Damn I fell off my plan this week and it really bums me out. I have been losing slowly for over 16 weeks (I was up to a 19.5 pound loss) and in less than a week I have put 2.5 pounds back on. I need to quit thinking a little bite of this isn't going to change anything but I can tell you a piece of birthday cake, a bag of cheese balls (because you tried one at the birthday party and it tasted so good you had to buy a bag), a couple of french fries and a shamrock shake and boom you have 2.5 pounds back on that took you 3 weeks to take off. I have another birthday party tomorrow at an pizza buffet and I have already decided that I am not gonna have anything besides a iced tea or water. I need to get my head in the program and work on me. I tell people all the time this is a journey not a race but I forgot this and the scale this morning reminded me. Just because the 25 year old can eat that stuff and still lose weight doesn't mean the old close to 60 year old can do the same thing. I need now to get in my head that it doesn't matter what the other person does, it matters what I do. My goal is to have at least 1 if not more of this gain off before my official weigh in on Wednesday.
99.8 kg これまでの減量分: 4.5 kg.    残り: 18.1 kg.    ダイエット続き: 該当なし.
週に1.6 kg増量中

3 人のサポーター    いいね!   

great mindset. And most pizza buffets have salad bars. that's my daughter favorite place to go. so I hit up the salad bar and only have one slice of pizza at the end and that's usually satisfing enough since I ashtray had a nice salad.  
2017年 03月 17日 投稿者: contrychick86
I feel you. That's yo-yo effect for you. I never believed in it until I experienced it myself. Your body tries to quickly make up for what it has lost. I read somewhere that after you reach your goal weight, it takes a year at least till your body accepts that as your new standard weight. Just don't quit! A funny quote I found said: "If you drop your phone, you don't keep smashing it to pieces. Same way with your diet: if you slip up, just pick yourself up and keep going!" 
2017年 03月 17日 投稿者: Nastasia1993
I hear you. I am really struggling myself. For me it's the sweets. I am having such a hard time passing the sweets by. My boss has a steady supply of Jelly Bellies and the cook is making amazing desserts everyday. UGGGG 
2017年 03月 17日 投稿者: gokona
It is a constant battle. 
2017年 03月 17日 投稿者: HCB
Those little bits and bites are my undoing...especially at night. I'm trying to be more mindful of when and I why I eat. It does help to think "why do I want this?" 
2017年 03月 17日 投稿者: AZSouthsideGirl
Hi, I just want to encourage you today. My mom died last Tuesday- no that's not the encouragement - but I want you to know we have struggles, we have events in life - and we always make justifications to not follow our plan. With all the stress I've had this past year - the last few weeks have been over the top. I did not pass my toboggan training - they failed me. It was a big disappointment considering all the hard work I put forth. I've been caring for my dying mother for the past year. Tuesday she left this earth to be with the Lord. It was a relief and it is also a sadness. All lots of reasons to over eat and comfort myself with the foods I love and feel I deserve. Now - because of all of this stress it's been very hard to stick to an eating plan. One thing I've realized through this is often my emotions come first - I think for most of us they all do. I just want to say to you is cut yourself some slack and start fresh again today. You've made great progress but LIFE HAPPENS! and we need to stop beating ourselves up. You did not lose the race -- you are still in it. This week I just didn't care what I ate - I didn't care about recording my food 100% and sticking to my plan. I just didn't. I just wanted to sooth my emotions and feel better. I will be honest-- food makes me feel better. However, I still recorded my food (I use myfitness pal for the most part). Some days I went way over but most days I stayed fairly close to my cal range. I had no time or energy to exercise. I chalk it up to life and a bad week. This week is a new week and I'm feeling better emotionally - I'm ready again to hit the pavement. You can too. Just don't get down on yourself for what you did. Today is a new day - move forward and start recording your intake. I use myfitness pal on my phone because it is right there all the time. before you take those few bites see what the cost is - work it into your day - don't deny yourself - but add it in. At the end of the day ask yourself was it worth it? My example is I ate a pastry on Saturday- gosh it tasted good - actually I ate 2 - calorie wise it was over 600 cals. at the end of the day I said wow, I could have ate 2 complete dinners and be stuffed for what I just spent on pleasure for a moment. Next time I will eat 1/2 the danish - still enjoy it but not use up 1/2 my days of calories - Emotions we need to embrace them or they become our worst enemy. Reflect on what is going on, and will it help if I eat this - it might and it might not but learn to work it in. Keep up the good work! you are doing awesome! 
2017年 03月 20日 投稿者: GMAMaryR





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