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2013年 01月 5日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
127.0 kg 9.5 kg 59.0 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 週に0.7 kg減量中

2013年 01月 4日

After having that flu last week I showed a gain when I started eating again, which I knew I would. We will see what this next weigh in holds. If I just lose .5 lbs it will be wonderful!

Today is a low carb day so not much on my plate for today. Keeping it at 1200 calories and right about 60 grams of carbs. Tonight for supper: A chicken breast with some ranch sauce and 1/2 cup of broccoli. Back eight weeks ago my main part of this meal would have been a baked potato loaded with cottage cheese which isn't bad when having that in a regular serving size...NOT having 3 lg potatoes worth.

I've come a long way this past eight weeks...still learning to hang in there and stick with it, but for the most part I'm holding my own and sticking with our plan :D I'm SO very proud that I have not went back to drinking soda AT all and really don't think about it at all anymore. There are sometimes when I want one...usually on Sundays (free days) when we have something that isn't so good for us, but I choose not to go down that road yet. However, I DID have a cherry limeaide at Texas Roadhouse on our last free day, I planned it in and it all worked out :D After that drink I stuck to water. Normally I would have had three glasses of the stuff. I have to admit though, I did want another one. I can't tell you how much it helps having DH do this with me. He stuck to his plan and I HAD to stick to mine. Were a good team! Will check tomorrow to let you know how weigh in went! Wish me luck!

2013年 01月 2日

2013年 01月 1日

It's a brand new year and everyone has some sort of plan for the new year...maybe not resolutions, but something they have in mind to do differently.

Mine: I plan on losing 75-80 lbs this year! I WILL lose 75-80 lbs this year. That's around 1.5 lbs a week for the entire year. It's doable, I can do that. And I am reaching that goal by doing exactly what I have been doing the past 7 weeks.

Entering ALL our food on fatsecret.com
Adding exercise
Drinking lots of water
Staying away from ALL soda (haven't had one since I started)

It's been working, I started this diet at 311 lbs and I am now down to 281 after 7 full weeks.

With these things in place I should not have a problem getting there. The thing I have to work on yet out of the ones above is the exercise. It's hard for me yet, but I'll get there! I do however get plenty of exercise at work and outside on our little farm. I would just like to add more as I go.

Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!

2012年 12月 29日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
127.7 kg 8.8 kg 59.6 kg まあまあ
   コメントを追加 週に1.4 kg減量中


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