I added a stretching routine in bed first thing in the morning to the exercise mix because I keep feeling tension in my back when I stand at my desk. I haven't timed it but I estimate it takes about 15 minutes. I definitely felt some tension in my neck so this is one area I'm going to target with the"Age Defying Fitness" program, possibly in the posture section. Years ago, I used to do a stretching program regularly but I fell out of the habit. Wish I hadn't. The great thing about stretching is that it's something you can do every day like cardio but unlike strength training.

I like the fact that a lot of the exercises in "Age Defying Fitness," such as posture and neck and trunk, can be done daily. I decided to order "Stretching for 50+: A Customized Program for Increasing Flexibility, Avoiding Injury, and Enjoying an Active Lifestyle" by Karl Knopf. Thinking about getting a yoga strap so I can get more flex with the hamstring stretch. The Theraband may have too much give to be useful.

There are a lot of baseline measurements with "Age Defying" - and when I say a lot, I mean a lot, since the program covers five areas: strength, flexibility, posture, endurance, and balance. I didn't want to lose any momentum so I decided to jump into the exercises and start measuring different areas as I go along.

I dipped into the "Age Defying Fitness" book. One tip I didn't know: they recommend a Tempurpedic-style memory foam pillow if you sleep on your back - helps your neck - and a regular pillow under your knees. Amazon sells Tempurpedic knock-offs for $20.

I did an hour of riding the stationary cycle with the ankle weights Thursday. More squeaking. They slipped down and started aggravating my bunion. I've been thinking about upgrading my stationary cycle: the problem was deciding which one.

I'm now leaning towards changing things up and getting a rowing machine, which is in the lower price range for a stationary bike. My TV is on a low-enough table so that I could row and watch. It's a low impact workout that shouldn't aggravate my plantar fasciitis and bunion. My father did a lot of rowing - on the water - and lived to 95! I've spent $50 on the stepper and $26 on the cycle so I haven't exactly blown it out on exercise machines. I've spent far more on computers, cameras, and a lot more frivolous things over the years. I know it's an investment in health. I guess my fear is that I won't use it. Wish I had a dollar for every exercise machine I saw on people's back porches or in garages while going door-to-door for political campaigns. I have used the stationary cycle for four months.

I haven't been weighing myself daily, partly because of the alternate-day diet book says there are too many fluctuations due to water weight. Sooner or later, I'm going to hope on that scale and see if I'm making progress. Had a caffeine headache because I didn't boil any tea because it was so hot. It's not the tea I fear - it's the cream and sugar! Back to eating a handful of nuts every day. Twenty minutes of gentle core exercises followed by 15 minutes of stretching, 30 minutes of posture exercises, and a 30 minute session of flexibility exercises Friday. Saturday it's back to weight training.

4 人のサポーター    いいね!   

ya know Chris I never in a million years thought I would feel that way about sugar cause sugar & salt have been like I HAVE TO HAVE iT,, went on that low carbing deal youtub search engine introduced me to thousand of food replacements that I never dreamed I would do ,,, like almond flour low car high nutrition verse white flouter high carb no nutrition its turned into a sorta game between my oldest daughter and I we have both losed weight on it I was 244 lbs back in November 2013 now 216 not were I want to be but I sure feel better now then I did at 244 it;s all turned into a journey about learning more about what makes my body happier ,, after fighting cancer for a year and almost losing my life may 2012 to November 2012 it changed my heart ,,, I have not been a good Stewart over my body bottomed line I have been abusive ,,, I really am enjoying this journey more then I would have ever dreamed of ,,, I like what I'm doing and so willing to learn more ,,, have a great day GB .... oh PS I have one of lose Chuck Norris machines but its to large for my apt ,, it cost me a pretty penny its at my daughters house ,, crazy ,,  
2014年 07月 12日 投稿者: dreamcatcher10
So interesting what you learn on this journey to a healthier body! Rowing is terrific exercise, works your whole body. Wish I could find a really good comfy cotton pillow. Foam gives off fumes as it is a petroleum product. It's not good for my breathing.  
2014年 07月 12日 投稿者: wholefoodnut
Dreamcatcher10, it's great that you have such a positive attitude. I've been addicted to sugar for a long, long time. My mother was a nurse and she was death on soft drinks when we were children. The only time we were allowed to have them was when we were sick with flu or such. I rebelled even after I should've been smarter. I've been cutting back. I no longer buy soft drinks at the grocery store to take home - just a two liter bottle once a month. Next step is to cut back on the sweetened tea. Congratulations on your weight loss. Your courage and grit in fighting cancer is inspirational. I would probably just curl up into a ball. I too have abused my body: too much sitting around watching television and now it's caught up with me. The loss of muscle mass has really kicked my butt. My addiction to sugar has taken its toll on my teeth. We had a Chuck Norris machine in the apartment I lived in and I worked out on it for several months. Even though there were a lot of older people in the building who should have been using all the expensive machinery, the place was like a ghost town. I suspect it was more to show to new tenants more than anything else. Like a lot of my exercise plans, my stint with Chuck Norris didn't last. One reason I like the rower I looked at it is it's compact. I already have weights so I don't need the rest of the Total Gym. If I make it through this summer, I'm going to reward myself. It should be easier to stick with this once it turns cooler.  
2014年 07月 12日 投稿者: ChrisComedy
THANKS don't think anybody thinks they can make it trough cancer and sad to say I did lose some comrades My faith in Christ made me strong for sure ,,, I give him all the credit <3 sweet dreams <3 so a compacted rowing machine sounds nice ?? were ya getting it at ??  
2014年 07月 12日 投稿者: dreamcatcher10
Dreamcatcher10: Amazon: it's light enough I should be able to wrestle it up the stairs if the delivery person doesn't. Recommended in reviews as a good starter. It's a Sunny. The Sunny stepper is solidly built. 12 levels of adjustable resistance Comfortable, smooth running seat Pivoting foot plates for added comfort Adjustable foot straps Electronic monitor displays time, count, total count, calories burned, scan 
2014年 07月 12日 投稿者: ChrisComedy
thanks so much for the info I'm sure I could go online to find it ?? 
2014年 07月 12日 投稿者: dreamcatcher10
WELL, Chris, I'm impressed! & I feel an affinity with you for a few reasons. :) and I'm impressed with your focus and direction. I think you are doing great! and as a 70 year old man similar to you in some ways, and having spent since 1984 myself intensely focused on fitness training, diet and health most of my life, I want to say I worry that the program you are doing, based on what you say regarding exercises, is that WE DON'T NEED TO KILL OURSELVES to get lean and in shape! :) The phrase is common "no pain, no gain." but I am here to say that is NOT true. (I humbly propose that my level of fitness is PROOF). Just Pullups, pushups, leg exercises every 3 to 4 days is ALL WE NEED. (we do need to vary it, so not JUST that. :) ) WE DON't NEED TO burn all those calories. Just need to adjust our diet choices, like you are doing :) , and ween ourselves from unhealthy foods. Eat a huge breakfast is MOST important as well as a nice large lunch. Doing that prevents cravings for SUGAR, I swear it's true for me! :) Blessings! :) 
2014年 07月 12日 投稿者: billtech66
Dreamcatcher10, just search Amazon for Sunny rowing machine. They distribute several models. 
2014年 07月 13日 投稿者: ChrisComedy
Thanks for the encouraging words, billtech66. I wouldn't worry too much about killing myself through exercise. Worry more about my excess abdominal fat (metabolic syndrome) or spare tire in the vernacular - which will definitely kill me if I don't get rid of it. As for exercise, they're called gentle core exercises for a reason. The weights I'm lifting would be considered laughable by a serious body builder. The stationary cycle I use doesn't have much resistance - that's why I'm getting a rowing machine. The posture and flexibility exercises come from physical therapists. I can do push-ups (on my knees). I don't have my pull-up bar set up but I'm so out of shape I doubt I could do one. Maybe my program looks like overkill to you because I'm trying to catch up/compensate for years of a sedentary lifestyle. There's nothing in the 4:3/alternate-day/every other day diet that precludes a large breakfast or lunch. The trick is to restrict yourself to 500 calories the next day. 
2014年 07月 13日 投稿者: ChrisComedy
Billtech66, you say, "The phrase is common "no pain, no gain." but I am here to say that is NOT true." The author of "Strength for 50+" has even stronger words: "The old adage, 'No pain, no gain,' is insane. Equally as insane is the adage to work through the pain. Pain is your body's way of telling you you're doing something wrong." As for killing myself, you'll be happy that I'm taking the day off and my exertion consists of fiddling around with the tablet and laptop and watching tv. 
2014年 07月 13日 投稿者: ChrisComedy





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