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2015年 04月 5日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
94.3 kg 13.6 kg 30.8 kg まあまあ
   (7件のコメント) 週に6.4 kg減量中

2015年 04月 4日

It's been a very mixed day for me.

Food wise I didn't make the best choices but I can live with that. I am eating a lot of poached eggs lately since I got 3 cartons of them for free and right now free is good. I wish my job search was going better. I keep hoping but sometimes it is so demoralizing and depressing to keep applying and not even getting an interview or any interest. I ate some brownie bites and that's pretty much done it for me today. One thing I have noticed is that I still love the sweets but it doesn't take as much or as many for me to reach that "okay, that's enough. This is too sweet for me to take." point. A good thing, I think.

Harley is much, much better and is now eating, sleeping and has actually given me quite a bit of love today. That may not sound like much, but generally speaking she is standoffish to me unless she is hungry. Today there was plenty of food but she still gave me the love. Maybe she could tell I was bumming. I dunno.

Anyway, I made good progress on sewing stuff, but that was tempered by a not-quite-fight with my DH. Mostly because his mother said something about me that I didn't appreciate and didn't think it was her place to comment on. DH told me that he is stuck in the middle like a little pig. My response was two fold-- 1) that she needs to be better about sharing him--she has had him almost his entire adult life (45+ years) and that he is here most of the time and that it is easier for me to consider him going home for 2x a year for say 2 weeks at a time rather than 1x a year for 2 months (or more) to help them out with things. I still can't understand why his older sister who lives fairly locally to them (certainly much closer than we do with the Atlantic ocean between us)cannot manage to step up and do what she should do. the 2) part of my reply was that if he was a pig stuck between us chances are I would eat him. He said I would be a cannibal.
Ha, hah ha...but I do love me some bacon.........

It snowed again today which was kind of a bummer since I noticed earlier today that my daffodils and day lilies were starting to emerge from the soil. Hopefully spring really is on the way.

2015年 04月 4日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
95.3 kg 12.7 kg 31.8 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 体重に変化ありません

2015年 04月 3日

I am trying to avoid over-eating and it is as hard as I remember it being. I want to go and stuff my face full of sweet, icing coated cake, cupcakes, sugar drenched cereals and pretty much anything else along those lines.

I've managed to avoid doing that so far by the simple expedient of not keeping anything like that in the house (until today when someone gave me a package of chocolate brownie bites and I am trying to be careful with those since 2 of the little things = 220 calories! Eeeeeee!Somehow a candy bar seems like a better deal!). I'm going to pick up some baby carrots at Aldi on sunday and those along with the gala apples & bananas help me to dampen the sweet cravings.

Harley is improving, since she's now roaming around the house and picking play fights with Electra. That is a good thing, although I have to break them up since all the bald bits on Harley mean she'd be more likely to get damaged and I want her to be okay.

I tried to get some sewing done today--although with the cats all racing over my fabric (I had to lay it out on the kitchen floor) it equaled an exercise in frustration. I got the first layer of everything cut out and I'll try to sew it together tomorrow. It's the first time I am trying to make something to fit me with regard to my weight loss. It's a lot of trial and error since my duct-tape dummy is now bigger than I am so I can use that to make the draft patterns but then I have to make a muslin and put it on myself and try to alter it while looking in the mirror on the porch. (The only mirror in the house is in the bathroom and I am too short to see anything of me in it except for my nose and top of my head (unless I want to balance on the edge of the tub while touching the ceiling--its a bizarre little bathroom).

Annnnnnnyway... I've just drunk some more water and think that drinking so much more water than I used to is a big part of why I am better able to resist eating crap. I've got a crap ton of eggs in the fridge (I'm not an egg person, but being on a very tight budget right now, that's the main protein) that I am mostly poaching in the nuker. I'm debating making some lentil soup this week. maybe.

2015年 04月 2日

Still weighing in at 210 but I'm okay with that. I've had a rough few weeks and I'm proud that despite the days I binged I managed to make it right with eating less and moving a bit more on other days.

My sleep pattern is disturbed right now, going to sleep between 12am-3am and still waking up at 9am. I'm hoping the warmer spring weather will come soon since I would like to start going for some real walks and not freezing in the process.

I've had 4 anxiety attacks the past week. It's understandable, but very uncomfortable and not good. I called the doctor this am (actually I returned their call because the doc can't make an appointment for next month) and asked if it was possible to change my dosage for the med. I was told that 20mg is the highest dose do-able and that I should make certain I am avoiding excess caffeine and exercising enough. Yeah, Ok. But whatever. I'll also ask the nurse later if my MRI scans are going to be available for me to view.

Let's see if this week I can manage to take off another pound. It would be awful nice to break out of the 200+10's and into the 200's and lower...
体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
95.3 kg 12.7 kg 31.8 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 体重に変化ありません


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