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2017年 07月 19日

2017年 07月 18日

2017年 07月 13日

2017年 07月 11日

Today I failed. I failed at making good food choices and I have nobody to blame but me. We were up and gone by 6:30 this morning there wasn't anywhere really to go in and get something decent to eat so back to my old habits I flew. I have yet to hit the gym because after being gone almost the entire morning and then stuck at the computer playing catch up this afternoon my back is spasming beyond belief. I know I'm far from perfect most days and days like today are going to happen but damn it all. Eating supper and hoping by some small miracle I feel up to at least a couple miles on the bike today.
I drug my sorry self to the gym with the intent of doing at the very least my normal 10 miles, I did 7, 3 kids came in with mom (the laundry is in with the small gym we have) while she sat and watched her phone they proceeded to try every machine and argue and throw a fit. I did get in 7 and am going to go back late tonight (like when they should be in bed) and try and get my last 3 in. I wanted to weigh in as well but meh not so excited after my debacle today. Tomorrow will be better.Didn't make it back to the gym but I did scrub the kitchen floor, counters, stove top and washed up the last few dishes. Pfft now maybe I can go to bed.

2017年 07月 9日

Something I realized today,a month ago or so I wouldn't of thought twice about what I was stuffing in my face, it was nothing for me to drain a gallon of milk in 2 days on my own, to snarf down a whole pan of brownies, it just wouldn't of crossed my mid. I can't tell you what made me snap too really other than I had to get weighed prior to being put under light sedation for lower back injections,and that was eye opening to say the least. I don't want to spend the rest of my life over weight and unhealthy I just don't. I'm far from perfect on this journey but I'm learning.
Today has been a good day despite waking up with massive back spasms. I got them settled enough to be able to do my 10 miles on the bike and my leg and back stretch for my therapy. I always feel better when I go no matter how little I do on the bike. Eating has been meh today trying to always hit at least 50 percent of my rdi not quite there yet today. The problem is when I eat that much or at least I perceive it as a lot I feel stuffed so it's more probably what I am eating. Last night I scrambled two eggs and made a sort of taco with some ham lunch meat that I warmed up a bit.It was yummy and filling oddly enough so I might try that again tonight.


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