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2014年 02月 27日

More contractors!!! I think I've seen 3 already this week and that's about 3 more than my limit - LOL!

Good news is that there's a very nice gas heater sitting out by the pool equipment, just waiting for the gas line to be installed. The gas guy was out here yesterday and we're waiting on more info from him, but nothing unusual is expected.

We opted for just replacing the heater system on the pool and not doing the other upgrades. Right now, the other equipment is working so there's no urgency to replace them. With the possibility, remote as it may be, that DH may have to move this summer, or be forced to take early retirement, well, this seemed like the best alternative.

WOE is going well, but hey, what has it been?...4 days??? Well, I'll take it. Food remains an emotional issue for me, ESPECIALLY when I feel I've successfully done tasks I really didn't want to do or feel that I shouldn't have been expected to do...or after doing tasks for which I get no recognition/appreciation. Food becomes my own personal reward. Unfortunately, food is immediate and available as a reward, unlike other things one might substitute. This is an ongoing issue that I still need work on.

The other main issue for me is that I've spent the last year plus, with less laser focus on this WOE. No, no major gluttony episodes, but just a lack of consistency, a lack of the real discipline necessary to making this happen. I HAD those traits during my journey coming down in weight, but once I hit goal, I let up, first just a tiny little bit, then more. I'm trying to refocus and resurrect that resolve I had back in 2010 and 2011.

For me, it's carbs AND calories....portion control is a must.

2014年 02月 20日

Survived another contractor....wow, 2 in one week!

Our heat pump for the pool is beyond repair, as of last fall, so it's time to look at a replacement; either another heat pump or a gas heater. I'd prefer the heat pump, just to make it easy to switch out, but there's quite literally NO ONE around to work on POOL heat pumps....and gas is certainly a faster heater.

Well, with this contractor, if we switch to gas, it means also getting a gas company to run a line out to the equipment pad. Fortunately, we have gas service on the property, but we would still need a meter upgrade. THEN...IF we add the remote control options we're looking at, he says...it makes things a WHOLE lot easier to just go ahead and replace the pump (your utility offers a rebate, he says)...and the salt cell....well, you get the picture. Just keep adding up the $$$$. MAJOR sticker shock when he left me the estimate and that doesn't even include getting the gas line run. We have to get a separate estimate from the gas company for that.

I have a feeling DH is gonna reject this the moment he sees that bottom-line figure. (Anything over about $500, unless it's for a car, is a problem for him - LOL!) We really have to decide how much warm water is worth to us. If the pool is too cold, neither of us will get much use out of it.

The other company I contacted for an estimate has not returned our call as of yet. But....I will say that the company that came out today is a big, highly reputable company....this is not their first time setting up this kind of equipment, which is a VERY good thing, in my book.

2014年 02月 18日

Survived a contractor!

Yesterday, our pest control company called to schedule our annual termite inspection for today - if possible, due to a cancellation. Oh, all right, I thought.

This morning, I spent my time straightening up, vacuuming, and in general, trying to make up for weeks of neglect! Not easy to do in just 3-4 hours! For those who don't have to get these kind of inspections, the company comes in and goes over the entire house.....closets, cabinets, every room, even the garage...at floor level and also around windows. Did I mention, they also go around the entire perimeter of the house and go up into the attic? Things like this are a necessary evil in my opinion, but they seem so intrusive to me. I tell myself that these people probably see some real dumpy places and that mine is a far cry from that, but I still stress over it more than any reasonable person would.

I skipped breakfast, proper, to do the straightening, just munching all sorts of things along the way. Didn't walk, either. Fortunately, the guy was on time, so I forced myself to take the doggies out for our full walk after he left. After all, it was partly sunny and 73 degrees! I even wore shorts! One just can't skip walking in this kind of weather.

My foods are off schedule for the day and I haven't quite decided how to manage them for the rest of the day. But I know I need something soon, as I'm beginning to feel the start of hunger building.....and that is definitely NOT good! I'm off to find some grub!

2014年 02月 14日

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

DH and I had a Valentine's dinner out for the first time in a couple years.....usually he "remembers" on the 14th and I refuse to go anywhere without reservations. This year, we decided to "avoid the rush" on the 14th and go out on the 13th. We headed for a relatively new restaurant I'd been wanting to try. This place could be AWESOME in good weather, but was a bit chilly when we got there. After we arrived, however, it warmed up when they closed the final weatherproof flap around the outer deck.

The food was fantastic, and that's the important part. Fresh, locally-caught fish grilled to perfection, cooked spinach, and a double serving of grilled asparagus (in lieu of the couscous) is what I had. DH's pecan-encrusted fish was really, really good, as well.

After a major rain event this week (you poor folks further north got the same system, but in ice and snow), I have to keep my lawn inflatable inflated for a few days to be sure it gets dried out before I pack it away. Might just be celebrating Valentine's Day right on through Presidents' Day!

This weekend, DH and I have to provide the food for our study group at church. Being as how we're the newest members of this group, we don't want to deviate too much from what everyone else has been bringing....at least not this first time! Wish I had Stef's (ctlss) expertise, as she takes goodies every Sunday to her church. I'm trying to minimize the off-plan items so we don't have a lot of leftovers. I already told DH that he should take the off-plan leftovers to his work's break room......they'll be devoured in a heartbeat!

WOE has been going fairly well this week. Of course, I want to be back at goal YESTERDAY but I'm forcing myself to look at my daily weigh-ins here at home and realize that I AM moving in the right direction. I just need to stay focused and exercise a whole lot of patience, persistence, and consistency. I found a blog online a few days ago that put forth the idea that staying the same, or fighting through the inevitable "minor" ups and downs in weight, is actually a GOOD thing. What?????? Well.....that's the premise, anyway.

Have a terrific weekend.

2014年 02月 7日

Beautiful sunny day....not quite 60 degrees, although it's taken most of the day to get that high. Doggies and I finished our walk - perfect weather for that.

After we returned, I decided to do a "me" project. I finally put out a big 6' inflatable in the yard - a goofy-looking frog with a crown on his head, carrying a heart that says Happy Valentine's Day. Looks great!

This was a real find over a year ago at the thrift store. I think I paid $5 for it, maybe a bit less! It's in perfect shape; in fact I doubt it had been used, as the tie downs and stakes were still sealed in their plastic bags. The only problem with it is that the plastic base is substantially cracked on one corner. I wasn't sure it would set up properly, but so far, so good. Even if I only get one season out of this, it would be the cheapest Valentine's decoration I ever bought. Hope it brings as many smiles to the neighborhood as it did me!


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