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2010年 12月 2日

2010年 12月 2日

I can't seem to stay under 2,000 calories! omg..when is this going to end. Well, I think today's the day because my mom called me and said that Christmas was going to be at my Aunt's house this year and that my other aunt and her daughter (my cousin) lost 20 lbs. My cousin is very similar to me and she's 2 years younger. Every year I am always the fattest one...(girls that is) and I don't want to be the fat one this year!

At my wedding, my cousin was a little bit bigger than me...(well she looked it) so if she lost weight, then I'm the big one again. Not fun! I wanted to cry when she told me that. If she really knew how I felt about the holidays huh. :(

So now I have this kind of new motivation to stay on track until Christmas (and beyond) because I want to be thinner than I am now. I don't want to look bloated anymore.

We take family photos every year at Christmas so it would suck if I was bigger or the same :( :( I really want to cry :(

2010年 12月 1日

2010年 11月 24日

Well hello FatSecret Friends! Wow, I haven't done a journal entry in forever!

I bought an iPhone and downloaded the FatSecret Application :D (free btw) I love it! The best part about the app is that I can scan a barcode of something I eat and it comes up automatically with the correct calorie information. It's really awesome! It's faster than doing the search and checking to make sure it's the right item.

So, let's talk about me and what I've been doing. I am at my all time high of 210 lbs. Never in my life have I weighed this much!! It's super sad and I'm starting to get stretch marks near my belly button!!! It's really freaking me out! :( I've cried about it......

So, my want to lose weight is there, but I can't seem to stay within my calorie range to make the weight loss happen. Every day I have been counting, but I go over so much! Some of it I don't count because I just keep snacking and snacking and snacking.

Now, I know I'm not the only one out there who is dealing with this, but writing this down makes me feel a little better. Maybe I'll actually make that change and not eat late at night anymore! Ugh, it's so frustrating.

I keep going back and forth between what I want to do as a form of losing weight too. Not sure if I want to stick with Weight Watchers or Calorie Counting. They both work though because I have done both and was successful doing both. However, WW was more successful because I lost more weight on it. 25 lbs to 11 lbs.......yea WW works! They are changing the WW program come November 29, 2010. It's going to be PointsPlus or ProPoints....something like that. I might do that because it calculates more than just calories. I mean, I could eat within my calories, but have eaten pure junk all day. Does that mean I'll lose weight because I'm on track with my calories?? NO!

I need a plan with structure yet it still allows me to eat what I want to eat without feeling like I'm not depriving myself of certain foods. I honestly think WW is the plan for me. Nothing has worked better for me and kept it off longer than WW. When I lost weight on WW, I went from 185 to 158 and kept it off for 1.5 years! I'm older now....I was 19-20 when I lost it and kept it off and now I'm 24!

I am happy with my life though. I mean, I just got married. :D Been living together for a while now and we got married on 9.25.10 :D We've been together for 5 years so my husband has seen me go through all the body changes. He loves me for me and always tells me that I need to be happy. If losing weight will make me happy with my body, then do it...but he loves me how I am.

Back in January of 2010, my new years resolution was to lose weight (that's what it is every year lol) and I really wanted to get down to goal of 160 for my wedding, but it didn't happen. I remember being to good with my weight loss. I lost almost 10 lbs and then I stopped :( Something happened where I just wasn't into it anymore. It's like I lose 5 lbs and feel fantastic about myself and say I don't need to lose anymore when I clearly do! lol

I think that I need to start working out so I can at least start to feel better about myself. Once I start feeling better, I'll want to start eating better and watch what I eat.

Well, let's take this one day at a time!

2010年 05月 6日


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