🤦🏻‍♀️ not looking past this..... the flu season is very real and will take down anyone. Healthy or not. Proper hand washing, cover your cough and sneeze. An infected person who coughs, sneezes, whether infected with bronchitis, influenza, Tuberculosis, SARS, pneumonia...etc, infected particulates will travel almost 100 times further and stay in an area longer than an allergic or asthmatic induced cough. We all are here to get healthy, learn from each other and stay healthy. You can be the healthiest person and still get the influenza virus 🦠. I can not stand by and let nonsense information, especially in prime flu season run on this feed. 😳🤧😷😩🤦🏻‍♀️🤯🩺🧼🧼🧼

434 kcal 脂質: 32.65g | たんぱく質: 28.10g | 炭水化物: 6.78g.   朝食: Organic Valley Heavy Whipping Cream, Folgers Classic Roast Instant Coffee, NeoCell Super Collagen + C, Nature Made Vitamin D3, CVS Chromium Picolinate 200 mcg, Crystal Light Energy Citrus Flavor, Dasani Bottled Water (16.9 oz), Kroger Vitamin B Complex, Tone's Cayenne Pepper, Nature Made Magnesium 250mg, Turmeric (Ground), Cinnamon. 昼食: Aquafina Water (16.9 oz), Pepsi Diet Pepsi (16.9 oz). 夕食: Dasani Bottled Water (16.9 oz), Pepsi Diet Pepsi (16.9 oz), American Cheese, Market Pantry Finely Shredded Mexican Style Four-cheese Blend Cheese, Fresh Pork Sausage , Egg Omelet or Scrambled Egg with Peppers, Onion and Ham. 軽食/その他: Jack Link's Peppered Beef Steak Jerky, Laughing Cow Creamy Swiss Garlic & Herb. もっと...
2364 kcal 運動: 洗濯 - 25 分, 休憩 - 15 時間   35 分, 睡眠 - 8 時間. もっと...

34 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Guess I consider myself one of those "exceptions" and haven't gotten a flu shot for years, even now that I'm "elderly". When I was younger, I got the shot for three years and felt like I was dying each of those three years so I stopped and decided it was better for ME to take my chances. That said, I constantly and liberally spray Lysol at home and work, even on my coworkers, haha. 
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: acomandr
Real quick. Not an endorsement for the influenza vaccination. I believe in it, also got the flu 🤒 on it 2-3 times. The vaccination can NOT predict the upcoming influenza strains. It, however can lessen and shorten your symptoms and that’s backed up. Point being, don’t post nonsense, especially when new people join all year, but most join between December and April. No WOE is going to save your hiney, unless you protect yourself.  
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: jcmama777
Flu shots for me are a must as anything respiratory turns quickly into severe bronchitis and often pneumonia even with pneumonia shots. MY doc started giving me the over 65 shots when I was about 60. Have not had the "flu" since. Upper respiratory infections but no flu. I swear by them. Soap and water are the best, sanitizer only does a little. The original flu shots were live virus and could make you sick. They have not used live virus for flu or Pneumonia shots for a long time now. Lysol would have a good chance of landing me in the hospital with a severe asthma attack. If you are spraying chemicals in the air please check to see if anyone has lung issues that those chemicals will compromise.  
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: wholefoodnut
Nonsense...referring to kpwcalories and Leptitox? 
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: acomandr
Thank you for this. this year’s virus is hitting the young and healthy. You can check the maps on the CDC website. Eating healthy and being mindful helps, but it’s a virus. 
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: Katsolo
So unhealthy people only get sick🤔🤔🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m staying on my own post😏 I’m disgusted, just keep journaling, try your best, stick around and for Pete’s Sakes, do your part in not spreading germs.... all year round, especially during flu season.  
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: jcmama777
Exactly Kat!! Influenza B!! It’s the most prominent this year. It is taking down children and all adults.  
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: jcmama777
Acomandr, nonsense in regards to a healthy WOE will save you from the influenza, let alone the common cold.  
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: jcmama777
We can all educate ourselves, just do a internet search for Flu Myths and Facts.  
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: Ma Ka 71
For clarity, hitting means making very sick or killing them. Nasty stuff. Wash your hands. Cover your mouths.  
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: Katsolo
Ma Ka and Kat🙌 💯 super scary!! Typically, influenza A hits first with influenza B, being the end tail. Not this year. BTW, you can catch both whether A first or B first and you can be doing everything right in regards to health and hand washing. Beyond this site, do what you can to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses 🧼💦😷♥️💜💚 
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: jcmama777
Ah, mahalo for clarifying. And I agree with your statement as well as with other comments about flus and viruses not discriminating. In this day and age, no reason why everyone can't be adequately informed and appropriately protected. 
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: acomandr
Absolute acomandr ♥️ @ the more you know🙌📚🤓  
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: jcmama777
The nasty health challenges are out there, apparently at particular times during the year, with cleanliness/hygiene and weather being contributing factors. Be safe, not sorry! 
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: acomandr
We are all different so it's important to know your body, along with contributing factors and environmental considerations, and educate yourself on how to best take care of it👍 
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: acomandr
I applaud you to for reacting to this nonsense. I just unfollowed the person who wrote that after a kind of derogatory reaction to my question/comment. And a denial!  
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: silkian
Well, I just went hard and did not stay in my lane. 
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: jcmama777
@acomandr, I was joking about the nonsense trolls have been posting lately. People post some ridiculous things on this website! 
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: kpwcalories
Ah, mahalo for clarifying, Kp. Yes...for sure some ridiculous things 🙄 
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: acomandr
They really do kpwcalories 
2020年 01月 19日 投稿者: jcmama777





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