Have you every heard the phrase “but I pummel my body and lead it as a slave?” It was actually written by the Apostle Paul and though he was not speaking about fasting it truly is at the heart of every person who wishes to fast successfully.

Leading your body as a slave, commanding obedience to YOUR will. Our body certainly will comply in any manner of speaking as long as we lead it. So where is the dilemma? Is it not the mind over the body? Have we not all decided we will fast only to find that our mind convinced us to quit so that we may satisfy our immediate need to eat?

Can you prepare yourself to fast? I did not know I was doing just that. Starting in January I embarked on KETO and OMAD. OMAD which is eating one meal a day, I found challenging.

I “cheated” by eating before my eat window, but over time I mastered the ability to quiet the thoughts that demanded I eat before 5 PM. I began to relish 5PM, because I knew at that time I would have a most delicious meal. I “trained” in this way from January to August! From June to August I hit a plateau. I changed nothing, but kept hoping for change. They say if nothing changes then nothing changes.

August 20th I started my water fast. I didn't know how long I wanted to fast so I just started an open fast. I did a lot of reading and read your journey and learned I needed to have electrolytes something I did not know. I never asked how much to take, I just guessed... PROBLEM! I began to experience blurred vision. I approached group, they said increase SALT. I did, upping it to 1 teaspoon a day having three servings and that totally fixed the blurred vision. I also took Potassium 3x a day, and Magnesium before bed.

Early on I learned that Dr Fung said you could have FAT on your fast, and not interfere with Autophagy, not knowing it was supposed to only be a teaspoon I put 2 tablespoons. From Day 2 to 10 I was actually doing a FAT FAST not a water fast. I had no clue. My interest was in weight-loss and Autophagy. But when I learned I was not doing a water fast I quit the fat. Only on those days that I had severe mental struggles that I caved to breaking Autophagy and had bone broth with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in it and salt. OMG, it was so amazing. The hot drink it, every time, reset my mind mentally and kept me going on my extended fast.

I did have plain black coffee, unsweetened carbonated flavored water and H2O. I got sick of black coffee so I quit it all together. From day one to 16 I was averaging one pound loss a day. Awesome! On day 16 to 20 I lost NO weight at all. I was hoping I would have a WHOOSH but it never happened. On day 21 I lost .6 of a pound. From day 16 onward the mental game of my fast changed. I realized my fast was only half over, CRUSH! My fast then became a mental struggle. At first I avoided all thoughts of food, but WOW did that take such effort and energy to do, so quit avoiding thoughts about food. It seems more exhausting to avoid those thoughts than to just allow myself to think about food. Then the oddest thing happened. I really wanted to watch my husband eat so I started watching him eat. I don't know why but it comforted me tremendously to be around food and to look at it and even touch it but I never ate any of it. I would ask to go to different restaurants and I would sit across from him with my large ice water and watch every bite! SO odd!

After day 20 I was so mentally exhausted from fasting that there were a couple of days where I literally just started crying because I wanted the fast to be over. I had committed to 30 days and I could not see myself quitting. The scale was a huge motivator in the beginning but now that was gone. Though other things moved me to press on I definitely could see a major change in my face, in my clothes, and in my appearance, so though the scale didn't move I was encouraged.

When your fast gets hard it's actually not the time to quit but FOR YOU, you need to keep going especially if your body is handling the fast really well, which my body was. I did not have any adverse effects, other than blurry vision which was fixed. All my woes were mental.

One thing I found very hard was the cold that I suffered. I was freezing all the time and it felt as though somebody put about 15 lb of weight on my body, so whenever I needed to get up and do anything it felt like I was waking in deep water with extra weight, I just felt tired. Don't get me wrong I didn't feel that way all the time. About 15% of the time I felt absolutely normal, I had energy. The other 15% I was over the moon, full of energy, cleaning, talking fast, laughing, going on long walks. I love feeling that way but I didn't feel that way enough.

Fasting is a test of the mind and wanting what the reward is over the immediate satisfaction of a meal. Push yourself to deal with hunger, heart burn, sleepless nights. Because though we feel all these things THEY ARE TEMPORARY! They are temporary because YOU WILL EAT, its just not now... you have to give yourself that time to heal, to use body fat as fuel. Even when the scale stops moving, your body is in Autophagy (self-eating process and cellular cleaning) which you can not do if you eat. I lost over 10 inches of body fat. How many, many months did it take me to put on 10 inches of fat? Yet in 30 days with patience, and endurance those inches melted off.

You, my friend, can do literally ANYTHING you set your mind to. Nothing can stop you, only YOU can stop you. So don't fall short on your dream and desire to lose weight. You HAVE a tool, it is effective at weight loss, USE IT. And what helps tremendously is YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There are others pushing towards that goal with you, you do not have to pioneer the road alone, go with someone and reach your goals together!

My refeed is tomorrow. It is a bone broth base, cooked in pork shoulder (though I will not have ANY protein, only KETO approved vegetables. I cooked the pork for its fat content. I plan on returning to OMAD and KETO, but not OMAD 24/7, more like five out of 7 days,but forever I am KETO.

I am always here if you have questions!

You CAN do it! Do it!!!!! No one can stop you. Remember that!

My weight may be different tomorrow but today I'm 181.2 lbs 💛💙💜

Thank you all so much for your wonderful support encouragement and funny memes that kept me going especially when all I wanted to do was quit truthfully you indeed help me keep going I certainly didn't want to disappoint you! 💪

27 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Just WoW. Thank you for all the info...especially the "well being" advice. Just would never have understood. Very good to know what could be expected. Thanks so much. 
2017年 09月 18日 投稿者: Judyrose1997
You're welcome!!💙💚 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: Deborahg382
Wow! Thanks for sharing Amazing 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: poppycom
awesome, awesome, awesome! and just what I needed to read today. thank you!! 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: bg69
Wow indeed!! Just the motivation I need!! We need not be slaves to our bodies !! 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: Fadzo
Do Amanda I lost 24.2 lbs since August 20th. 30 days fasting. And thank you!! 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: Deborahg382
You got this DOWN ~!!!! WTG 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: DO N OK
Ditto DO N OK. Keep rocking it!! 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: chesgreen
Nice, i got motivated to continue with weight loss and start fasting. 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: Tidel Hornet
I eat 3 healthy high protein meals a day. I can't see the logic in punishing oneself; being miserable with fad diets, fasting/starving, or keto (who needs the constipation). For those of you who do these extreme things ... doesn't matter if I "get it" or what I like, I applaud you for doing what works best for YOU. Stay resolute and keep going. Never give in. Never ever quit. It takes time so be patient. Be mindful of your numbers, weigh every morning, and stay the course. Slim and healthy is job #1. 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: Jipper500
Wow, your post came right on time. I was attempting to start a fast yesterday with a coworker but I wasn't mentally prepared nor did I do any research I just blindly jumped into it which was a huge no no. I thank you for sharing your experience and also providing additional information of what is also required when doing a fast of this magnitude it is definitely more that goes into it than just not eating foods and being on liquids. I knew nothing about upping your electrolytes, salt intake, or any of this things you mentioned in your post. I did start having some issues with my vision yesterday my eyes were beginning to become tired & so was I. So today I decided I would just opt to eat 1 meal a day and the rest just liquids throughout the day. It was meant for me to come across your post and I'm glad I did. Thank you so much for sharing.  
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: redapple81
Thank you for taking the time to write this post. I am currently starting the keto OMAD. Over the last few weeks on KETO I have been drinking a lot of water and I read o a post somewhere to add in 3 teaspoons of salt... I did that and found it added 3 lbs back on, mde me bloated, thirsty and affected my blood pressures. Now reading into it seems this is due to not matching the sodium with potassium! I have also read in places that quickly adding large amounts of potassium can have adverse affects and even lead abnormal heart rythms. Can you or anyone advise in what quantities, an how often you are taking any / all supplemets andif allowed what products you are using? Very much appreciated. 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: Dleslie_sc
Impressed with what you've managed to accomplish - may that level of resolve be found in EVERYTHING you do from here onward! Proud for you! 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: From371to184
Excellent job!  
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: Charissalynn
I think what your doing is great. I believe eating healthy fats(avocados, olives) is good for you. Keeps you from getting hungry. I do intermittent fasting. I eat between 1pm and 5pm. I never get hungry. I love this type of fasting. It has worked for me. your body fasts even when asleep. Keep up the good work. you ate doing great !!!!# 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: loragib
Over half way to goal Deborah, well done!! The loses will likely slow a bit as you get closer to goal, but as long as you end each month better than the month before, you'll get there...you've got tremendous resolve working for you and that is 90% of the battle. Take care and wishing you great success!! 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: Steven Lloyd
Very Inspiring - Thank You! 
2017年 09月 19日 投稿者: perks54
Thank you all!!!! 
2017年 09月 21日 投稿者: Deborahg382
I agree I do the I Intermittent fasting. I eat only between the hours of 1pm and 5pm. My last meal being bone broth and some kind of veggies 
2017年 09月 23日 投稿者: loragib
Just reading your story gave me hope. I started my journey 12/1/17. I am down to 184.2. My biggest meal is breakfast. I do eat healthy fats though. coconut oil olives my high potassium foods are avocados coconutwater, natural. dates. I eat my carbs at breakfast. Thank you so much for sharing your story as sometime in the future I plan on a 7 day fast.  
2017年 09月 23日 投稿者: loragib





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