My journey has been an example of what not to do when you want to lose weight. I was doing so good and sticking to the plan and slowly losing and then life happened. My daughter and grandkids moved in with me and she starting cooking every night instead of me having my salads. The kids need junk food for their lunches so junk food once again moved back into my house. The kids like pop so more pop moved into the house. I managed to stay away from these temptations for months and then I hit the wall we all hit and gave up. I tried to restart time and time again and work got busy and the stress went up and I fell again. Now spring is here and I am trying to walk every night to get ready for the race for the cure in June and now its time to take charge of my eating again. I dont like how I feel, I don't like how I look in my clothes and nobody can change that but myself. It bothers me that I see people on here that work hard and me their goals and lose the weight and that should be me, I should be a work in progress not a want to be so my goal today is to start fresh put past mistakes behind me and start journeying my food again and walking more till I am that success
103.0 kg これまでの減量分: 1.4 kg.    残り: 21.3 kg.    ダイエット続き: 不十分.
週に0.6 kg増量中

14 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Walking is a good way to start. Keeping track of what your doing will help you find your way back to better health.  
2015年 05月 9日 投稿者: health 4 me
Your home, your rules. Those kids DO NOT need soda and junk food. My son gets cut veggies in his lunchbox with a water bottle. Put your foot down and clean house. Your daughter should support you and a healthier lifestyle. 
2015年 05月 9日 投稿者: Bethlauren8
I am a mother of five kids that still live at home. (i have three grown up kids as well, so yes 8 in all). I agree with bethlauren. Kids dont need that kind of stuff. I got hooked on pop when my mom would put it in a baby bottle for us. Sadly for awhile i did that with my kids to. but since then I learned and its water water all day long for them. As a treat once in a while i let them all share a pop. But i know what its like when other people are cooking. I gained 20 lbs when my mother in law was cooking. Now we have a place of our own and our life seems back on track. This is day two of my new diet...i have never dieted in my life. Your the Mom take charge!!!!lol. You can do this!!!!!! 
2015年 05月 9日 投稿者: malindapugh-miller
As Bethlauren8 said, from when children need junk food and soda etc. It would be good that all your family start eating well!! And yes, your daughter should support you.  
2015年 05月 9日 投稿者: Happy Free Runner
I'm so sorry you're going through this tough time! Last year at this time my son's family (all 6 of them and their large dog) moved in with my husband and I. They were going through some very stressful situations, and even though I may have wanted to make changes to their diet and schedules. I knew that this time of stress and transition was not a good time for more changes in their lives. I modeled a healthy lifestyle, but chose to treat my son and daughter-in-law as the adults and parents they are and stepped out of their way. I'm happy to say they have weathered their family storm and are once again living on their own. I smile (inside) when I see they have implemented some of my lifestyle into their family and my DIL even calls for healthy suggestions! This is a stressful time for all of you. Be kind to yourself by eating healthy and taking care of yourself... It not only helps you, but is the best example you can set for your family.  
2015年 05月 10日 投稿者: Hipaagrammy
I totally feel you right now. Today I started once again to make better choices. With me being the only one in the house that is trying to eat healthy, its hard. My hubby is not on the same path as I am and brings in all types of treats for my children. I do regulate when they have it. They will have it either as a snack or dessert. But I would rather not have it in my home at all It is a struggle for sure. I am glad that you are heading in the right direction again. 
2015年 05月 10日 投稿者: straightpath5





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