Wednesday Morning - March 5th! Up again since 4am but that's okay; we went to bed at 8pm last night and slept quite well. 'All Things Food' were pretty darn good yesterday. I'm recognizing the absence of the PB&J on my bedtime oatmeal is resulting in being hungry earlier in the day. Tuna with pickles mid-morning held me until the last of the chicken vegetable soup and a spinach salad last night. A small serving of oatmeal before bed. I like that snack even without the 'sweets'. It's how I get my flax and chia seed (fiber) in for the day.

One of the things I recognized and honored was how hungry I was running errands in the evening but absent the need to 'stop and grab something, anything' as I would have in the past. Time and experience has shown me I will truly not starve and practice has made it possible to return home, have a bottle of water while I prepare my dinner and make good choices. I constantly use the EWYL 'Big 3' of 'What do I want, have and need?' That last one is a reminder to get some veggies on the plate. Normally I crave them naturally but lately it's taking effort. So thank you #3 for the reminder.

So hold onto your hats... I've planned A TRIP! Not a big one - just a short get away but it's a start. I'm going to ride A TRAIN (Amtrak, never rode one so that's another first) to San Antonio (been there with and without Cutty many times but not in a long time) and stay at a 5 star Hotel (another first) suite with a balcony on the river. Color me excited.

It's in about six weeks and I'll do my best to NOT repeat the daily countdown of 'The Great 48 Hour Escape of 2013' as I did last August. I booked a private car so that Mushy and I can stretch out and snore in solitude. This will be the 'weekend' of our '25th anniversary' and I am going to live it up as much as I can for a woman who goes to bed at 8pm.

I went through that whole 'waiting for the other shoe to drop' debate internally again yesterday but it ended in praying gratitude instead of needless worry. Again, I do believe this is the calm and reward after so many storms. I continue to reach the end of the day with a silly 'well, that was easy ...' feeling and wonder why.

The cycle of grief and relief, rejoice and remorse continues. I miss Cutty, I always will. But I didn't fall in love with that sad, sick, angry man. I fell in love with the 'happy go lucky anything goes hey let's get in the car and drive to Vegas babe you can do anything you set your mind to let's build a house here and bet it all on black' man. And I loved him even more when I knew he needed it the most but it was indeed .... a lot to love.

I think that's one of the bigger nagging feelings I have; lately I feel like some naive Pollyanna just meandering through my days humming something akin to 'Don't Worry... Be Happy'. Maybe it was there all the time but balancing it against Cutty's always waiting not for a shoe but a BOOT to drop it just got lost.

We would constantly reflect we were truly blessed, had a great life, and were very fortunate. He was able to do that. But he had to go thru the 'life is crap, this sucks, that person is going to screw you over, watch out, did you check, have you done, are you sure you sold that right, you talked too long to that customer, you're wasting time, I don't like ...' stuff. It was tiring.

My sales are improving; the BCF's business is not. So it's not seasonal; it's not timing. It's the grace of the universe or just I'm now able to relax and foster good relationships with customers I was unable to do in the past. Without the constant interrogation and criticism I am regaining my confidence and I believe it shows to others.

People are attracted to confidence; I know I am. I like being in the presence of a person who genuinely knows what they're doing. I can hear it on the phone or read it in their writing. It's either there, or it isn't. You can fake it, but only for so long.

I'm happy. Truly happy today. I have a rack of lamb to go roast now so that'll be my brunch, lunch or dinner depending upon when hunger strikes. Hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday in your world too.


3 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Hey Polly - what a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary. Good for you on all fronts! So proud of you, your confidence and I hope you have a most wonderful day - and coming up a fab trip! 
2014年 03月 5日 投稿者: Lynn1958
Sounds like a wonderful little vacation, and a delish dinner tonight :-) You can countdown, I would! lol I've always wanted to travel by train, especially out west. See I'm a Midwestern girl, and I've never been further west than Iowa, or further South than West Virginia, or further east than PA. I guess I don't get out much, snap a photo or two for me, will ya? So glad you are feeling confident, it helps in all aspects of life. I'm sure you are a very talented and capable business woman, and you have a wonderful personality to go along with it. <3 
2014年 03月 5日 投稿者: Annabelle3117
I am so excited about your upcoming trip I was just thinking about your next venture. A trip to San Antonio sounds wonderful. Enjoy your great day and staying in this good zone. 
2014年 03月 5日 投稿者: ChicaLean
Congrats on planning your trip! I am excited for you and Mushy! One of the strangest things about grief is how guilty being happy, or even having a laugh can make you feel. Finding happiness now doesn't mean you don't miss him, or that your time together wasn't important or happy. You deserve to be happy now, and he would want that for you, I'm sure. He's not looking down thinking, "what is she doing? gallivanting? does she even miss me?" He's smiling. Or so I would think. Coming from a spiritual, but not religious kind of gal :) 
2014年 03月 5日 投稿者: megmonster
I can hear the happiness in your words, Angel, and am so happy for you… happy for your mindfulness… happy for your upcoming, wonderful sounding trip… happy there's relief & not just grief, rejoice & not just remorse! Happy… my new ringtone… how perfect! xoxox  
2014年 03月 5日 投稿者: Ruhu
Oh have loads of fun in San Antonio! My son was born there, we lived there 4 years. You picked the very best time to go, it's nice this time of year, not too hot yet, and everything is still green and blooming. You can go up and down the whole Riverwalk, with Miss Mushy, and people watch.  
2014年 03月 5日 投稿者: CollyMP
The trip sounds wonderful. I've also never road a train.  
2014年 03月 5日 投稿者: 2ManyCurves
You were an early bird today and you sound great! A train trip will be fun I hope! Not sure if train travel is what is use to be - sort of like airline travel. It will definitely be an adventure. It is soooo nice that your business is growing and it is all because of you. That must feel great. 
2014年 03月 5日 投稿者: Neptunebch
Hey Bella...congrats on making plans to get out of Dodge...Happy for you...OH Bella II was born this morning...she is a beauty...will post a pic as soon as I can... Love and Hugs...:O) 
2014年 03月 5日 投稿者: BHA
Fantastic decision to take a train trip! It will do you wonders to stretch out your adventurous legs once again, as they have had to be put away for awhile. I'm really happy that you are happy - you deserve it! Enjoy your lovely lamb, as I have no doubt you will do a masterful job cooking it to perfection.  
2014年 03月 5日 投稿者: Josie Ann
Hi Bella, think you are inspirational. I'm from Oz and one of my fondest memories was a visit to San Antonio, went for a weekend and stayed the week. Go Spurs. Love your positiveness and your quotes. Good luck in every journey you take. 
2014年 03月 5日 投稿者: Elegy
(-: love your descriptions of Cutty, your memories, the balancing out the "good" with the "ugly." It makes me think about my own journey with this love of my life who has health issues who sometimes drives me completely batty. I suspect he will exit this world before me. I suspect it will be ugly. Sometimes I've wanted to run away but I can't. Or better said, I won't. Besides, no one knows what tomorrow holds. So I'm smiling thinking about you and Mushy on that train and, well just smiling at the thought of you and your willingness to share these things with us, with me. Hugs Bella! Now upstairs I go to shower and embrace my day! 
2014年 03月 6日 投稿者: madaboutmoose





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