I think I might be dehydrated. And I think in general I may not be drinking enough liquids most of the time. I never feel thirsty and I find water very boring to drink. I've talked to my doctor before and was told most things I drink count to keep hydrated - coffee, juice, tea, milk and sodas. I keep a 16 ounce of water on the kitchen counter or my nightstand to drink and lately I don't even drink half of it during the day. I usually have 2 12 ounce mugs of coffee in the morning. Sometimes I'll have a glass of juice (cranberry, orange or apple). I used to drink lots of soda - diet or regular and sometimes I'll have Crystal Light. But right now I am trying to avoid sodas and I'm out of Crystal Light. I've been reading about the symptoms of dehydration and how much water I should try to drink every day. For the past 5 or 6 days I have been going outside for about 45 minutes in the morning to use the weed whacker. The HOA in my neighborhood has a deadline in the middle of June for "weed abatement". They drive around and look at properties to make sure weeds or grass are cut. The weeds are about 2 feet high. I have a yard care service that comes out every other week. But they didn't show up last week so I started working myself. I could never get a job doing this type of work. After 30-40 minutes my back and neck start aching and I get tired. This morning I took my dog for a walk around 7:30 for just under an hour. Then around 8:30 I got the weed eater out and was cutting down weeds until just before 9:30. It was a hot day today and it was getting so warm my hair was dripping wet. So I came inside, took a shower, washed my hair and changed clothes because of allergies. I had no energy to do a thing after that. That happens to me often. I usually run out of energy before noon. Anyway, I mixed a glass of water with Emergen-C for electrolytes and have managed to drink 5 of the 16 ounce glasses of water. I also remembered I had a bottle of apple juice in the garage refrigerator and had an 8 ounce glass. I hope that is enough for today. Will concentrate tomorrow on drinking lots of water, especially before taking Bobby for his walk and before I do more yard work. The yard guys did show up this past Thursday and did lots of work on my lot (nearly 1/2 acre of weeds) but there is lots left to do. They mowed a large level area where I had been cutting down the weeds. I went over it with the weed eater to get the weeds down to the ground. Hopefully, I'll start feeling better if I pay attention and drink more water. Right now I am really, really tired and still have no energy. I will probably have to get up half a dozen times during the night because of all the liquids I have been drinking.

33 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Just remember, it matters not whether you like water or not— that is irrelevant. You pick up the glass and drink it. Or make iced tea.  
2023年 05月 13日 投稿者: Kenna Morton
Fritzy 22- A lot of water sold is not very good. I learned that I like distilled water when our town stopped using well water and started buying treated river water from another town. We started using a water filter and it produces decent water, but I have to be sure to get filters that DO NOT add “flavor enhancers”, which just ruins the flavor for me. Same reason I don’t buy Dasani bottled water (also “flavor enhanced”). But please try to stay hydrated. Since I had the virus I have to remind myself to drink; I lost my sense of thirst. Heat (99 degrees) and dehydration (due to diarrhea) got the best of me once. Not in my right mind. Be careful! 
2023年 05月 13日 投稿者: TomLong
I forget to drink often and pay for it. I am making an effort to drink more. I hope you feel better soon.  
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: -MorticiaAddams
If I do an activity that makes me sweat, I drink a sugar free power aid drink. It makes a big difference in recovery. Replaces the electrolytes and maybe potassium.  
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: Sarah1950
I buy these water flavors called Stur off amazon. They use stevia and claim to be relatively natural. It helps. I’d rather drink diet soda myself, or even better, coffee all day, but i don’t. I agree with TomLong, a lot of bottled water tastes off to me. Ironically, i drink only filtered tap water with the drops in it. I also drink tea just to get the fluids in me. Lots of fruit would also get you there. Choose the ones with high water content.  
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: Katsolo
I drink 2 quarts of water by 3pm daily, then another 32 ounces by the end of the day 
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: Metal_Sonic
My Dietitian says to take your current weight and divide it by 2 and that’s how many ounces in water you need to take in each day 😊 
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: LinYeti
Thanks to everyone for the support, ideas and suggestions. I am not sure why I suddenly just stopped drinking water or than a sip or two when I take a pill or something. I just don't seem to get thirsty all of a sudden. I got scared when I started looking up information online about dehydration - I hadn't realized how serious it could get. Usually I keep a gallon bottle of water on the kitchen counter and I fill a 16 ounce glass during the day. I usually finish a gallon e dry 2 days so figured I was drinking 8 glasses of water a day. I also was drinking 16-24 ounces of non fat milk every day. I read that milk is as good as water for hydration. But I recently forgot to drink milk as well as water. I felt bad yesterday after doing yard work - I actually felt a little dizzy or light headed just briefly and that's when I got worried and realized I hadn't been drinking more than a few sips of water a day about a week, about the time I started weed wacking my yard most days for only about 40 minutes. I have really bad pollen and grass allergies and I've read that allergies can also contribute to dehydration. I drank lots of water yesterday and started feeling better this morning after drinking 2 large glasses of water and a glass of milk. So hopefully I'll do better now that I know how bad dehydration can be.  
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: Fritzy 22
I stopped drinking when I had severe depression, was drinking as little as 600mls a day. Day after day. I developed urinary tract infections, but was so severely depressed I didn't notice anything else. Was still going to work somehow... If you're doing over a litre a day, you're probably alright, and if you can get to 2 litres a day (all liquids included) you're doing great. ppl who say to drink 2 gallons are either living in the desert, or mad. PS weedwhacking is best done around 6am in summer. boy I hate that, covered in sticks and grass and sweat all mingled into a big mucky horror... can you get some sheep? In America you guys can get babydoll southdowns. I can't get them in New Zealand without amazing furore (have to kill their parents and check their brains for some disease we don't get here...) scrapie? something - anyway can you get some to keep your land under control? Why weedwhack when you can raise some delicious roasts... 
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: Bubbles McBubble
That’s hilarious, get some sheep 🐑🐑🐑 
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: Sarah1950
Hey! that was a legit suggestion. Babydoll southdowns are tiny, don't ringbark your trees, and have chunky, chunky bums. Southdown is the best lamb you can get. I had some southdowns (not babydoll, sadly) and would watch them frolick in the paddock, their chunky, chunky roasts bouncing up and down in the sunlight. So delicious I could almost taste them... ah good times. 
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: Bubbles McBubble
Baaa baaa 
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: Sarah1950
I dislike drinking water also. I drink coffee, almond milk, tea, and seltzer. If I wake up at night I try to drink warm water to help myself get back to sleep but I rarely just drink water plain. 
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: abbadabba
We do use sheep on steep hillsides and deep canyons. It’s so strange to see them in suburbia 
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: Kenna Morton
All fluids count as “water” — juice, coffee, fruit all count toward hydration for your body. Everyone needs to look at this issue with some common sense. If you are a balls to the wall warrior jock you need lots of fluids to replace insensible loss through sweat or if you are ill and have diarrhea it is a concern. It is also a concern for the older population because we do tend to lose our sense of thirst as we age and consequently are at risk for dehydration and all the real issues that go along with that. The goal of drinking sufficient water is to produce urine that is a pale yellow— not darker yellow. People with a history of heart disease, who take “water pills” to prevent congestive heart failure or who have compromised kidneys and have electrolyte issues need to consider this and maybe talk to your doctor. Gallons of water a day is not necessary. If you are drinking 8 glasses you are doing great. Water intake is very important in the hotter summer months — older folks also don’t have the temperature regulating mechanisms that we did as younger people. Distilled water is definitely not for everyone—- stay alive folks—-READ. 
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: Kenna Morton
Thanks Bubbles, I live in a residential neighborhood with 1800 homes and a homeowner's association with lots of rules. I couldn't have goats or any other type of livestock here. Plus I would treat them as pets, never food so I would worry about the mountain lions getting them. The HOA does bring in some goats very year to use on some of the trails in the neighborhood. I have a lawn care service and I usually don't do much yard work but since they didn't show up one week I just got outside to use my weed eater myself. I am not sure why I just stopped feeling thirsty. I think I will keep a record of how much water and other fluids I drink and then figure out at what point I feel better. I always thought 8 glasses of water my 64 ounces a day was a goal,but now realize it's probably a minimum term.  
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: Fritzy 22
Abba, I drink warm water sometimes too. I felt so bad yesterday and still am tired and a little weak today so I think I've learned how important something. 
2023年 05月 14日 投稿者: Fritzy 22




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