It's been a while, but I'm still here, trudging along like a champ! I decided 2013 was the year: the year my health goes from "meh" to "hell yeah!" Relocated to within an 8-hour drive of the most amazing doctor a few months ago, so I took the plunge, made the call, and am now in the beginning stages of getting my fluff and flab under control.

Had my first appointment last week - went in with a list of everything (I mean EVERYTHING) I wanted addressed this year. First on the list: stronger anxiety meds. Check! Second on the list: she ordered an MRI for my back. Yes! I go in tonight for the MRI, and we should FINALLY know what the heck has been troubling my back for the last 6 years. Yep, count 'em, 6 long painful years. Going from active to fat has taken a toll on my sanity. I'm definitely still amazing, but there's so many jiggly parts that it hides some of my amazing bits.

I stopped the ridiculous dieting. Eating chemically-engineered food was killing me. So I went back to eating what I love, fresh fruits and vegetables. Shopping at Costco has made this insanely easy. They have a brilliant produce section. Bright, delicious, superb selection of my favorites. There are some vegetables I don't care for, which I'll throw those in a juicer, add an apple to sweeten it up, and drink the yucky vegetable.

Being on so many different diets didn't have all bad points. One of the diets eliminated carbs and when I went back to eating carbs, I felt puffy and, to be blunt, it made me a little depressed-feeling. Now, I'll make some tasty pasta dish for my offspring, but I'll only feel like eating a couple bites and boom! Done. I have also found that I'm not impressed with gorging on bread, rice, potatoes, or any other carbohydrate-loaded food. It seems like I have more energy by not eating these things. Or it could all be in my head. Who knows?

Do I still crave a fat bowl of mashed potatoes covered in juicy gravy? Yes and yes and yes! Do I eat the whole bowl? Nope. Not because I am limiting myself, but because I know how eating that entire bowl will make me feel. Sloggy, gross, miserable, depressed. No thanks. I'll take a few bites and remain happy and satisfied.

I hope your 2013 has been kind. Keep up the good work!






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