Thank god it's Friday. Long, long week. Went on a date with this guy last night who seemed so nice, but then just ranted about what an awful person his ex was the whole time. Super classy. Won't be doing that again, lol.

Heading out this weekend to visit friends and go tubing, which should be a ton of fun. Going to pack my own food and drink options since I'm sure nothing else will be close to healthy.

Unrelated, but surprised that the UK voted to leave the EU. Did not expect that to happen. This has a huge impact on my company, since we do extensive business in the UK, particularly in regulated products, which have to comply to standards set by the EU. Currently in the middle of a multi-million dollar project trying to get products to pass the testing required by the EU so we can sell in the UK. Curious to see how this will change things. Only thing I'm sure of is that its going to mean tons and tons more work for me.

10 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Ah I remember the dating glad they are far gone. The worst is when a guy talks about his exes....I mean do we really want to know about your past? I dont! My current BF NEVER brought up his exes EVER. And i never really asked until on my birthday his A-hole of a friend called me his exe's name and that turned up a convo- and almost had my BF beat the crap out of his friend. Haha sometimes the past is better left where it was. Anyway- I agree move on from the guy and keep meeting people. You will know when you find him. I tell my single girlfriends to wait for that "spark" I swear it exists. Just takes some patience :D Happy friday! 
2016年 06月 24日 投稿者: Panigale1199
It seems like a lot of guys start dating much too soon after a breakup or divorce, and this is what happens. I dated a guy once whose wife had turned out to be gay and evidently that adds an extra dimension of pain that is hard for an ex to deal with. It's too bad, because this person might be a great friend after they recover from their issues. You can't be their therapist! That's interesting how the UK vote impacts your company and I guess partially explains why the markets are down so much today - so many unknowns! 
2016年 06月 24日 投稿者: trackin64
Tweet Clay. #justsayin...  
2016年 06月 24日 投稿者: jimmiepop
Notelaine, when things happened that caused us extra work, we called that "job security!" (figuring we wouldn't be laid off if there was still lots of things to be done!) Don't give up on "looking for love" -- there are good guys out there! But do give up on the ones that only want to bad-mouth exes, after all, if it doesn't work out, you could be the next one he talks bad about! 
2016年 06月 24日 投稿者: pandasmom
Have a great time tubing and put that crappy date out of your mind. The stories I could tell you. One time a guy I was dating brought his children on the date and then talked about his ex. I thought "Is this for real?" I did like the ones I could weed out quickly. That way I didn't waste any time. 
2016年 06月 24日 投稿者: Engeland
LOL - I also was thinking "job security" if you have tons of work. Just be mindful of balance and self-care so you have work and life balance for yourself.No burn-out. Dating is hard. 
2016年 06月 24日 投稿者: HCB
I have a childhood friend whom I see every 5-10 years. Every time I've seen her she has obsessed about how rotten her ex is. Her son is now in his early 30's and has moved away from her as far as he can, and I think I know why. Some people just don't get it! 
2016年 06月 25日 投稿者: erikahollister





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