Just got into week 5 of the P90X routine. Had to work it in late Friday night because we had to leave for Chicago that evening. Didn't have time to go to the gym but used the bands and it was pretty good. I do prefer the free weights for ease of motion and sustained resistance throughout a movement but if you're in a pinch or traveling, the bands are not a bad temporary substitute.

ONE-ARM PUSH-UPS: I got a messily 4 reps in but they weren't even all the way down. I definitely have to work on how exactly to twist my body to get my weight down on one arm.

CLAP PUSH-UP: I did 7 but since it was towards the end of the workout I was pretty beat up. Will work to get 12 reps comfortably.

UPDATES: I took a break from exercise, healthy eating and my regular schedule this weekend because I was in Chicago celebrating my parents 70th birthday's (3 full days). heard right, Chicago, celebration and a long road trip (Driving 16 hours each way) is not conducive to a good health plan. But I'm gonna count this as a 3 day "cheat day" lol. One of the first meals on the road was good ol' Cracker Barrel, Chicken friend steak, eggs, grits, sausage biscuits and gravy and that was just for breakfast and before I made it to Chicago. One of the last meals I had was a Denny's bacon, bourbon hamburger with season fries and the wife tops it off by getting fried blueberry pancake balls with ice cream, confection sugar and a white syrupy something that I'm sure had 3000 calories per lick. lol

OK...we'll now that I'm back in NYC, it's time to get back to LIKE.A.BOSS. Starting off this week with a 3 day juice fast/detox. Gonna re-watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and get back to my workout schedule. Also starting back up my Muay Thai training at Evolution. Overall my body feels pretty good so I'm looking forward to this! I'm always reminded it's not how many times you fall off the horse that matters, it's how many times you dust yourself off and get back on that bronco. Alright here goes!






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