It's crazy how much better I feel when I get back into challenging workouts and healthy eating. I really think that shooting for 6 servings of veggies a day has been a large chunk of that. I want to get back into juicing in the mornings as well, but I'm just too cheap! All those fresh greens add up in cost unfortunately. But we'll see.

Also, sort of related, but I've added sprints into my evening workouts, and does anyone know if there is there a way to do them without getting sick? I either end up feeling super nauseous or literally getting sick. Does this just go away with time? Or is there anything I can do to make it less awful?

13 人のサポーター    いいね!   

You can try to shorten your sprint interval until you become more accustom to them. 
2015年 12月 3日 投稿者: CatHerder
Sprints sounds like interval training - you could try moderate pace, then faster, then sprint only 30 seconds to one minute, then back down again. a true sprint in interval work means "all out" effort and you should only be able to go one minute or so - not until sick 
2015年 12月 3日 投稿者: HCB
If you're getting sick from your sprints, it means you're doing too much too soon. try slowing your pace and/or decreasing how far you sprint for the next few times you do them. Your body just needs to adapt. Stick to it and you'll be sprinting 100 meters per interval before you know it! Consistency is key. 
2015年 12月 3日 投稿者: chadlius88
Well certainly if you choose the foods to eat or avoid right before your sprints, by right before I mean within a couple hours before, high intensity stuff like that is hard to do on a full stomach without getting sick, if there is a way, I would do them before your evening meal instead of after. But I wouldn't worry about getting sick, it means you are working hard, you'll figure it out. 
2015年 12月 3日 投稿者: IAmYellowCake
I don't really eat anything before, but I have been doing 1 min hard sprint followed with 3 minutes light jogging. Maybe I'll just reduce the sprint time and see if that helps. 
2015年 12月 3日 投稿者: notelaine
I like that plan Glen, but I'd probably have to cut back the times a bit. I usually go for about 20 minutes too, or however many rounds until I feel like death, lol 
2015年 12月 4日 投稿者: notelaine





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