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2017年 03月 10日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
89.6 kg 2.9 kg 30.7 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 週に1.6 kg増量中

2017年 03月 8日

I didn't think that I'd actually lost as much as my last weigh in stated but it looks like I'm holding steady. Since I thought it was an inaccurate read the last time, I thought I'd go up this time. I didn't lose but I'm happy with staying the same. I'll continue to stick to my plan and journal absolutely everything that I eat. I was able to drop pounds way back when I was in college by just keeping track of everything and upping my activity level. There weren't smart phones then so I was walking around with reference books, calculator, notepad and pencil in order to keep track of everything. Homemade recipes were the hardest to figure out but I've still got my handwritten copies of ingredients and nutritional values that I tried ciphering on my own. This site makes all of that work so much easier so in a way, this is a tried and true method for me. I just wish that the activity was as easy. Due to all of the injuries and illness, I can't do all the things that I used to... ya know, rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding, volley ball, racket ball, weight lifting, running. Stuff. Finding things I can do now and like enough to do regularly is tougher. I'm working on it though. Just getting outside to walk the dogs more is an improvement so giving myself credit for the little things.
体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
89.2 kg 3.4 kg 30.2 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 体重に変化ありません

2017年 03月 7日

I'll enter the scale number later today. I stood on them, don't get me wrong, I just forgot what they said. I think I'm slightly up from my last weigh in but the last one was just startling. I truly don't think I'd lost that much, maybe weighed at a different time of day or with less clothes on... holding my tongue just the right way... whatever... I just know I didn't drop that much weight overnight.

Anyway, I'm still doing pretty good with my diet. The main thing that I'm focusing on is more calories burned than consumed. I'm laying off the simple carbs and trying to ramp up the protein. I'm not having any trouble with hunger though since I'm using low density foods to fluff out my meals. Breakfast this morning was two eggs, bacon crumbles and a slice of cheese, not much for a growing girl but I chopped up a whole sweet onion and sauteed it with a little bit of real butter, salt and pepper before adding the other ingredients. We call them Breakfast Uglies in my house. It's not pretty but wow does it taste good and almost more than I can eat. Shared the whole thing with my Chi-baby so not as many calories as I've got listed but still less than a quarter of my RDI. Though I've not eaten them yet, I figured two clementines and a banana into the day for snacks plus my cappuccino early this morning and I'm still only a third of the way to my total calories for the day.

It's not going as well with quitting smoking. I've definitely cut way WAY back and am still on the path of quitting but the cold turkey method felt like I was killing myself. After a full week of not smoking, my lungs came unglued and I felt like I was choking. Inhalers, steroids and antibiotics didn't touch it. So, I smoke... two or three a day rather than a whole pack. My lungs don't feel all bubbly and there's not nearly as much pain in my back from all the coughing. It's an improvement and I'll strive to do better but for now, I'm celebrating whatever progress I'm making.

Hope everyone else is rejoicing in their own successes... let the failures go and move forward. Happy Munching!

2017年 03月 3日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
89.2 kg 3.4 kg 30.2 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 週に12.1 kg減量中

2017年 03月 2日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
90.9 kg 1.6 kg 31.9 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 週に1.4 kg減量中


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