I really fell off the wagon on Friday. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. I don't blame anyone but myself. It was due to lack of planning and weakness. Because of it I have no weight loss to record. :-(

I just heard this or read this somewhere, can't remember: Plan your work, and work your plan. Dieting, or changing your eating habits, is all about planning. I have all of the right foods in my refrigerator/pantry, but after 10 hrs at the office, shopping after work, it's late when I come home and I don't feel like cooking a meal. I should use today and tomorrow to plan my food.

Last night I had a girlfriend over for dinner and some serious chit-chat. I made the Parmesan crusted pork chops, steamed broccoli with cheese sauce, and Atkins coleslaw. It was all good. She probably didn't even know she was eating low-carb. For dessert, I made the peanut butter cookies. (both recipes are in my Cook Book) These cookies were a little dry, but filling. It could be because of the peanut butter I use. It was natural and it had been in the refrigerator, so it wasn't soft and creamy. I tweaked the recipe a little bit. I added a little salt, since my pb didn't have any salt in it. I also added some cocoa to the splenda. Thought this would make it a chocolate-peanut butter cookie. Apparently I didn't add enough because I could barely taste chocolate. The other thing I did was use two eggs.

I thought my challenge started today - 25 crunches a day, but apparently it doesn't start until tomorrow. Oh well, I actually started yesterday. So, I'm already two days into it. I haven't exercised in quite some time, not years, but maybe a year, and boy it gets tough. Will hang in there, though. I'm setting up my basement to be my workout area. I have more room to move around down there then in my family room. I need to start slow by taking walks around the block or doing my Walk Away the Pounds video. It's early, but maybe I should take my walk now.






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