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2011年 03月 24日

Day #2

Eat nothing that I should not have except a bit more corn bread. The veggie chili for lunch just isn't all that exciting without the corn bread. I figure it is all good because I had the oatmeal for breakfast. I am fairly sure I read somewhere that you can do just about whatever you want as long as you have oatmeal for breakfast. I have not weighed in because, quite frankly, I want a number. I want to see a 18... so I am putting off the weighing until Sunday night. That gives me 6 days to establish a solid downward trend. I figure since my little bar will be red until I hit 178.5 I need to at least have a nice line with a negative slope to start. I must admit I kind of wish I could reset my start weight to the 194 I am now rather than the 185 I started at so that I could see the little bars change color faster. Small victories right. Anyway, yesterday workout went well. 40 minutes on the eliptical, 5 on the rowing machine and then lifting chest and back.

Keep on Truckin.

2011年 03月 23日

Day #1 Yesterday was the first day and things went well. Managed to avoid eating any red meat, cheese or anything else that is prone to raising cholesterol or adding pounds. I had my GoLean crunch for breakfast, some vegetarian chili with cornbread for lunch. The cornbread might not be all that good for me but how bad could it be. Ok, probably really bad. I will skip the cornbread in the future. Course you jalapeno cornbread and your sweet and savory goodness. Moving on, I had stir fried vegetables, about 4oz of pork loin and a cucumber salad for dinner. Not bad. Normally I hate just about all things vegetable but the stir fry was actually pretty good. I do basically all the cooking in my house, well basically because my wife can't cook. I usually managed to "forget" to make veggies, but now that I am trying to force myself to eat mostly veggies I ave to figure out ways to make them palatable. Stir fried with a dash an anything in the fridge that appears remotely Asian seems to work.

On the getting back in to shape front I managed 31 minutes doing intervals of 5 and 6 mph on the treadmill. Not a 10K yet but it is the first day. Patients is clearly my strong suit. I also did 12 minutes on the elliptical just to get past 40 minutes of cardio without completely destroying my shins and knees. Cardio-check. Also got in my resistance training - sled press, walking lunges, dead-lifts.

Looking good Billy-Ray. Feeling good Lewis!

2011年 03月 22日

Ok, so I have totally ignored all things health and weight related for some time now. As you can see from my drop in on FS every few months and each associated weight gain, things have not been going in the right direction. I attribute that to really not trying or caring. However, each day presents a new challenge and I was just given one by my Dr. sounds like good news doesn't it. As it turns out I have enough cholesterol coursing through my veins to solve the current oil crisis. I make your average High Risk patient look like a paragon of health and clean living. On the upside there isn't a comma in my cholesterol number but something must be done. So out goes the red meat, the cheese, the beer, the booze, the burgers, the wings and it is time to drop 34 pounds and get to that 160 that I put up on FS as a goal so many years ago. I can't believe I joined FS in 2008 and never got around to losing the weight. Well no time like the present. To help facilitate this little adventure I have signed up for a 10K in August. By the way, my screen name Run4Fun was meant as sarcasm. So now I have to start running or face public humiliation and ridicule. I know all you FS peeps can't make me do the work but I would love it if some of you would help keep me accountable. Please, call me on it when the weight doesn't go down or I fail to post a weight and exercise amount. I will be posting daily from now until August 20. By then I should be 160 and able to run a 10K in under an hour. And hopefully have a cholesterol number that look less like a social security number.

So here goes.

2010年 12月 7日

2010年 12月 7日


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