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2014年 08月 22日

Yesterday wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I had a long day at a convention for work. You never know what is going to be served for your meals. You have no other choice but what they serve or starve! Last year was horrible with things like bagels, cookies, pasta, deserts...ugh. I think they had quite a few complaints. Yesterday's...not too bad. At least you had good choices. Salad, meats and cheese for sandwiches...no fruit though:(! I did pretty good...skipped the platters of cookies, kept to salad and half a turkey sandwich . I had the first piece of bread I've had in weeks, a slice of wheat. Not too bad. I knew I should have a sandwich of some sort or I would wind up with a blinger of a headache.

So, not a total disaster, other than I think my scale is stuck! I'll get there, slowly but surely!

Happy Friday! Everyone have a wonderful day!

2014年 08月 16日

Oh, hello weekend! So much to do! Housework, processing garden, and it's going to be a beautiful cool day today! Great day for a hike and a picnic!

My goal is to not only lose weight and get healthier, but for my family to be more healthy. They're not overweight, but I would like them to enjoy more nutritious foods. Just because someone is skinny doesn't mean that they are healthy. I think I am making some headway!

Yesterday morning I didn't know what I was going to eat for breakfast, and was looking through the fridge, and saw I had kale that needed to be used up, shredded zucchini and ham. I've cooked for so many years, I'm pretty good at not measuring. I tend to whip things together pretty good without a recipe. I steamed the kale, put in the bottom of a baking dish, squeezed the liquid from the shredded zucchini, and put on top of the kale. I put cubed ham on next, little salt and pepper and garlic. I scrambled egg, and just barely covered the ingredients in the pan, and sprinkled just a little cheddar cheese on top and baked it until it was cooked through. Hmmm... Not knowing what to expect, I pulled it out of the oven, and it looked really good! I took a piece to work with me, and thought I'd have a piece with supper last night. Last night I looked around, and said to my husband, "Where did the stuff I made this morning go?" His response was "Why that stuff you made this morning is gone. That was really good. You can make that again!". Him and one of my sons ate the whole pan of it. I wasn't upset! I was absolutely thrilled! I would have never guessed they would have eaten that! I have made some success! Yay! So I'll be making that again, and will keep making more healthy recipes, and putting them on the table, no matter how much static I get sometimes, because the static and the eye-rolls are worth them trying something more healthy and liking it! I had to share my excitement!

Well, it's time to get moving. Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

2014年 08月 11日

2014年 08月 9日

2014年 08月 6日

I need to up my calories. I've been filling up on veggies, and some meat so I haven't been hungry at all, but my calories are way low, and I felt a little weak and light-headed yesterday. So far, so good though. 6 lbs in 10 days(changed my diet after I started, so it reset my weight)! I know a lot of that is water weight, but it's 6 lbs that isn't on me anymore, so I'm happy!

I found the coolest thing..an infusion bottle! It really doesn't take much to excite me:)! It is a glass tube with tops on both ends with a strainer in the center. Love it! I've been doing really good about drinking my water every day, but I thought it'd be nice to add a little zing to it occasionally. You add whatever you want in one side...tea bag, fruit, veggies, herbs..today, its cucumber, ginger and lemon balm tea. Not bad! I guzzled 32 oz in less than 2 hours. Tomorrow, I think fruit will be the choice! I'm sure a lot of you do something like this already, but if you don't, think about trying this, especially if you're not crazy about drinking so much water. I love water, but a little variation is nice!

The best to you all today!


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