The suspense (and sedentary life style) is killing me: it cooled off today and rained but it's feeling extra swampy. Got a text message from Amazon that "Age Defying Fitness: Making the Most of Your Body for the Rest of Your Life" had been delivered this morning but nowhere to be found. The usual mailman usually doesn't show until around 1 so there was still hope. OK, it arrived with a different mailman than usual.

The good news: "Weights for 50+: Building Strength, Staying Healthy and Enjoying an Active Lifestyle" also arrived via LaserShip. A quick scan and it looks good but you're on your own as far as designing an overall program. The emphasis is building up different areas and the sets to do that. I am grateful it has a whole section devoted to legs and they look easier and safer with more variety than the magazine/book I'm using right now.

I'm excited to embark on a new overall fitness program with "Age-Defying Fitness," which is going to be my new Bible for fitness. I hope it lives up to the reviews on Amazon. It's a pretty thick book, even after you take the included Theraband out. In one of those ironies, it comes in a plastic case that would be a struggle for some people to remove. The baseline/measurement tests look easy to perform but there's a fair amount of content to master so it will take a while to really get into it, as was the case with Pilates.

I'm still training with dumbbells because the program is relatively easy to follow although I may modify it according to the recommendations of "Age-Defying." Started the second week of the second month. My lunges aren't that great but lunging with barbells makes me nervous. I'm still doing the Harvard Medical gentle core exercises and stretches.

I did a half hour of stationary cycling while watching the evening news with the ankle weights. That velcro really sticks. I'm starting with a half hour and working me way up. Plan to do more cycling tonight. Only problem is the stationary cycle is squeaking. I'm still going to do the stepper but I think I'm going to put most of my effort into cycling, which I enjoy more. I may bite the bullet and get a better cycle. The trick is to decide which one. Another possibility is to convert my folding bike into a stationary bike with an accessory. The arrival of "Age Defying Fitness: Making the Most of Your Body for the Rest of Your Life" and "Weights for 50+: Building Strength, Staying Healthy and Enjoying an Active Lifestyle" mean I have a lot of material to read and assimilate. I feel tension in my back when I use the standing desk. I hope the section on posture in "Age-Defying" will help me with that as well as the stretches.

I had an Evolve protein shake and a glass of water for breakfast. I'm still serious about losing the next five pounds, sticking to the every-other-day diet.

My 17-inch monitor wouldn't turn on today. I had a cold drink on the desk the other day and the condensation dripped onto the surge protector, causing it to arc. I hope that wasn't what caused the monitor failure. Live and learn. I can live with that for now, now that I have the Acer Chromebook, which arrived at the right time. Always have a backup. I can get another monitor for the Dell desktop but I'm going to hold off until the end of the summer because I now keep the Dell turned off because it's a hotbox.

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