Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a better weekend than I did. Still trying to recover emotionally from the bad day I had Saturday. I will take it from the top.

Friday was a normal day. My daughter decided to spend the weekend with her father, first time in about a month since she's seen him. My husband and I made arrangements for my mom to keep our son Saturday night so we could have a date night, so it was looking like a pretty good weekend. Saturday my husband and I took our son to a fall festival. Walked through a corn maze, went on a hayride, I got stung by a hornet, all in all not too bad of a time lol. As we were heading home to get ready for date night I got a call from Cassidy's dad, we will call him 'dipshit'. At first it was difficult to hear what he was saying as Cass was screaming bloody murder in the background, but eventually I made out that she had been bitten by a dog. I asked whose dog it was, it was his ex wife's dog. I told him to take her to the ER, and I met them there.

It was when they arrived at the hospital that I found out that Cassidy had not just been bitten, she had been viciously attacked and was bitten in the head by a pit bull. She got lucky, it could have been so much worse. My understanding of the story is that dipshit had taken Cass to his ex wife's house because there was an issue with his youngest daughter, and him and his ex were going to take her to the hospital and leave Cassidy there with his ex MIL. Right before they left the pit bull jumped on Cass, she pushed it away, then it circled around and jumped on her from behind bringing her to her knees then it grabbed her by the ear/face and was pulling at her. Cass told me the dog was on top of her like she was giving it a piggy back ride. The dog was growling/snarling, and had to be physically pulled off of my daughter. Her injuries were open scratches on her shoulder, a laceration behind her ear, and bruising/teeth marks on her temples. It could have gotten her eye, or it could have ripped off her ear. Cassidy did nothing to provoke this dog, she is ten she has been around dogs her entire life, she knows how to treat them. She had been around that particular dog off and on since it was a pup. She was just sitting on the couch when the dog charged at her. He father told me in the hospital "I don't know, that dog just never really liked Cassidy". Are you F'n serious?!?! So you knew, but let it happen??

Needless to say we had filed a police report. The officer was familiar with the residence where this occurred, she actually said she was there the day prior. (Imagine that) The dog has been quarantined, and if I have it my way it will be destroyed. I want charges pressed against Jason and his ex wife (they are legally still married) because I feel they are negligent and should be held responsible. They have four other kids living in that house, three of which are ages 5 and under, and two other dogs aside from the one that has been taken. On top of that this is not the first issue I have had with them. A few years ago Cassidy came home from her father's covered from head to toe with flea bites and ringworm. Then I spent 1500 on attorney and court fees because they bought a boa constrictor (my daughter is terrified of snakes) and had live rats running amok when they escaped from the box they were kept in. She stepped on a nail while with them and came home with an infected foot because they didn't think it was doctor visit worthy. This is the last straw. I have spent thousands on court and attorneys fighting over his incompetence as a parent and I am so done it's not even funny. I will be calling the law director and anyone else I can get ahold of. Oh, and on top of all that after she was bit instead of taking her straight to the ER he took her to my house!! I wasn't home, and that's when he called. Really?!?! She gets attacked by your freakin dog and you just want to drop her off at home and be done with it?!?! Told you he was a dipshit.

My daughter is going to be fine physically, and I am so grateful for that. I realize it was a close call, could have been her eye, could have been her ear, or lord it could have gotten her neck. She is shaken, to say the least, and I worry that this will leave her traumatized and afraid of dogs for the rest of her life. She is good right now with our family dog, Hoss. I think if anything his presence is comforting to her. It's like he knows, and he is trying so hard to make her feel better. I can't imagine how terrifying of an ordeal that had to have been for her, to have a dog on your head biting you. It blows my mind. Someone should be held responsible for that, especially when they knew the dog didn't like Cassidy. My poor poor baby girl :(

It has been an emotionally straining weekend, and I strived to keep it positive and light as much as possible for my daughters sake. As soon as the kids got off to school this morning I crashed, though. Laying in bed, just exhausted and lots of anxiety. I think I'm entitled to it. Some times there is so much to do that you can't find it in you to do anything at all. I often feel that way. Going to take the day "off" as much as I can, and quit beating myself up for things beyond my control. As a mom you feel like you should have been there, like you should have been able to stop it. If I had been I can assure you there wouldn't have been a live dog to quarantine.

I have always kept an open mind about dog breeds, and was avidly against the labeling of specific breeds as 'vicious dogs'. Just recently in Ohio pit bulls were removed from the vicious dog list, and I supported that whole heartedly. I even promoted it on my facebook page. Now I just don't know where I stand. I had never heard of anyone being attacked by a dog. Okay, sure some people got bit here and there throughout my life. A nip in the hand or butt, but a dog going straight for a child's face with vicious intent, completely unprovoked. It just blows me away. I'll never get an answer for the 'why'. It was my little girl, that's hard to swallow. I am very grateful though, somebody was watching out for her.

Thanks for reading through the ramble as I still struggle to sort this all out in my own head. Hoping to get over the hump and back on track with my weight loss goals as we get further into the week. The sooner my daughter is back to normal the better I'll be.

Hope everyone is well, and have a good day!

21 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Sorry you had a bad wekend. Hopefully your week will be better.  
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: MontanasMom
Oh man, I'm so sorry that your daughter had to go through that. I don't necessarily believe in aggressive dog breeds but I do believe in irresponsible, unethical dog owners. Based on the parenting examples you've given, I can't imagine it's a good environment for people or animals to be. Honestly, I think you should push for court-mandated supervised visits outside of his home. I think it would be safest for your daughter and provide you some piece of mind. And I totally think you should press charges if you can.  
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: ReneefromLA
As a mother I can feel your pain. I am so glad we will never have our children dealing with "steps" or "exes". I would go after him with everything that I have in me. He would never see the child again without being in my presence, BUT would be paying for every aspect of her financial needs. Including the doctors that she will need in the future to get through this traumatic experience. 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: kmunson
I hope your daughter will recover emotionally from this. I think your dog will help her with that.  
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: snezica
As near as I can tell, you're doing everything right. Sue for sole custody. It should be a done deal after that. 'Hoss' absolutely knows she needs him right now. Dogs do sense that. So sorry this has happened. I hate to say it - I hope the dog is put down. 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: northernmusician
Wow. I am so sorry. As a mom, I can only imagine what you are going through. Stay strong! Thankfully it wasn't worse!!! 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: ladie17101
I'm so glad your daughter is okay. Her father's house sounds like a chaotic mess - I agree with NM, sue for sole custody. I hope she's back to normal soon and that your week gets better. 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: PepperMill
My heart dropped reading about your weekend. Prayers for you all, and I'm inspired by your continued strength...even if you don't feel like you have much right now. 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: mgrill
Prayers for you, as a mom we never stop worrying nor do we stop thinking we could have prevented the bad things that happen to our children. Hang in there. 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: Nanas diet
Dogs react the way their environment tells them to react. Those people shouldn't have any dog's at all. Personally I think I would stop his visitations. He doesn't sound responsible and it's too stressful for you. Take a day for yourself. Take a walk and a bubble bath with soft music. This too shall pass. 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: msbuggirl
That's horrible. Please don't rethink your support of pitbulls. Breed discrimination is a bad idea. There are good dogs and bad dogs of all breeds, usually raised by thoughtless, bad or incompetent PEOPLE (sounds like dips##t to me..). I hope you and your daughter get through this and come out on the other side stronger.  
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: ckunka
You have every right in the world to be angry at that dimwitted ex-husband. What kind of moron takes a kid back home to their mom instead of straight to the hospital??? Dog bites/attacks do happen. My baby boy was attacked and bitten in the face by a black lab when he was three. Unprovoked. As much as I am an animal lover, I wanted that dog euthanized. That's the mom in me. Some animals, just like people, have a screw loose. I am a former owner of a pit bull. Loved that dog. Raised him from a puppy. But he was animal-aggressive. It wasn't how I raised him or anything else. He just had a screw loose. I had him euthanized as I felt it was far more humane than re-homing to someone who might use him as "fighting stock" or take the chance of him killing another animal or attacking a person or child. Bawled my eyes out for two weeks afterwards, but I know I made the right decision. I'm also don't know where I stand on any type of breed-specific language as I have met other pit bulls (mostly females) that are big, teddy bears. The problem is they are so strong that when the do bite, they do so much more damage than aggressive chihuahua. Ok. I've rattled on. I'm sorry about the chaotic weekend and I hope your baby girl makes a swift recovery.  
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: 2ManyCurves
So sorry to hear about this. Very glad to hear your daughter is fine. Luckily she has the smarts to fend for herself and got the dog off of herself. That's because she has an awesome mom teaching her things and from being around a good dog like Hoss. Take care, hugs!! 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: aggie95
ARGH - that is a sad thing because I do know people with pitbulls who are the sweetest dogs. They sometimes get agitated with other dogs but u have nit heard of them doing that to a person - unless the dog is trained to do so. That is a trauma event for your daughter so she may have some upset later. Glad you are on top of it. dips##t is out of your life for a reason! 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: HCB
I am so sorry to hear about your daughter! I makes me so sad! I hate it that any animal loses it to a human. We have 5 dogs 2 are Dobermans and 1 is a pitbull. They are the most loving dogs, but that is the way we raised them. We give them attention and care, and our 2 young children love them and show them love all the time. I have to say though, if something were to pi$$ them off, I don't know what they would do. I don't think they would hurt anyone they knew and loved, but they could hurt someone that was not supposed to be around or trying to hurt one of us. There is no excuse for what happened to your daughter. Things like that should never happen. Just like we are only human and we f#ck up from time to time or become murders, etc... dogs are the same. Sometimes there is that one "bad batch". There is no excuse however. But just like the parents get blamed for their children being "bad", the dogs owners should have taken proper precautions, like you said, dipsh#t should have put the dog up, kept your precious daughter out of the whole situation, especially if he KNEW that the dog was not right around her. I would have his a$$ put out to pasture, if you know what I mean. Lots of hugs, love and compassion to you and your daughter! Hang in there, what goes around, comes around! XOXO 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: twmsb
WOW!!!! I am so glad your daughter is okay! I would feel the same way as you, they should be responsible for their dog, especially is they knew it didn't like her. It's a pitbull, if it doesn't like someone and you know it, you probably shouldn't have it around that person, or anyone. There have been numerous unprovoked pitbull attacks in our area, but it's always the owners who never trained the dog, loved the dog, and only taught the dog to fight and protect them. I know a lot of people who have pitbulls, and kids, and have never had an issue, because they're responsible dog owners. I hope she's not traumatized for life, but it would be understandable. Good luck!!! 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: mars2kids
So sorry that your daughter went through that. omg 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: Deb_N
I hope she recovers quickly physically and emotionally xxx 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: Ellybear
That sucks.... dipshit is a dipshit. Glad your daughter is ok. Poor thing. 
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: NOSMAN
really sorry for you guys. looked at your profile and you have done an amazing job with your weight loss. I pray your daughter recovers emotionally.  
2014年 09月 22日 投稿者: bill n cinthia





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