Really wish my mom and family would understand why I am eating the way I am and why I am terrified to eat out for not knowing what is in the food. Or eating at relatives houses because they'll use the most carb infested things on the food. I am learning what and how to eat but geez you'd think they'd be supportive instead of constantly staying just make it a cheat day. No I can't make it a cheat day. I can't make everyday a cheat day. Then I'd gain my 34 pounds back that I've lost. Wish they'd be more supportive even if I show up with my lunch box with food I can eat in it. At least I'm try to socialize and all but then they'll make fun of me saying oh well your "dieting" again. Sorry I guess this is more of a rant but I'm getting tired of all the stuff they say or get mad cause I can't eat what they are eating.

44 人のサポーター    いいね!   

They won't understand until they have walked on your path. What I do is bring what I want to eat and enough to share for others. I thought I had my eating plan all figured out,now I am going low sodium. People are more understanding when you have a disease. But being overweight leads to disease. Also, I really play the allergy card even though I have no diagnosed food allergies but another good card, "food intolerance ". I can really whine about how I felt previously after I ate something. 😛 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: ginger dog
That's good. :) I have decided I will just take the food that I can/will eat for my low carb. They will just have to deal with it and I guess I'll just have to keep telling them no. Seems like I'm getting pretty good at saying that word to everyone. Lol thank you for your advise. :) 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: emilygu
It's hard enough trying to overcome that nagging voice inside your head telling you to splurge... it's worse when those around you are parroting that voice. Know that it's not just your family though. I think most people do that. I know my friends and family do. I was diagnosed as Celiac in 2007 and every function since then I've had someone (or many someone's) say something about how I eat. They can't help themselves. Thank goodness for sites like this! 😊 we can vent to folks who really get it. 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: FooderMeister MeisterFooder
Good grief! They know all of the stuff you've been through, and they're giving you crap about food?!?! I can't even. The effort it must take for you to get out of bed each day and put one foot in front of the other in a positive direction..... They should be throwing you a parade! {{{Hugs}}} 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: kpwcalories
I hate to say it but sometimes loved ones are the worse..I had to literally threaten my husband that if he brought me anymore candy, desserts etc. home that I was moving..Seriously, this is true.Its crazy.. 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: lisacna65
Do your thing and don't let others discourage you. 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: tampaspark
stick to it, and don't budge from your mindset. Family sometimes are your very own friendly enemies. Eventually they will see that you are serious about getting healthy. And when they see you getting to a healthy weight they will compliment you and tell you how proud they are of you for sticking to your goals. Continue to bring your own packed lunch and sit and enjoy with them. Tell them it is not about the food it is about getting together with family that is important.  
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: Little Red Fox
Agreed. I often visit my in-laws, about 3 times a week. They make heavy meals and love to eat out as a family. It's rough. But worth it at weigh in time. Good luck.  
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: Mintorb
They are saboteurs. Your health is your business. Stay strong and God bless you. 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: Sarah1950
Explain to them that what matters is the company not the food on your plate, and all food looks the same on the way out!! That usually gets me a laugh and some grossed out faces! 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: Jenibeann
Weight loss is one area of your life in which you're entitled to be as selfish as you need to be. Indeed, it's a requirement. It's such a difficult battle, and your own body works against you at times, so the last thing you need is naysayers, saboteurs, and false allies, even if they *are* loved ones or relatives. If they can't support you wholeheartedly in your choices, you don't need to pay them any heed. You certainly don't owe them or anyone else any apologies. 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: EFudd
I understand how you feel. I decided to lose all the weight I've gained since high school and become a personal trainer. My friends and family all look at me like I'm crazy,mock me and do everything except support me. One of my closets friends told me "I'm more likely to be an astronaut then you are a strength coach". It's really really hard not to listen when it's ppl you respect. Embrace it. And teach them something. When they make fun of you just use it as motivation. Show them that your mentally tougher then them. And when your in great shape and have reached your goals those same ppl that make fun of you will be asking how you did it. They go from mocking you to admiring you. Which will give you a chance to make a positive impact in there lives. God obviously has a purpose for you otherwise he wouldn't have put it on your heart to do what your doing. Use it as a chance to bring him glory and he will bless you way beyond anything you ever could imagine. 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: CCRush44
Luckily my family doesn't say anything, because they all know they could benefit from eating better. Work is another story....I take my breaks in a different breakroom to avoid their comments. I just don't want to hear it! Stay strong and take care of yourself...! :)  
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: LSACE2017
My husband is trim, and he is behind my diet 100%, even though it means no brownies in the house, and no red meat or even butter. However, I can envision it going the other way were he obese. Are your relatives all overweight, Emily? I'm sure they feel guilty about eating "poorly" around you. Some women even see their cooking as an extension of themselves, and by rejecting their food, you are rejecting them! Ask for something to drink instead, like coffee or hot tea, compliment it, and have seconds. Or say you're not hungry but ask for them to wrap you up a portion to eat later at home (then pitch it). 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: Nanette61
I think that when people see that it isn't some "secret" or "trick" that gets us in better shape, but hard work and willpower, it makes them uncomfortable. It's easier to mock or joke or say "why not have a cheat day" than it is to accept the fact that weight loss and fitness are not unobtainable, they're just difficult. 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: indestructibletrevbot
Don't give up!!! You're doing it for yourself and only yourself!!! Don't worry about what others are saying. You have come a long way, 13 lbs! Wow, I wish I had lost 13 lbs!!! Last summer, my friend got me into Herbalife, I spent over $2000 thinking it would be once and for all my last fight with weight. But six months later, I only lost 17 lbs but gained it all back plus more. My goal weigh is also 135. Forty lbs to go!!! 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: thsiun
I'm sorry that your family isn't being supportive ... My family is supportive in encouraging me but when it comes to the way they eat like my husband, he eats junk food and it's hard for me to be around him because of the cravings and he doesn't understand that .... We all here support you ... I'm eating the way I do for the same reasons as you.. I'm terrified of the things in our animal and diary food... I know the health issues eating those food's so I choose to eat vegan and the benefit is much more promising .... I feel better then I ever have 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: sharletagraham
Ccrush44 I want to lose the weight to become a personal trainer too. It would give me more of an advantage to learn all I can about health and exercise. And I want to help everyone else too. My family except my dad(he's a diabetic and works outside all the time) are all chubby. Thank you everyone for your kind words. It helps so much knowing that I have amazing people to help me get past all the hateful things everyone says.  
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: emilygu
Yeah I so understand that.... I have done so much research because I want to know what is in the food we eat and because I have a 11 year old daughter who is over weight and it breaks my heart as a mom so I got curious and I was pissed off really in what I learned and I'm on a mission to get my daughter back on track and it starts with me getting myself healthy to and get her into it and make it fun for her ... I will never go back to eating meat or dairy again... Learning what I have researching and watching these documentary's I am glad I know what I know ... Their is a movie called what the health .. Watch that .. It's worth it 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: sharletagraham
Thank you sharletagraham I sure will watch that. I want to know all I can. :) 
2017年 06月 30日 投稿者: emilygu





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