Alright, so I'm going to get up on my soapbox for a minute here. Feel free to skip over! :)

So, I'm just about done with people whining about and making fun of 'mythical fat people'. Now, these aren't just people who are overweight or obese, but these are 'land whales' who do nothing but sit on the couch, stuff their face with Twinkies and fast food while simultaneously whining about how they can't loose weight because of genetics or whatever.

Maybe I just live a sheltered life, but I don't think that person exists. I've never met them. I've never met anyone who's met them, but I've met tons of people who know someone who met one..... Yea... right.

I had this at work this week. There's an operator I work with who is relatively new, and he is a big guy. I'm guessing over 300 lbs. I've taken the time to get to know him, like I do with all of the operators I work with, and he is a great guy. He's passionate about animals, extremely intelligent, and so generous. We even talked about family history, where I learned that this guy has a mother who's addicted to painkillers that he's been taking care of his entire life, and he himself struggles with some mental health issues.

Now, when I talk with some of the other operators, their favorite thing to do is make fun of this guy when he's not around. Making jokes about how he's just a slob, or how he must stuff his face with Cheetos all day, or whatever.

I don't understand this. Myself even, as a currently fat person and formerly fatter person, didn't do this. Sure, I ate unhealthily, but it's not like I spent all day on my butt shoving cheesey poofs into my mouth. I worked out sporadically, cooked my meals from fresh ingredients, etc.

I've yet to meet the nasty 'mythical fat person'. I've actually had several heavier women in the office come into my office and awkwardly ask me what I did to lose the weight. Two are even coming to my gym now.

I guess I don't really have a point to this rant. I'm just tired of people assuming other's personalities and habits based on their weight.

1720 kcal 脂質: 71.99g | たんぱく質: 174.24g | 炭水化物: 100.55g.   朝食: Dymatize Nutrition ISO 100 Hydrolyzed 100% Whey Protein Isolate - Gourmet Chocolate, Fage Total 2% Greek Yogurt. 昼食: Beef stew, Carrots . 夕食: Spinach, MuscleTech Platinum Casein, Bananas, Carrots, Fresh & Easy Nonfat Cottage Cheese. 軽食/その他: Parmesan Cheese (Hard), Souper Salad Sunflower Seeds, Olive Oil, Markets of Meijer Broccoli Slaw, Parmesan Cheese (Hard), Laughing Cow Mini Babybel Mozzarella. もっと...

15 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Tough situation and I have not met that mythical fat person either but I have know a couple of guys over 300lbs that were great guys, one down fall though while they are eating a whole Pizza by themselves and drinking a diet soda and tell you I don't understand why I am not losing weight I drink diet soda and watch what I eat. Then they get offended when you tell them try two or three slices and not the whole pizza. But in the end you still treat people the way you want to be treated that is all there is to it. 
2015年 10月 15日 投稿者: Rockiesfan
I understand your feelings and seen the same sort of hurtful things said of myself and others and while there may be a degree of truth there it is not the whole truth. People judge too quickly. Assuming what they see is the whole of it and not the half that paved the path. SMH Terrible. 
2015年 10月 15日 投稿者: Pterath
Not only do they make up myths about "fat people," they make up what they have seen them do! I worked with a woman who was quite tall and also over 100 lbs overweight and after she left the owner's son told new employees how fat she was and that she kept chips and other junk food in her desk and ate all day long. I sat in full view of her desk and never saw her eat anything. The owner's son's desk was in a completely different room. I don't understand why people have to make up stories about another person's personal issues and magnify them.  
2015年 10月 15日 投稿者: trackin64
That is so sad=( Reminds of of that trending story of the big guy who was dancing int he club having an amazing time in the UK. Then he spotted a group of people making jokes and laughing at him. He then felt ashamed and stopped dancing- his photo/story went viral and some radio station through him a mega party. I am sure some of you heard this. But I cant believe people waste their time and energy making fun of others. We are all on our own journey. Also I think people who have not struggled with weight loss/weight gain and being self conscious cannot understand how hard the struggle is. I know I am not very obese but I am not near my goal. And I am the heaviest I have ever been. The struggle isn't just saying No to the is SUCH a mental struggle. It has been proven food can be just as addictive as Cocaine. I think people need to stop acting like bullies in kindergarten and get to know someone for who they are not how they look. Everyone has issues and some people deal with them differently than others. Some people do drugs...some people eat...some people even starve!!!! Everyone deals with things differently and I am surprised more people are not smart enough to realize my rant.. its good you got to know the guy! You are a good person to not be too quick to judge and joint he crowd of people in your office who resort to making fun of others.  
2015年 10月 15日 投稿者: Panigale1199
I think a lot of it is finding a target to project their own insecurities on. People gain weight for so many reasons, and it often is mental. For me, that was definitely true. I struggled with depression and anxiety and a history of eating disordered, so that caused me to just get bigger and bigger. But people don't take the time to understand that. Instead, some just make snap judgments based on these stories and caricatures of fat people they create.  
2015年 10月 15日 投稿者: notelaine
people blame obesity on slouth and glutney when in fact that's really not the case . want to read about '" Why your fat and what to about it " by Gary Taube's" and then you will understand . I cant even get into it as I get a little irate . there so much information out there and most of society has blinders on and have no clue the cause of obesity in this country . They just think ppl are Fat and lazy,, and that's not the case . 
2015年 10月 15日 投稿者: Tamarah Jo
Well said! Everyone has a struggle of their own; some folks just don't realize that we are all human beings and worthy of fairness and consideration. (((((hugs))))) 
2015年 10月 15日 投稿者: kclab
Fantastic post! it is prejudice toward the overweight. there actually was a study about employers who would hire a less qualified candidate if they were normal weight instead of the best candidate who was overweight. 
2015年 10月 15日 投稿者: HCB
Weight is a complicated issue. The medical community is just now discovering just how complex. There are so many causes and complications. If it were as simple as just eating less, none of us would be heavy. It's a combination of genetics, brain messages, food sensitivities, thyroid, diseases like celiacs, reactions to food combinations and inflammation and on and on and on. Since each of us has different combinations of these issues, diagnosis is hard, if not impossible in many cases. I was 65 before we figured out my main issues and we're still working on it. Prejudice, in any form involves insecurities, ignorance and a lack of empathy. Unfortunately, we are left to live with these idiots who have NO CLUE. 
2015年 10月 15日 投稿者: Johanne
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Some people just don't get it. No matter the race, creed, color, religion, size, etc....we all have feelings. Our journeys and paths may be different but all people deserve the respect of others and should expect and demand that respect for ourselves. I make it a point to stand up for anyone who is the brunt of anyone's verbal jabs. Makes no difference if it is behind their backs or to their face. It is better to face the beast than to stand by silent. Others will think you agree if you don't put your positive point across. Just do it nicely :) 
2015年 10月 16日 投稿者: kattay





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