Jimmie Buffet: 'Yes I am a pirate, 200 years too late, the cannons don't thunder, there's nothing to plunder, I'm am over 40 victim of fate... arriving too late... arriving too late.'

Don't lock up the jewels - I truly have no urge to plunder anyone or thing - I just feel like the latter part of that lyric today especially related to this whole 'eating and losing weight thing'.

I've gone down the wrong path toward destination healthy so many times I do sometimes feel like a self created victim from haphazardly following the advice of 'the experts' instead of just shutting up and listening to my own body.

Maybe I'm listening better now as I've grown hard of hearing and shut all the other noise out?? No, that's not true. If anything, my hearing improved. I sure never heard myself groan this much when I was in my 30's.

But before I proceed let me clarify the 'victim of fate' comment a bit before I read as if I'm trying to point the finger of blame elsewhere.

No, I know the majority of my weight gain, regain, etc., was due to overeating. ME, MY, MINE - I always step up and accept the responsibility for what *I* did to ME.

Oh, my friend asked me yesterday - what exactly does the "M" stand for in MH and Mdog. That again is ME, MY, Mine. I guess I have some issues with sharing my stuff, huh :-) I never outgrew the 'MINE' phase toddlers go through, LOL.

So here I am in my 50's and I'm really loving the latest 'this is how you do it' theory that promises 'fat doesn't make you fat, sugar makes you fat' because I've spent too many years trying to bring my 'fat gram' total in under 30 per day.


And that's not impossible if you live on just vegetables and all 'fat free' crap but it did not work for ME. I'm not disputing or condemning anyone else's low fat WOE ((haha, I finally learned yesterday what that acronym meant and can now use it with clarity)) - it just didn't work for ME.

So after being on FatSecret for a while and reading and sharing experiences and theories with other real people just like me, trying to plunder our way through the sea of confusion (okay, Colly, you've enouraged me to try to be creative - see what happens?) I finally relented and accepted the 'good fat' theory in food.

Now, what I AM having trouble with some days is the mix of CARBS. (and sodium, Lizzie, haha)

I HOPE and PRAY that as I'm eating my carbs in veggies & fruits they are the fibrous okay carbs and yes, I know (or believe) that I need to have more carbs from the Veggie than from the Fruit. I'm feeling comfortable with that idea. And I've given up processed simple grain carbs (sans the random crust now and then) all together (and actually really do feel better) and don't miss them.

But can I go total hardcore Atkins? No. Love my veggies and fruits too much, even when I want them in a smoothie, Baxie :-).

So once again, I may (and pray to God I'm not) just be setting myself up for another 'big loss only to regain' wave of my life. However, having fallen off the ship so many times this pirate is just grabbing for the life preserver. (Ok, Bella, stop trying to be creative, get back on point.)

I still struggle with the 'oatmeal' thing as in 'is it good, bad, okay?' and the Bella Jury is still out on that one.

Anyway - possible victim of fate reference though - the EWYL book has helped me a LOT with my overeating, mindful eating, mindless eating... no wait... sorry .. fearless eating... more than I can ever relate. I'm not hawking the book - you decide. I receive no compensation for mentioning it.

Regardless, I have been so onboard and learned so much to help me with my 'eating' issues but THANKFULLY didn't read the 'menu, what to eat' portion of that book until recently or I'd have thrown it in the trash.

Well, not literally as it's an Ebook but it certainly would have gathered dust out in the Cloud when I deleted from my Kindle.

Anyway - while the techniques seem timeless and are really helping me make progress with my eating disorders, the whole 'what to eat' was so 1980's I found myself incensed (which isn't the same as incense - I don't know how fragrant I smelled as steam started pouring out of my ears) because the reader is advised to eat a huge base of grains, fat free, low fat, etc.

Agggggghhh!!! (ouch)

But as the old saying 'Everything in Moderation' reminds us, so goes advice from books, friends, gurus and the interweb.

So like my meals, I keep the best parts of what I encounter and discard the rest. We wanna-be pirates have to draw the line somewhere. I may end up walking the plank in another five years. Only time will tell.

Thank you for reading,


1668 kcal 脂質: 104.09g | たんぱく質: 90.19g | 炭水化物: 92.92g.   朝食: Swiss Cheese, Spinach, Land o lakes butter, Egg, Sauerkraut Libby. 昼食: Planters Nuts, Avocado, Strawberries, Spinach, Pure Apple juice, Prime Rib. 夕食: Progresso Chicken Rotini, Sugar Free Balsamic Vin, Schwan Cal Blend. 軽食/その他: Swiss Cheese, Spanish Colossal Olives . もっと...
2058 kcal 運動: 睡眠 - 24 時間. もっと...


Oh honey! "Perfect" is a diva, you shouldn't try to be her friend! "Good Enough" is absolutely fine! And frankly "Good Enough" is workin' for ya! In case you haven't noticed, you've taken off quite a bit of weight! Oatmeal is FINE! It tastes good, it has loads of fiber, it fills you up and keeps you going for hours. Eat the dang oatmeal! Don't worry about five years from now-today has plenty of worry all by itself. Do the best you can today, that's all that you can reasonably count on. Tomorrow, do it again. Five years from now you have NO IDEA what your life will have in it, and the time to worry about it is in five years. Until then, assume the sun will keep rising and that you will keep doing the best you can each day according to what each day presents you with. NO KNOWLEDGE IS WASTED KNOWLEDGE! Any time you learn something, even if you cannot use the entire concept, it is not wasted. For instance, I am not a religious person, at best I am agnostic. However-meditation techniques of various religions have helped me. Stories and parables have enlightened an idea for me that otherwise I have had trouble grasping. Religion does appeal to people and all I can say to that is that there is clearly something there that I do not or have not seen. Just because I do not use it, does not make it wrong for anyone to use it. Take what works for you, discard the rest, absolutely.  
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: CollyMP
OK, why can I not divide my posts up into paragraphs? What am I doing wrong?  
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: CollyMP
LOL - Colly - it's not YOU it's FS ~ you can paragraph on forum posts, just not in journal comments. I know, it looks so pretty in draft it's misleading. I agree with you about the 'today' and the complete Scarlett O'Hare about worrying about 'that' tomorrow. I just look back at the past three decades of screwing it up and wonder 'will this one hold... and if it doesn't .. will I have the fortitude to do it again if I'm still around in my 60's...' The ONLY problem I have with your comment is .... ugh... I WANNA BE A DIVA :-) Bella-diva, just rolls off the tongue ... doesn't it? LOL. 
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: FullaBella
Oooh it kinda does! LOL! Honestly I think it will hold, but I think the flip side of that coin is that you have to keep coming back to it each day. Even if it isn't here, and it may not be, because people outgrow things and move on and their lives change-you still need to do something daily to address your eating and weight control. I know I'll have to, I need the support, I need the encouragement, I need to be accountable to myself and others for controlling my weight. I also know that if I don't get this weight off I am going to be be heading into a decade of real unpleasantness-my mother had a quad bypass at 54. I'll be 46 this Saturday, and I've spent more time overweight as an adult than she did. She didn't start putting on weight until her late 30's early 40's. I've been fighting it since my 20's. Time is not my friend. So, yeah, sorry, got off track there, but I think some of us just need to check in each day, somewhere, with someone, to keep our sh** together. A food diary is absolutely the ONLY thing that has ever worked long term for me, and I have just finally accepted that I will need to do it the rest of my life, and if I want my life to be longer than the next decade, I'd better get on it! 
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: CollyMP
I like the name Bella..if you don't mind I may use it for one of my prettiest new baby calf...You have learned quite a lot on FS..and your chart shows it..keep up the good work girl...:O) 
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: BHA
@Colly - all of the women in my family passed in their 70's but were very ill (heart, lungs, plumbing) from early in their 40's. I consider it a blessing that despite being morbidly obese 70% of my life ((so far - I hope that percentage drops as more time passes)) that I have managed to make it this far with only minor things like High blood pressure and cholesterol (which I always manage to get under control when I eat right) and high blood sugar (this was new this time but have lowered it) and been able to turn it around. I realize NOTHING is going to give me immortality but I heard on the news last week that 70 is the new 30 so I guess if that makes me 15 I should be talking to your son, LOL. Eh... I am really loving the food diary and have committed to it daily for a full year before I try to go and eat intuitively and fearlessly while I get a good solid 'this is what you eat, this is how you eat, this is what you canNOT do anymore' firmly ingrained in my easily distracted mind. The labs were definitely a wake up (again) for me but the reality than rang the loudest was I finally achieved a place in life where I have the ways & means to do things but my body wouldn't let me ((like, sit on an airplane, walk the streets of Italy, browse the clearance aisles at Walmart) so I do hope to continue improving my health and ability to stand, walk, talk and make my own way through the world for at least another 25-30 years. Anything after that, I'm going to have to re-evaluate my finances - I may not have enough money to live to my 90's!! 
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: FullaBella
@Bren - perfectly fine. I had a little jersey (well, she grew up into a Mama Jersey) named Lady Bella back in the day. I'd be honored. Please forgive me - I'm sure you've answered this before, I confess short term memory issues - what breed cattle do you raise? 
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: FullaBella
That was something of a turning point for me as well-the last few years I've developed something called "Hyper Mobility". What I can tell you is that it makes your joints feel like they're being pulled apart, all the time. Being overweight does NOT help! Also, it takes more pain meds to make it more bearable. Weigh less=pain relief works better. I'm taking the max dosage, I can't go higher, and the other pain med they offer I LOATHE. It doesn't take the pain away, it just makes me a zombie so I don't care. We spent 14 years of my husbands military career traveling, and suddenly I couldn't do it any more. Neither can he, really, his back and his feet are ruined, but I sometimes can't take riding in the car to make multiple stops on shopping days. I feel ancient, some days. Again, though, losing weight will help, as will trying to do some strength training once I've lost enough weight that I can cope with it. I am horribly out of shape but I must start slow as now I'm easily injured. Hard to believe 6 years ago I went to the gym 1 1/2 hours a day, isn't it!? LOL! Moving back to the US did something to me, I've not been the same since.  
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: CollyMP
@Colly - what you said, exactly. By summer last year I was getting two hour massages every week just to cope with pain; had already had the knee surgery and even tried the Cymbalta because I let some doc talk me into the theory that pain causes depresssion and depression causes pain but the Cymbalta just made me feel like I was watching the world through a huge glass of water so THAT had to go. It was really NICE the other day when a customer said to me 'I wish you'd sit down, you're making me feel tired' because this time last year, no way I'd have been able to stand so long or lift the heavy boxes I do. I still feel 'old' a lot of the time but I think that's because I've been working since I was 6 years old (seriously - dishwasher/bus tables at restaurants) so technically, or at least, professionally, I'm in my 70's already. But yes, as the weight came off my strength and endurance returned and I am no longer buying coedine/tylenol/ibuprofen in the 'big bottle.' I was NEVER an exerciser so doing it now - eh - not the whoohoo many people on here report but it's not hurting as much as it used to so I'll keep it up. I traveled for CorpUSA more than a quarter of a century - even though I could NOW fit on a plane again, I'm not gonna. I still want to go to Italy but not until they build a highway :-) 
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: FullaBella
Well I say that if we don't learn to try new things, we'll never figure it out because it's obvious that what we tried in the past didn't work. Good job sleuthing out new ideas and putting them through the bullhockey filter. Personally, I believe in the Mediterranean diet concept and I was sort of surprised when it became featured in the news lately because I discovered that it's pretty much what I've been working towards with all of the lifestyle and habit changes over the past couple of years. But we all have our hang ups and glitches (I think largely due to how we were raised - what we ate, what our family ate, family attitudes toward food - i.e. as a reward or celebration, used as punishment, etc.). There is no one size fits all answer for weight loss/maintenance. You take a little bit from everything you've learned over the years, shake it up and blend it together and come up with something customized just for you. Good luck finding your own mix - it looks like you are well on your way to perfecting the recipe :) 
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: evelyn64
Wow, I'm at loss for words! HA. I can relate to almost very word. It is a journey, and the journey is oursd. Diva Lizzy, Diva Bella, Diva all us women! 
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: Lizzygracemusic
Bella, I still think you should write a book when this is all over! You'll help and amuse a lot of people!!! I agree we should find our own recipes to lose weight. Everyone knows the theory! And I think you found yours... Look how much weight you've lost so far!!! 
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: Re Becca
Bella we raise Angus beef cattle..they are the cutest things when little and have lots of energy...love to see them run and jump and chase each other..Thanks allowing to use the name..I love it.:O) 
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: BHA
@Evelyn - yeah, I guess I can rationalize that worn cliche is wrong - sometimes you can teach an old dog new tricks. I have the rest of my life to get this right. As you say - it doesn't get easier - it just gets better.  
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: FullaBella
@Lizzy - welcome to the Diva club :-) Eh, that'd probably require I do really nice mani/pedi and I'm just not up to it. Heck, next thing you all would want me to fix my hair. Plain Ole Bella or GoodEnough Bella I guess it is :-)  
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: FullaBella
@Becca - you're really kind kiddo but I've already confessed to being a pirate ~ my entire philosophy right now is a cocktail of the best parts of what I've decided to keep from my neverending experiments. I could rename my diet 'Long Island Bella' as it's just a mixture of the good stuff and a lot of fruit, LOL. 
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: FullaBella
@Bren - Angus, Angus, Angus .... sigh... love angus :-) My fav (I know, I repeat and forget ) is white faced herefords yet we raised santa gerts but still love those pretty pretty angus. I'm so honored to know I have a baby named Bella... I'd ask for a pic but you may want me to chip in on it's college education, LOL 
2013年 03月 7日 投稿者: FullaBella
Bella, I've come late in the day to your journal, as always, and all the good stuff (ie comments) has been used up. So just saying hello and letting you know I enjoy your journals and enthusiasm for the journey and can't wait to read each new daily episode.  
2013年 03月 8日 投稿者: sarahsmum
Fix your hair, heck no! I have bad hair days every day, hats and ponytails! Were Divas in disguise! HEHE...  
2013年 03月 8日 投稿者: Lizzygracemusic
Thanks for keeping me inspired today. I stayed home from work today to get my chores done before a busy weekend - well not so busy but I just wanted to stay home. I need this DAILY to keep me focused on my goals and you certainly help! Love the way your mind works. Wish mine would just work sometimes. 
2013年 03月 8日 投稿者: Neptunebch





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