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2016年 08月 17日

I felt GREAT all day on Monday following my gummy bear cleanse. LOL But now my friend Jaci (my photography buddy) is in town. She came this time to put her little house here on the market, so it's kind of a sad time for me, because unless I go visit her in Florida, this could very well be the last time I see her.

We met for dinner at the Golden Corral Buffet Tuesday night after I left my volunteer job. I had had nothing to eat all day, so that didn't go very well. I did, however, eat better than I've eaten there in the past.

Today was camera club, and once again I had not eaten anything all day. By the time the meeting was over, I was starving! Jaci and I again went out to eat -- this time at Olive Garden. I love their salad. Also had cheese ravioli and marinara. I'm not a big fan of Italian and don't eat a lot of pasta, but it hit the spot today. I'm not a big cheese lover either and really can't understand why people request them to put cheese on top of something that's already cheesy, but that's just me. God knows I have enough bad habits. Don't need that one too!

After lunch I took myself to Bed, Bath and Beyond, where I bought my first-ever coffee grinder and an Oxo brand tabletop spiralizer. Look forward to having zoodles with my marinara next time instead of pasta.

I'm a self-admitted small appliance and kitchen gadget freak, so I could really go crazy in BB&B if left to my own devices. But I decided just to look around and made a mental list of items I'd like to have or that would make my life easier. I will use them to reward myself for good behavior once I start losing again.

Tomorrow night is TOPS, and the way I've been eating the past two days, I seriously doubt if I'm going to be the Biggest Loser this week. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'll be showing a gain. But I won't beat myself up about it. I'm still not eating Tootsie Rolls and DEFINITELY won't be eating gummy bears of any brand or variety! (I did, BTW, read the reviews of sugar-free Haribo gummy bears on Amazon. Sure wish I'd read them before I bought those on Saturday! It reads as hysterical, but it sure isn't when you're in the midst of the hellish reaction to them!

2016年 08月 15日

Been AWOL for a few days. On Saturday, we FINALLY had a day of sunshine and 0% chance of rain. In order to restore my soul, I knew I needed to go for a drive with my camera, and I chose as my destination the historic town of Abbeville, South Carolina, about 1-1/2 hours south of my home.

While I didn't enjoy the drive nearly as much as I do when heading through the mountains up to Asheville, I LOVED the town and discovered on the way there and back some other places I'll have to return to to photograph another time.

I mentioned before that I had given up my Tootsie Roll addiction and was cutting way back on sugar in general. Well, in Abbeville I visited a very interesting place called The Pantry Shoppe. One of the things I bought there was a container of sugar-free gummy bears. Don't know why I felt I needed them, but I guess being sugar-free I felt they weren't as much of a threat. Well, that was a HUGE mistake! I ate not the whole container (as I might have in the past), but quite a few while on the computer after I got home that evening. Endless hours of suffering and dashing to the bathroom ensued. I was up half the night thanks to those little gems, which worked way better than the stuff I drank for my colonoscopy prep!

Yesterday, my tummy still felt "iffy" so I stayed home and ate hardly anything until last night when I just had something very light.

That day of light eating and lots of good sleep must have done me a world of good. I slept through the night for a change and woke up at 6 a.m. feeling terrific! My normal chronic pain is very minimal, and I have tons of energy today, with my brain clicking on all cylinders. So far today I've been a whirling dervish in terms of accomplishing things around the house. Sure wish I could have more days just like this one!

2016年 08月 11日

2016年 08月 11日

For the past few days I have been trying to catch up on accounting for TOPS. I procrastinated and now am trying to make up for lost time before the annual audit is due. It took me three days just to find my error in the January financials! In the past I might have gnawed on a bag of Twizzlers in my frustration, but this time I chose to crunch on baby carrots instead. That's progress! Sadly, progress is sometimes an up and down battle.

When my family was here recently, I thawed out a Biltmore cheesecake, hoping they would share it with me, but instead they went to the Cheesecake Factory where slices were on sale for half price. So this cheesecake was just sitting there in my fridge. I decided I should taste it and see if it was still good. That led to having two pieces of cheesecake, which became my dinner. Later in the evening, feeling guilty, I had some walnuts and grapes to tide me over until the next day.

Fortunately, today is garbage pick-up. And the rest of that cheesecake is going to fill up my garbage bag instead of fill out my hips.

Hope I can handle myself well today and have a good weigh-in at TOPS tonight.

2016年 08月 9日

No, I did not go from 253.0 to 249.2 in two days. When I started over on Sunday, I was using last Thursday night's weight. Still, it's a good loss from then considering I've mostly been gaining or going up and down 2 to 4 pounds at a time.

Because of my health issues, I retain water very easily. And since I've been getting very little exercise (especially in our current weather), most of this loss and gain is likely water-related. There is a different this time, though. This time I have also changed what I'm eating, and I'm not swelling as much.

Though I still have a lot of pain in my hip and legs, overall I am feeling better. I'm sleeping better and have more energy during the day. I have not had that afternoon slump that makes me want to nap from 5 to 9 p.m. After an initial breakout, my skin is clearing up. I am going to continue to notice and make note of these positive changes, as they will motivate me to make further positive changes in the way I eat and spend my time.

I feel like this is a great beginning. For me, sustaining the momentum and persevering have been my downfall in the past. But the past is just that -- the past. All I can do is take things one day at a time and be mindful of all my actions. That is how I will move forward into a healthier future.


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