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2016年 02月 19日

I did get my work out in last night. Yay! I'm finally starting to feel comfortable with the warm up sequence on the Yoga video I've been doing. I may try moving into the stuff after the warm up sequence this weekend. It's rather embarrassing for me to say that's all I can make it through right now. I feel like I should be able to do more.

I got up early with a plan to do some Yoga this morning, but ended up using the extra 15 minutes to style my hair for once. I have managed to encourage my husband to start working out though. He tried for the local Police Department a couple of months ago, and was not able to pass the PT test. Testing comes around again in April, and I happened to ask him if he was working on it. He of course said no. I told him if he can't pass the testing again, he'll only have himself to blame for it. That seemed to be motivation enough for him.

Here in a couple of weeks I should have a loan against my 401k processed, and will put him to work doing some maintenance on the house, and we'll get our memberships at the rec. I'm super duper excited about that. I hear a treadmill calling my name to supplement until the weather turns nice.

There is a local Reiki studio offering a trial of a new weight loss program. It's not diet or exercise centered, but more targeted at the psychological and spiritual aspects of issues surrounding diet and activity. It's free, and the person running the program is kind of using us as a control group before she starts offering the program to her client base. For me, I think it will be helpful. Not that I'm unique in anything about my situation, but I have impulsivity issues regarding food, and I love both nutritious foods and nutritionally bankrupt foods, but if you put both in front of me, and offer me a choice, most often I will want the high reward food. And then of course there's always that guilt and shame while I try to convince myself I just don't care. It's a terrible thing when one lies to themselves. So getting to the root of not feeling like I deserve to be taken care of, and punishing myself for not doing so sounds like a good thing in my book, and probably pretty key to making a long term lifestyle shift.

2016年 02月 18日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
85.7 kg 0 kg 24.5 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 週に0.4 kg減量中

2016年 02月 16日

2016年 02月 16日

2016年 02月 15日

The scale has not moved, so I'm guessing my theory about sodium and water retention are bunk in this case, and I really did regain nearly a pound. It seems unfair that one day of eating out can cancel out so much hard work. My clothes seem to fit better, but maybe I am just trying to convince myself of success that's not really there.

All I can do is keep plugging away. I'm beating myself up for not exercising much last week, although logically I know part of what kept me at bay were neck and shoulder issues, headaches, and general fatigue.

I had hopes that the bed would help. It does... until about an hour after I wake up, and then I hurt again. So come the beginning of the month when I go in for a regular physical, I will inquire about Physical Therapy. I know I need to keep moving so I don't tighten up, but I don't know if some of the exercises and stretches I try to do are aggravating it. On the other hand, sitting at a desk for 8-9 hours for most days of the week really doesn't help neck and shoulder pain either.

I picked up a beginners violin book, and ordered some fret markers for my violin. I got it for Christmas from my Grandmother. Maybe now I can sit down and start getting serious about learning, and I hope the movement will be helpful to neck and shoulder issues as well. Bow work is not as easy as it appears, particularly when you've done nothing more with your arms than type on a keyboard for a number of years.

I am feeling very discouraged this morning; very much in a "I hate my body, and this is not going fast enough" mode. I'm trying to remind myself, I am not moving and eating better for a number on a scale, or for a clothing size. That has never ever ever been a good motivation for me. It's an easy goal to care about for a week, and then say, "Aww screw this, I don't care what size I wear."

However, what I do care about is struggling with things like going hiking and hunting, or picking up a new instrument. Or even this weekend, standing and curling my 15 year old's hair made my arms and ribs hurt for the length of time I had to keep my arms above shoulder height. I want to take dance classes with my hubby sometime, or even just get back out and dance.

I'm at a point where it wipes me out to clean the house. And that's no good.

I'm trying to remind myself, I'm not dieting and exercising. I'm eating and training. Not for a marathon, just for living. Because right now, what I'm doing is day to day surviving. Right now what I'm doing is not living. And living is something I dearly want to get back to doing.


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