Princess Mola
2013年 02月に参加しました

160 kg
これまでの減量分: 29 kg

131 kg
成績: 週に0.3 kg増量中

85 kg
残り: 46 kg
Like so many people, my weight and names have been the most thoughts I have know all my life!!! I have always been the largest in any group from as far back as I can remember. The jest of every one!! I think about weight loss every single moment. I go to bed thinking about it and awake to find same thoughts lingering in my mind. I have made many attempts to lose weight but to no avail. I am hoping that this will be my last hurdle and not fall over this time. I have decided to go the surgical route, after 40 years of trying to lose weight, gain weight and all the yoyo activities to do with this topic. It is not the easiest decision to make but hey, if I want to enjoy the rest of the life and be blessed with or have kids, I must do what I must do... Tired of pills for blood pressure, tired of not finding the right clothes to wear, tired of not fitting into the train seats or being caught between the ticket barriers, tired of being the recipient of all weight loss wisdoms and their providers. Along with this, I have now given up dairy milk and switched to seed/nut milk instead. I will miss my tea and milkshakes but, this is a journey and I am sure there will be substitutes out there to compensate for what I may be missing. I have started off with Almonds and now, venturing into hemp and sunflower seed milk - homemade. So, no more pretence or trying to please anyone as this is for me now and me alone!! Wish me well, is all I ask!! But first, I shall try the lemon detox, raw vegetable, low cab diet, 5:2 diets and if they work, I shall call off the surgery.... :)

Princess Molaの体重の記録


Hey Chakalina
最後の計量: 週に0.8 kg減量中 Down

Princess Molaの料理帳

カロリー: 257kcal | 脂質: 10.74g | 炭水化物: 2.76g | たんぱく質: 36.06g
Tuna Bites
Delicious small tuna cakes packed with flavor and good nutrients, that are very low carb.

Princess Molaの最近の食べ物と運動

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