helped!

The article went on to say that when one gets back in the swing of things, one should take on the role of researcher/investigator, taking into account all the variables....how you feel, what you're eating, how strong cravings might be, how long the cravings last, how much weight went up, when did the weight come down again (how fast and at what rate), etc. That way, when the situation happens again, as it probably will, in some way, we can know, "OK, Day 1, cravings will be bad, yup, there they are, but by tomorrow, I'll be over them if I can just get through today." Or, "FIVE pounds??? Calm down....I know 3 will be gone by tomorrow if I can stay on plan for today."

2014年 03月 4日

I've got just 5 minutes until apple bread! I'm re-trying the recipe from Wheat Belly. That's the one I messed up on and just threw away. I screwed up my measurements and then tried to adjust (BIG mistake!), so it never set up when I baked it. It was one gooey mess.

Funny what getting the measurements right can do! Looks like it will turn out the way it's supposed to, although whether it tastes like anything I'd want to bake again, is another question.

Our pool heater is in place, the gas line has been run and the inspector passed the installation late yesterday. Now, we're waiting on the gas utility to come and switch out our meter to a larger one. THEN, we'll finally be ready to fire it up.

But the weather has turned colder again, so any use of the heater would just be a waste of energy at this point.

(Checked the bread....another 5 minutes, maybe.)

It's colder (for us) and windy today, so if I do any walking, it will be sometime this afternoon. I can always do Stairmaster instead, although the doggies will put on their sad faces that they're not going for a walk.

I did a little happy dance yesterday as the tax forms went off to the preparer. YAY!!!!!!!!

WOE is on a tipping point today. My weight did not move as expected, so after a good week, this is always when I'm seriously tempted to eat larger portions, or foods that I know are OK for Maint. but not weight loss. The bread recipe is a case in point. I guess I'm looking for a reward for having a good week. I should know better by now.

(Checked the bread. Another 5 minutes??? Hope I don't regret this.)

The bread recipe, BTW, while wheat-free and lower in NCs, is still higher calorie. If I can cut 10 slices from the loaf-pan size loaf, EACH slice is 318 calories, and 5.6 NC. Being gluten-free according to the author, the bread is supposed to be rather crumbly, so cutting it might be a real adventure. We shall see.....


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