Imagine you have a craving, gnawing at you & so you are standing in front of your refrigerator, with the door wide open,looking for something to satisfy it. You see a large variety of things to eat yet none of them seem to be appealing to you right now.You don't want to just grab something you see & eat it,even tho' the majority of what is before you,if not all of it,is healthy,nutritious foods you like,because you know doing so doesn't guarantee your craving will be squelched.So you continue to stand there with the door open. Then you decide to bend down so you can reach inside, moving things around in hopes to see if *maybe* something you want will be hiding just behind whatever you touch.But it isn't. You release a long,deep sigh & *still* stand there with your hand on the door handle,eyes gazing at the refrigerators contents.You back up,slowly closing the door,resigning yourself to defeat on "getting a fix" but realizing a gain in victory over a "with-drawl". BAAAM! You *did* it! The "craving" gnawing at you is GONE!It was all in your HEAD.

(Refrigerator=FS Community*Craving=Motivation*Food= FS Buddys: Explanation /Application will be clear later....I hope :> )

There was a fire lit under me this week & I owe it to all of YOU!Todays Journal Entry is in dedication to the whole fs community,with a *special* thanks to:

CHICA-We begun our journeys at the same time & have encouraged each other from *day one* & continue to do so.I LOVE that we even hit our quarter mark of weight loss around the same time altho' you have managed to keep your new color while I am still in efforts to get it back :D

BELLA-You have succeeded in reaching & maintaining your weight loss goals & by way of your Journals,past & present,continue to do so on a daily basis,while at the same time giving strength & confidence to me & others here that *we* can do likewise. Your example is sterling!

ROB-What can I say,Buddy?! YOU are my "go-to guy". Anytime I have a question that needs more clarification,a strategy that needs implemented,or knowledge in general YOU are the one who seems to put yourself out there for me!(& if the comments you get back on your posts can be an indication,others as well) AND, you do so is the most humblest of ways.

MRSMOLE-Dom,Your Journals can get me *thinking*,& I really *like* to think! :D Afterall,if we aren't learning(thinking) about how we can do this (or anything,for that matter) for *our self* we will *never* be successful at the end results. By merely accepting what another says without fully getting the grasp of how it applies or not we set ourself up for failure ,or worse,a vicious cycle of the same old thing. And thru all your trials & errors you keep an attitude that,to me,seems solid & unbreakable. Very much admired.

NM-Bruce,Your humor,your experience in what you have accomplished as regards your weight loss goals,your speaking out on what you perceive to be incorrect/inaccurate,etc.,& your acknowledgement/ acceptance at times when *you* are the one who's thoughts are in need of changing, are very helpful & encouraging.Your self-proclaimed tendency to "be hard" on us coupled with your intense desire for us to succeed is not only generous but motivating(when it's accepted in the spirit in which it's given.)

TIM-Ever present in your "touching my heart" in support of my Journals,comments, & weigh in's,it truly *is* the little things that can "make or break you". Please know I am very grateful for your thoughtfulness which lead to your actions. :D

DRAGLIST-Bill, Thanks to you for accepting my request to join what you describe as the "Super Stars". A person can only learn so much from observing & I have learned a lot, but to move *forward* is my goal & I am READY for what it takes! I really can't see it "working" any other way.(Insert NM's signiture quote here.) :D

and my newest Bud's:
KRIS-Your weight chart & food diary proves YOU GOT IT GOING ON!
PUHPINE-Maud, :D It's not us :D
Thanks to both of you for requesting to be my buddy!


Does what we think in regards to ourself match up to what others think of us? Does it matter? The answer to those questions may differ from one person to another, so does that mean because one doesn't *agree* with the other,that one MUST be wrong in their answer? Think about how you would answer those questions before you read further,please....

"Be concerned more with your character than with your reputation. Your character is what you really are. Your reputation is merely what others think you are."--John Woodin
"He who knows others is clever,he who knows himself is enlightened."--Lao-tzu
"Many are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves."--James Allen

After reading the quotes, did your answers change? Why? Why not?


Knowledge & Gratitude are powerful! Either one,depending on it's existence in us, MOVE US,to do (or not to do).Determined by what WE think.What happens to us if we can't make up our mind? Questions are so important! However the *answers* tell a great deal more, about each of us.According to Martha Beck (& I happen to agree with her)in an article I read after clicking on a link in CHICA's Jan 2 Journal,Drop the Nachos!Focus!--
"Chronic dieters became more successful at weight loss after a *single* day spent learning to think differently.But the ones who ask me for the science behind *thought based* weight loss always seem bored by the dramatic findings.'Oh man,thats complicated.'they say.'I think I'll go back to the key lime enema cleanse.I lost 8 lbs that way & insurance covered most of the medical bills.'


She (Martha Beck) went on to explain how we have 2 sides, in particular, to our brain. The side that wants to be slim & healthy is referred to as our calculating or computer-like brain(CYBER)& the part that lies beneath it,she says is a more "primitive" layer that some call "the dog-brain".(I wondered if that's where the phrase "That's a dog-brained idea!" came from.anyway..) Beck says that this part of our brain couldn't care less if we get thin & healthy.The dog-brain wants us to be well-fed so when the 2 "war" CYBER eventually loses. Always.
She describes our nervous system as having 2 toggles:when 1 is on, the other is off. They can not be simultaniously on or off. The first toggle is:FIGHT/FLIGHT,the 2nd toggle is:REST/RELAXATION.
When CYBER-BRAIN takes control,restricting food,DOG-BRAIN thinks we're in dire straits & flips the FIGHT/FLIGHT switch releasing hormones that cause us to crave calories & store them as fat. When this process goes back & forth(yo-yo dieting)& is combined with hostile/negative thoughts(berating ourselves)DOG-BRAIN is convinced it's in a war with an abusive MONSTER,who hates & deprives it. And he's right! The abusive MONSTER is US! DOG-BRAIN gets anxious & obsesses with food.WE DO TOO! As long as WE FIGHT with DOG-BRAIN, CYBER will stay in hiding.
"The physiological starvation/avoidance system means that consciously controlling our weight is like throwing a 400 lb porpoise thru a hoop 10 feet in the air." It ain't happening. How do you get the porpoise thru the hoop? Gain it's loyalty,it will jump thru on it's own.


By a special technique Ceaser trains out of control dogs. He has a word for that technique. RESPECT.
What does Beck call her technique: So far.
S-STOP,be still.
O-OPEN,(relax,close eyes,breathe deeply,soften muscles,smile)
F-FORGIVE,it's hard to do the "O" step without doing this step.
A-ACCEPT,we are imperfect humans,once we do,CYBER comes out of hiding.
R-RENEW,your commitment to RESPECT yourself.

It really is that simple!

It's always nice to have "connections". Here are some for you!
Mind & Body...What you think about you bring about.
Food & Body...You are what you eat.
Exercise & Mind/Body...Use it or lose it/Use it *to* lose it.

I believe unforeseen occurrence befall us all but I do *not* believe in fate. I believe that for every cause there is an action *behind* that cause. "Where we are now in life is because of the choices you made in the past. Where you go with your future is based on the choices you make today." "When (man) realizes that he is a creative power & that he may command the hidden soil & seeds of his being out of which circumstances grow,he then becomes the rightful Master of himself."--James Allen

May YOU all enjoy this Journal Entry today as much as I did learning it!!!

81.0 kg これまでの減量分: 6.2 kg.    残り: 26.6 kg.    ダイエット続き: 該当なし.
週に0.3 kg増量中

9 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Congrats on standing there long enough to regain your right mind. That's a huge step! Next time, have a big glass of water and see if you were just thirsty, maybe? Great job, and thanks for sharing! 
2014年 04月 6日 投稿者: mrsmole
Great job! I agree, try water next time too! 
2014年 04月 6日 投稿者: JeanineDS
Wonderful journal Tic - thank you for the nod. Yep, my kitchen gets quite lively with all of my FS friends there with me in spirit when I find myself wanting to eat based on a craving rather than hunger. I think that's what has helped with the 3M's - (midnight munching madness) - I finally figured out some of you stay up later than me and just put you on nightwatch :-) 
2014年 04月 7日 投稿者: FullaBella
I didn't actually do the opening paragraph,it was an illustration (& apparently a poor one,as it went over 3 of your heads :D ) I actually sat in front of my computer/fs community(refrigerator)looking for something to motivate me (My craving) & as I checked out everyones postings (food for thought)I finally closed the door (looked up other sites).BAAAAM! article on CHICA's reference,Bill's site DIET TRUTH,books I'm reading.....anyway ,then I wanted to share what I consumed in my "raid". That my Buddies are a great substitute for what ails me! 
2014年 04月 7日 投稿者: myawethinTICself
It’s wonderful to see your evolution in this process. That’s one of the many things I appreciate about this site. You get a chance to witness and learn from the journey of others. I now acknowledge the many symptoms I exhibit of disordered eating and how I never really took time to identify cause and effect in the past. I just went through the cycle of eating and purging. And I was fine (so I thought I was) with this method and probably would not have bothered to check why I was on this pattern of self abuse until the dreaded day the scale started changing. The girl and now woman that could out eat a lot of men without gaining an ounce was now gaining as a result of a sedentary lifestyle and an eat everything in sight appetite. After joining FS I got an opportunity to take a look at some things that I have ignored, I will never be perfect but I will continue to make myself better. And while I may fall off track it’s different because of my FS journey. I know have tools, support, and a family of people that are experiencing similar battles. This site is so much more than just weight loss focused, it’s completely awesome. Well to make a long comment to your post a little longer I want to thank you TIC and all my FS buddies for continuing to post, share and teach. You guys are special folk! 
2014年 04月 7日 投稿者: ChicaLean
CHICA-Thank you! I feel the same way :D 
2014年 04月 7日 投稿者: myawethinTICself





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