My weekend was okay. I pulled on some comfortable clothes and a pair of the ridiculously high heeled sandals I enjoy wearing now that I don’t have to endure Cutty’s comments about them, tossed a change of clothes and ziplock of food for Mushy in my ever ready ‘go bag’ and played a geographical game of ‘spin the bottle’.

With no plan or agenda, I placed 4 bottles of water upright on the floor representing directions and spun the fifth. Then I plugged the farthest town in that direction into my TomTom and off we went.

I need to spend a little more time familiarizing myself with that device this week to find the ‘back road, scenic, no particular time line’ setting. It kept wanting me to get on the major highways and after an hour of ignoring it’s directions it stopped talking to me. I think it was exhausted from stating ‘recalculating route, AGAIN!’ I laughed as the 'turn arrows' increased from one to two and eventually three as if saying 'get a clue you idiot!'

If you’re thinking ‘why bother taking it at all?’ I wanted help in case I got lost. I didn’t want to spend my time on the Texas equivalent of the Daytona 500 whizzing by endless restaurant chains and malls while negotiating multiple lanes of road rage. I’ve driven in NYC, Detroit and LA. Texans are, seriously, more aggressive. I’ve even driven the Jersey turnpike at 5PM and was surprised to see drivers politely waving me on for the merge. In Texas, you’d be road kill.

And now you know why I’ll never be invited to work for the travel bureau.

We stopped at yard sales, trades day, you name it. Short of spray painting “I’m a girl” on her, I give up. Even with the purples ruffles of her new harness people still referred to Mushy as ‘he’. I took great joy in telling everyone it was her birthday. She even jumped in the lap of a stranger at a roadside flea market. I wish I had her nerve. I may take a page from her book. Hmm.

I ate food I haven’t touched in two years … beginning with a cinnamon roll and a kolache for breakfast. I don’t feel I ever ‘over ate’. Even the burger I ordered was a ‘junior’ (kids) burger. The taste without all the quantity. I overdosed on the canned Starbucks Mocha double shots but drank plenty of water in between. And I'd carried apples with me. So it wasn't all junk food.

I listened to two audio books as I drove: “Orange is the New Black” (as I’ve binge watched both seasons on NetFlix and want to know how it ends. I guess I know how it ends, she serves her time and gets a TV show. Yay Piper) and “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hays. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve listened to this book yet each time still reveals a new idea. Maybe it just depends on ‘when’ I’m listening, what I’m open to ‘hearing’.

At times I’d find the directionless, agenda-less meandering a little boring. Breaking the old habit of only being in the car to go to trade shows or hospitals by the quickest route is taking some time. Being able to stop for lack of a timed agenda, making U-turns to ‘check that out’ and just aimlessly marking time is unfamiliar to me. But, it's coming back.

I’d talk that out with Mushy. We did finally go in a direction of a place we knew and stayed there overnight. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t great. From that I concluded I needed to stay in exploration rather than revisitation mode for a while.

Yo, I need a conversion on the 75 in 31 please. How many miles do I get for running in the hotel halls with Mushy? She has become addicted to that. I guess it’s the soft padded air conditioned carpet or something. On the cool marble floors of the lobby she flops down her belly portraying a ‘I’m so exhausted you’d think she had me pulling the car’ position. But get her on carpet and you’d better Hang On or pick up the pace.

So yeah, I’m the woman with her ridiculously high heels in one hand, leash in the other, laughing and running barefoot with her ‘fat dog’. I decided to forgo my aggressive defensive reaction to those comments this weekend and skip the lectures choosing to remember the old saying, ‘Never argue with morons, it confuses the onlookers.’

I’d like to see some of those folks run with her. She probably clocks out about 4mph because it takes everything I’ve got to keep up with her. But then again, I’m carrying the shoes.

I did leave her in the suite (despite her protests) and have dinner in a fine restaurant. Alone. I’m getting a little better about that. After a day, well, two days counting the solitude of the holiday, of talking only to myself and Mushy, I had an overwhelming desire to exchange conversation with a person.

I ordered a second vodka rocks glancing around the room wondering if I could work up the courage to approach someone. I did not. I merely sipped and composed my opening line, “I need to talk to a stranger. Do you mind?” But everyone else was paired up in even numbers. So I finished my melt in your mouth filet mignon and sauteed mushrooms and left. Shopped a little in boutiques but no purchases.

Would I have talked to a stranger? Yeah. I was remembering the night about 15 years ago I was in Nashville; the hospital phoned and informed me my Grandmother had finally passed away. She’d been on ‘any day now’ for a month and it seemed she waited until I left the state to finally let go. I’d already made all of the arrangements for her funeral including her clothing for the viewing so everything proceeded and I was back in time for the service.

But that night in the restaurant the singer on the stage performed, “Help Me Make it Through the Night.” That was her favorite song. I ducked my head and fought back tears in public. A man at the table next to me asked if I was okay. We talked for hours. I was only there alone because Cutty was off somewhere else at a ‘no wives allowed event’ with his colleagues.

We walked over to the Gaylord and crashed several events; never lingering long enough at any to get ‘busted’. It was kind of fun. Never exchanged names or anything else beyond a few cheap schwag items lifted off the greeting tables. I got a ball cap for Cutty at one of them. It was just a nice memory and I would have liked to have done it again.

The only drawback to hotels is Mushy is hypersensitive to the sounds of other guests and wakes constantly in alert mode. Translation, we never sleep that well. Even from the bedroom buried far back in the suite, she can hear people as they pass in the halls. I consider that a blessing that she’s such a good watch dog. Maybe I need to stay over several nights in a row to help her settle a bit.

And that’s my adventure. As I was getting ready to leave I did phone Blondie and ask if she wanted to go; no answer. No call all weekend even. I find that strange. She came over and asked ‘where’d you go?’ I responded ‘You don’t go, you don’t get to know.’ That’ll teach her. Or not.

It was probably best she didn’t. I need to spend more time alone and figure out who I am now and what I want. It’s only 5 days until the weekend again.. hmmm…

Thank you for stopping by and visiting with me. Hope you are having a wonderful day in your world.


11 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Love reading about your adventures. Thanks for sharing.  
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: mgrill
Happiness and sadness in the same journal - I can picture you running down the hotel hallway with your high heels in your hand, that's the happiness. But you do sound lonely. I'm glad you got out and about though and didn't just stay home. You may not think of yourself as fearless but I think you are. It takes some courage to just get up and go like that. Perhaps next time you'll find someone you want to talk to and the courage to just do it. I'm so glad you've got Mushy. Hugs Bells. 
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: sarahsmum
As far as Mushy goes, as a child I always thought that dogs were boys and cats were girls. That kind of stuck and now I usually assume that any dog I see is a boy. BUT, I would think that the purple frilly stuff would help with the distinction... Sounds like you had a nice adventure. 
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: DarleneW101
That sounds pretty ballsy. I am uber imprepressed. (Both taking a road trip to no where and jumping into a stranger's lap.) I need to put both on my bucket list. :) 
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: tiarew
Wow! I smiled all the way through. What a wonderful life. Keep living it to the fullest Miss Bella!  
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: Sweet Ce
:) Give yourself a mile for every 10-15 minutes of cardio. 
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: Annabelle3117
Oh Angel, I've missed you so, and am so thrilled to hear your adventures and that you're getting out & about. Good for you! xoxox 
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: Ruhu
I love that you did this and are planning on doing it more. With a mind like yours I would hope you would never be lonely because you are very interesting. I get it though. :) 
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: Neptunebch
I love your adventure too! I can't wait to hear about where you go next and what you get to experience. I bet you'll be talking to strangers in no time and mushy will start to be a little less on alert with each adventure you take. I wish I could go somewhere now but I've managed to tie myself to my home between carsick kids and well.. a farm full of cows that demand taking care of. Keep up the adventures so I can live them through you! :) 
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: Ms Elizabeth
Yo - I get that mile cardio conversion thing but how do I measure the hotel hallways and laughing? I think that's worth at least a mile or two. Maybe I'm using the new math :-) 
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: FullaBella
How long were you laughing and frolicking through the hallways? Guesstimate and go from there :)  
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: Annabelle3117
Well, I may be using the metric system but I think running in the hallway with my dog, laughing, is worth 10 miles. Care to challenge me? LOL. 
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: FullaBella
Lol I never would, Bella :) 
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: Annabelle3117
That is pretty awesome to be able to get up and go. I love the response to Blondie, I may have to use that one day. I guess I better go somewhere first, LOL. A new adventure awaits... 
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: ChicaLean
Sounds like so much fun just taking off and going somewhere unknown! I love reading of your adventures. What a great way to find yourself and have some fun. 
2014年 07月 7日 投稿者: SJacqueline
I used to talk to strangers all the time (when I was young). I was never stuck for words. These days I 'run' conversations through my head and leave it that. Is it an age thing. But now I have Ash, I have talked to more strangers then I really care for ;). But Kudos for just getting up and going! 
2014年 07月 8日 投稿者: schmetterling34
Brilliant... Good for you. Re the tom tom... I have one, and on the settings it has a bit that says, take main roads - or maybe most direct route, or fastest (fastest will be the main roads usually).  
2014年 07月 8日 投稿者: Sk1nnyfuture
Bella, I love that you are living your life with or without others! Do what you want and see where the road leads. Like I said before, you're definitely one of the sassiest and ballsiest ladies I know! Sorry, I'm not writing much these days, but I'm doing very well and I'm reading every single one of your journals. Have a super fantastic day!  
2014年 07月 8日 投稿者: Josie Ann
What kind of kolache? Since I've discovered that an "authentic Texan" one s the best kind, I've read recipes of different fillings (I made some using cherry pie filling; I want to try authentic). I'll give them all away (except the one I taste test), but I want to try for the best. I love reading about your adventures, too! Talking with strangers isn't easy for me, but I've found that once I start having positive conversations with people, I look forward to it. The barista, someone shopping at a store I'm in, people at the gym, etc. I love your memory of that evening of fun with the stranger.... 
2014年 07月 8日 投稿者: crabby Kat
Wow - is it weird that I am flattered by the use of the word 'ballsy' twice in the comments of this one journal? I really like that. Ballsy Bella. Kinda makes me walk with a little more swagger here in Bellawood. Yes, Isabel, there is both happiness and sadness going on here in my life.. you're right. I'm trying to allow both to happen without restriction ~ one day at a time, aye? Darlene, you know, about female cats and male dogs; I think I did the same as a kid. Kat, the kolache was sausage - or aka - pig in blanket. Yeah, w/Mushy, I get to have conversations with tons of strangers. Most want to tell me sad stories about their dogs. I must just have that sympathetic face. 
2014年 07月 8日 投稿者: FullaBella





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