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2014年 02月 8日

TRAINING: Today is officially 31 days into consistent exercise (At least 1 hour per day / 6 days per week with 1 day of complete rest every 7 days)

Lower back pain: I've been training through a sore lower back for about 12 days and today seemed like I was at about 98% healthy. No pain or weakness all day or during the Kempo X workout. During the wide leg hamstring stretch I caught myself before pushing too far on my lower back. I think this is where I injure or re-injure that area.

Left ankle: During the one leg hop I've noticed for years now that my left ankle has some ailment where there is pain and weakness that prevents me from hoping properly on it (on my toes and balls of my feet not flat footed) but today it seemed much improved. That's a nice gain.

I've been pretty much eating what I want. Not particularly healthy or unhealthy. I am looking to reduce my calorie intake and also do a juicing fast. Just have to plan the right time.

Since the start of this training cycle I've lost 6lbs.

January 1, 2014
218.2 lbs
21.6 % body fat
50.1 % TBW
39.9 % Muscle
5.6 lbs Bone

February 1, 2014
212.4 lbs
20.7 % body fat
51.3 % TBW
39.2 % Muscle
5.6 lbs Bone

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
96.2 kg 5.9 kg 7.7 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 体重に変化ありません

2014年 02月 1日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
96.2 kg 5.9 kg 7.7 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 週に0.2 kg減量中

2013年 12月 27日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
97.4 kg 4.6 kg 9.0 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 週に0.2 kg増量中

2013年 08月 10日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
93.9 kg 8.2 kg 5.4 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 週に0.6 kg減量中

2013年 06月 15日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
98.7 kg 3.4 kg 10.2 kg 不十分
   コメントを追加 週に0.4 kg増量中


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