Well, it may be mid-summer July in your neck of the hemisphere but it's Thanksgiving Day here in Bellawood. At least, it smells that way with the scent of roasted turkey and dressing lingering in the air.

Coincidentally I've had a really good sales day too. Someone needs to make this a candle scent; seems to make the wallet just float out of men's pants.

I had the giblets fried in butter with onions for breakfast. DH doesn't like giblet gravy and I can't seem to accept that gravy isn't a beverage so no sense making it.

I didn't do a full meal with 'all the trimmings' today - just the turkey, dressing, gravy from the drippings and flakey biscuit. This way I'll be able to have different sides with the turkey as time passes without too much all at one time for either of us.

And yes, I recognize I'm being completely unmindful that I'm already looking forward to a cold turkey on wheat with mayo sandwich for later this evening. I did balance that with a mindfulness that I had very little for lunch so that I can be hungry for that anticipated favorite.

I read elsewhere yesterday that it takes 2-3 years to firmly get a grip on a new way of eating; that allows for holidays, stressful life situations and other temptations and tests as well as slipping off the wagon but climbing back on. The poster did not indicate if the clock starts over with the wagon climbing.

I do agree with it taking a few years because I typically fall off the wagon, roll into the ditch and lay there unable to climb back onto the road much less the wagon at around eighteen months. So hopefully nothing tragic will happen on Valentines day next year to send me into a wagon-jumping spiral.

I felt good about the turkey thing today; I was a complete obsessive wreck at Thanksgiving trying to decide how much to eat, what to eat, logging every single spoon of food, knowing I'd likely bring my RDI in at 200%, going overboard, overeating, etc.

Today, meh, it was just a turkey; just 'lunch'. I never made a plate, choosing instead to grab bites as I pulled it off the bone after serving DH's lunch. Regardless, no crazy lady in the kitchen as I was eight months ago.

I shared yesterday's meditation cleanse results with DH this morning - he thought the part of the mourning dove venturing into the yard while I was still out there was pretty cool. I still do.

Oh - polling for opinions and true life experiences, please. Bullet-proof coffee anyone? I know I'm always way behind on trends and fads so I'd be interested in feedback.

And finally, I'm recognizing the meditation cleanse was incredibly valuable even beyond the birds. I felt so rejuvenated yesterday I've regained my inspiration and initiative to work on my window displays. It was nice to feel that creative flow return; I thought it was just a fleeting emotion.

And that's it from my corner of the world. Hope all is going well in yours.



I'd never heard of bulletproof coffee before - had to Google it. It sounds interesting but I'm not sure about putting butter and/or MTC oil in my coffee... however, I imagine it wouldn't be any worse than cream when it's all blended together like I saw suggested. But I think the idea is mainly to ingest more MTC oil, so whether it is added to coffee or cooked with, the benefits should be the same. Your turkey dinner sounds yummy. I have given up cooking a whole turkey now that my daughter and her boyfriend are vegan because hubby and I just can't seem to eat all the leftovers before we tire of them and turkey seems to be one thing that doesn't come out of freezing well once it's been cooked. I now opt to buy a single turkey breast and cook that with a dressing on the side (although I know you can make a roll out of the breast with the stuffing in the middle). I believe in your 2-3 year rule about adopting a new eating plan. I am over two years now with this last stint and it was somewhere around last fall that I first felt I was beginning to struggle with it. But, even though I've regained a few pounds this year, I feel like I've somehow managed to keep a handle on things and kept them from spiraling out of control like they did in the past. I guess I have entered new territory for me without really realizing the significance of it. Thanks for the "reminder" :) 
2013年 07月 19日 投稿者: evelyn64
@Evelyn - see, I thought the same thing - would it really matter if it was in coffee as long as it's ingested in something? HCT & butter in oatmeal w/coffee on the side? Then I thought about how coffee with butter, HCT and nothing else in the morning WOULD leave one feeling energetic as it's basically a fast and the body isn't tired trying to process food. It reminded me of some weight loss drug a few years ago that promised 'take this pill and nothing else after 7pm and we guarantee you'll lose weight.' Well, duh. Most of us WOULD lose weight if we stopped the night snacking, pill or not. But feeling 'better' sounds good to me so I'm always grabbing at straws and am trying to proceed carefully before I buy 'magic beans'. I feel the same about freezing turkey - it usually ends up being Mushy's food out of the freezer so I only baked a 10lb one this time. DH likes both light and dark so this was the easiest compromise. 
2013年 07月 19日 投稿者: FullaBella
Happy Thanksgiving! It is so hot here, I can't imagine turning on the oven... but with my dislike of cooking, I can't often imagine turning on the oven! But I'm glad you are enjoying your turkey dinner & leftovers. 2-3 years -- I like that -- maybe I'm not the slow learner I'd been feeling like lately! You have come so far overall & since Thanksgiving -- it is so encouraging & inspiring -- good riddance crazy lady! I'd heard something about butter in coffee on the news but didn't know it made it bullet-proof. I didn't pay much attention as the combination sounded so odd to me, but hate to miss out on the latest trend, so am also eager to hear of the results of your poll. TGIF, my good friend! xoxox 
2013年 07月 19日 投稿者: Ruhu
I've heard of the bulletproof coffee thing one other time, and it was through a FS member that consistently made me roll my eyes, so I guess that's how I feel about it.. :) I can't imagine putting a stick of butter in my coffee - bleh! Might as well roll the stick of butter in sugar and eat it while hiding in the closet... ;) Haha.. but if you do try it, be sure to tell us how it goes!! 
2013年 07月 19日 投稿者: erika2633
turkey, mourning doves, bulletproof coffee. My hero! 
2013年 07月 19日 投稿者: Neptunebch
Sigh...I have the same problem with gravy. If I could put a straw in it I would! Currently contemplating the merits of erika's suggestion of rolling a stick of butter in sugar...You do always have the most interesting threads, Bella! (and I need to remember the turkey suggestion next time I want something from the spousal unit). 
2013年 07月 20日 投稿者: CollyMP
@Angel - oven 'heat' is not an issue here in Bellawood as DH keeps the house at 67 degrees (that was our 'compromise' between his preference of 65 and mine of 72, sigh) @Erika - you know, I rolled my eyes at the idea a bit too and after about 10 web searches cornfirmed my opinion in my earlier comment - I was just looking for magic beans. @Susan - lol, I've never been anyone's hero. Do I get a fancy cape with that? @Colly - I saw Meg Ryan do that (Erika's suggestion to roll butter in sugar) on that remake of 'The Women' and at the time thought 'ugh!' but after letting spoons of coconut oil melt in my mouth for pulling it doesn't seem so gross anymore. May have to try it the next time I feel I need a fat based sugar rush. Thanks again everyone. Bella 
2013年 07月 20日 投稿者: FullaBella
I'm sorry, curiosity has got the best of me. Where is it that Thanksgiving is in July? :) 
2013年 07月 20日 投稿者: NowIunderstand
@maun - in 'my' world because of the turkey & dsg. Just a joke. 
2013年 07月 20日 投稿者: FullaBella
I figured that out after having made a fool of myself by my comment... :) Sometimes, I'm not too quick.. thanks! 
2013年 07月 21日 投稿者: NowIunderstand
Have you read anything by Deepak Chopra? He has some interesting ideas on how the mind controls not just our body but also our expierences in life. You must have airconditioning...can't imagine turning on the oven these days 
2013年 07月 21日 投稿者: fatoldlady
LOL on the Thanksgiving in July. You're freaking people out, Bella. I do agree about 2-3 years to firmly get a grip on a new way of eating. It's so hard. You're doing great. So is your husband. Proud of him for listening about your meditation cleanse. 
2013年 07月 22日 投稿者: Helewis
@Mauni - hey, no worries, I was trying to figure out how someone else on here posted a future journal and was wondering where in the world they were 4 days ahead of me.. @Lady - I had one book years ago but could never get into him that much. Maybe I should try again. And yes, DH keeps the A/C at 67 here @Heather - yep, me and the Mayans with out calendars ... trouble makers huh.  
2013年 07月 22日 投稿者: FullaBella





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