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2012年 12月 22日

Thanks Buddies for your comments on the last journal regarding my impending meeting with my boss. When I arrived, I paged my boss. She said, "Hi Deb, I'm really busy...what do you want?"

I said, "well considering our last conversation, I am wanting to get our talk out of the way." She said, "I'm too busy right now, and I haven't had enough time to look at security cameras. So, I don't want you worried and upset and I will look into it later."

Two of my peer managers went to her on my behalf telling her the truth about how I correctly managed the situation she'd asked to be handled. They each told me that she'd been out of line, how she'd made a big stink in my absence about nothing to do with me, all the while assigning me the blame.

This has lead me down the path of wondering just what a person must endure in order to take a leave of absence based on stress! I'm telling you, I just can't take this unkindly result of my much beloved work!

In management, I talk to people, work out a plan to help them overcome obstacles, and get them resolved before they escalate. The members are happy to talk with me and move forward. I look at what is good and move forward and take the focus away from bad behavior. I don't talk to my boss about these things because in my opinion, that's what I'm supposed to do! Fix what is wrong so the boss doesn't have to!

I understand that many in my position run to the boss as suck ups and tell the boss every little thing that's going wrong and how they plan or fixed things. To me this is such a stupid way of dealing with things. I run a good business. The people I work with are not afraid of me. They tell me EVERYTHING and in short order. We work it out!

The suck-ups that run to the boss all the time and expect a pat on the back for doing what I do ALL THE TIME (but they're punitive) are the ones that get all the lavish attention. I get results by laying out a seriously good plan that members can attain while feeling cared about.

I just appreciate you guys and your understanding in reading this messed up message. I really do. Thanks for your comments and support and I promise a good deal of better journals ahead!

2012年 12月 22日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
61.2 kg 15.9 kg 6.8 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 週に1.6 kg減量中

2012年 12月 21日

I just took two vacation days off! These are the first vacation days I've taken off in 8 years of my present job. I take a personal interest in doing a good job while I'm at work. I have received accolades for my customer service including member of the year.

On day one of my holiday vacation, my boss woke me with a livid call, blaming me for something I hadn't done. It ruined my whole two days. I was flippin' depressed about it! To add insult to injury the boss said because of MY error that she had to have three managers take care of the problem for ME!

I was trying to discuss what my boss was accusing me of, trying to define that I was not responsible for what had happened and she just spoke over me. She demanded to know when I would be coming to work so we could do what ever needed to be done to be sure the "components of this project are carried out to the fullest."

I said I was on a two day vacation and this is how it starts!? She then said that she didn't know I was on a vacation and that I was to see her Friday (today) to discuss this further.

I called one of my peers at work and left him a rather upset message. I found that he'd responded with a super kind message letting me know that he knew there was no way this problem was on me because of his observations of where the project was before leaving work that day.

I really felt awful, like my hands were tied. There's nothing worse than working for someone who treats you like you're despicable based on an assumption.

In my life, I learned not to play the blame game. If I do something wrong, I share it and get it fixed. I don't want something looming over me that doesn't feel right.

As far as I'm concerned, I just had my vacation taken out from under me based on a boss' presumption.

Thanks you guys for letting me rant. I shall share whatever happens in this meeting, and I'm not expecting anything good regardless of how well I've done my job. I'm feeling railroaded at the moment.

2012年 12月 20日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
61.7 kg 15.4 kg 7.3 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 週に1.1 kg減量中

2012年 12月 17日

Thoughts about my husband.

After being with someone for several years, you might think things get stale. Perhaps there's a loss of conversation over the years because, after all, how much more is there to say? We've already shared all our childhood secrets, our teen triumphs and let downs, we've lived the adult struggles and joys together.

I remember early in our relationship sitting outside on a beautiful restaurant veranda; across from us sat an older couple. They never uttered a word the entire meal. They didn't even look at one another. And I quietly said to my husband, "Shoot us if we ever get like that."

But after a while, their waiter brought the check and as they got up to leave, the man leaned over and gave his old bride a peck on the cheek and she smiled back at him. They held their gaze for a moment...a clear, sweet, smile, and we observed this untouchable moment. As they left, they held hands.

I leaned back over to my husband and whispered, "Forget about what I said!" And we laughed.

Years later, we find pockets of quiet in our time together, but it is with a greater understanding; at least on my part. Sometimes being with the right one is replete in itself.


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