Day 70- Diet is good and feel GREAT! But I have a rant: I am getting real tired of folks coming on here and being mad that they are 'FAT' and can't lose weight and then they refuse to give any info or hide everything from us. My answer is: YOU ARE NOT MAD ENOUGH TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! You just feel good saying it or something. I got news for you: I and everyone else here does not feel sorry for you, when I feel sorry for you is when we can see you are trying (Log everything and let us see it!) and you are still having problems. Again, ONLY YOU CAN MAKE CHANGE! I can not make you lose weight, nor can anyone else! You also can not dream it away. When I joined this sight, I posted everything I could about myself because I have nothing to lose by sharing my info! I posted my pic and gave info about me. (No, I did not post my name or location, it is the internet, LOL) We are all here for the same reason and we get support by doing it together. My feeling is, if you can can't post a pic of your face you are not ready for the journey of getting to a better life, and yes there is a better life than how you feel when you post 'I am 'fat' and I can't lose weight. My diet is not working, wa, wa, waaaaaaaaaa.'

What prompted this rant was I was writing the following reponse to a forum post and decided it may not be received correctly:

"Not to sound mean, but the one of the first things you have to do is get over hiding your issue and thinking you can handle it alone. (Who cares? We are all here for the same reason, get over it!)Like others have stated, we need to more info and we can lead you in the right direction. It could be a simple thing to get you moving. Are you logging your food? Are you logging your exercise? What are you eating, real food or junk? What are you drinking, water, diet soda or high cal drinks? What is your diet plan? Basically your post is like walking into the dr and saying 'I hurt' how can the dr figure out what is wrong if you don't give more detail."

I hope I got my point accross? Until you are ready to take charge of your problem and not let the problem take charge of you, you will FAIL! I see it everyday as a consultant in the business world.

I also see it in the youth sports I coach, every kid in the world can play a sport and be good at it, if they want to........... I layed into one of my girls last night at soccer practice that keeps telling me she 'can't do it' and she is 'trying', when she is not. I just about made her cry I went off so bad. But, you know something, she did not let a ball get past her the rest of the night! She became an amazing player, I just hope that same girl shows up for the game today. Now the kicker, this girl was born with no hands/half arms and half a foot on one of her legs. She is playing on a team of 'normal' girls. She has been told and shown her life that these problems allow her to 'just get by' but once she takes charge, and learns she can, she can be great! (I swear her mom keeps bringing her back to me, becuase I am one of the few that push her beyond her challeges.) You think the world is going to be 'fair' to her out there? NO, but she can make the world great if she wants it to be.

Sorry, got a bunch of rants out in one. Do what you like, Like what you do!


That story about the soccer girl was really moving! Thanks for sharing, and I agree 100% with your theories about being open and honest. The first step is facing your problems head on and stepping out of the shadows. 
2012年 04月 4日 投稿者: Lindsay6384





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