It has been a long time everyone. I have probably had the worst last year that I could possibly have. Gram died, then Dad and then a very dear and close friend died suddenly at Christmas last year. I have decided to come back to my community because I realized how much I miss you all and how much I need some support, because I am an emotional eater. I finally got some good news and found out that I am getting a promotion at my job! First good news in literally a whole year. With this new job I am going to get back on the "horse" and try to loose weight again! I cannot stress to new people on here how much the support and community of people who are going thru the same challenges as you are, mean to someone who is struggling with diet and weight. Even if I am not loosing weight I find it important to connect with people who struggle with the same issues that I do. This is a great community of people and I have missed your support very much! On that note I will be starting off slowly and hoping to reconnect with some of your witty, thoughtful, and encouraging wisdom as I move forward this year. I hope to connect with new and loving people as I try again to get on a healthier path and love life again! So sorry to loose you Dad but it is time to move on and try to love myself again. I say this with a very heavy heart, but I really feel that the stability of my accountability of what I eat may be the first step in moving on from some very trying times last year. So Hello to everyone again and wish me luck!

59 人のサポーター    いいね!   

I wish you all the luck in the world. But it sounds to me like you won’t need it. You are ready willing and able to do this. 
2019年 02月 27日 投稿者: Nana Ellen
sending positive energy your way. I lost my dad in 2013 & mom in 2016 I still miss them. 
2019年 02月 27日 投稿者: JMA312
So sorry for your loss Good luck and may God give you peace, comfort ,and strength to carry on.  
2019年 02月 27日 投稿者: pam deal
It is so hard to lose our loved ones! Take care and welcome. 
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: ginger dog
So sorry for your Loses , You will succeed !!  
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: DO N OK
Hello so sorry for your emotional past year. God is your strength and he will see you through. Welcome back!!! 
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: Aleicia Wright
A few years ago I went thru a very painful time and hated the person that I had become, sad, lonely, angry. I started meditating and basically just telling myself during the meditation that "everything will work out" and "I am going to be okay". It has really changed my life and made me a better happier person.  
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: Lisa Hahn
Welcome home.  
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: adamevegod1
Welcome home! You can do this and you have made the first (and hardest) step by coming back. You got this! 
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: Gingerk65
Here's to a new chapter of YOU! 
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: Hope Springs Eternal
Welcome home! This year will be a greater year for you!!!!! 
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: bauertw
Welcome back! I know how hard it can be to make the decision to come back, it can feel daunting. So glad you are here and moving forward. Sorry for you last year, it sounds like a really bad hand you were dealt. But so inspiring to hear your plans! 
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: Pixie68
Welcome back and good luck! Here’s to a fabulous 2019 for you! 
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: FrankieBluEyes
I just turned 70. My brain thinks I am still 40. I was also skinny when young but childbirth in my mid 30's started the fight with weight gain. We all have to find something that works for us...that was a journey for me. So I no longer beat myself up over anything. Saying "I was wrong" "I screwed up" "I am overweight" "I am an old woman" just rolls off my tongue with ease. I have accepted that I can do anything for 90 days...starve, skip my favorite foods...whatever. But I am too old to do this for the rest of the days I have left. So, I diet the first 90 days of the year to get off the pounds I put on the prior year. Then...screw it...Umbrella drinks, pumpkin pie, Girl Scout Cookies...C'est la Vie!! 
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: phyllisbaum
Sunday will be the first Dad birthday of my 62 yrs without him. He died end of Mar last year. The only positive thing about the sorrow and pain we feel about a love one gone it the realization of how much they meant to us and the impact that continues after death. Sad for your losses but happy you had them in your life, making you who you are Remember that you putting your health as a priority again would be exactly what they would have wanted. They loved you and would want the best for you. 
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: Laura L56
Welcome back after your awful year. Congratulations on the promotion, and I hope that this new year brings other wonderful things to your life.  
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: katybshopper
He is not gone. Just the physical part.... He will always be in your memory.. Lost my Dad when I was 18. Things still come up and I still smile... 
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: clay pot baker
Welcome back. I know how you feel about the community thing. I was on Calorie Count for a couple of years and loved the support and the witty and enlightening postings. I went off it for a few years and gained back to much weight. Before it got drastic, I went back on only to discover they were going to close down the website. Finally found this one and I'm back on track. Best of luck to you. 
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: msmaxx
Welcome back! I'm so sorry for your losses. 
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: Horseshu1
Wishing you all the luck! Losing that many people close to you in such a short time is really rough. (Been there, done that!) I can't say it gets better but I can say it gets easier. Lost my gram, my 2nd dad, and a close friend myself...all happened within a year of my kid getting shot (she survived but has some small physical issues as well as some mental trauma due to the circumstances). It was a really rough year and I still find myself stressing about it sometimes. It's been about 15 years and it's getting to the point where I can talk about it without getting too emotional but I'm a pretty messed up person lol so it takes me a bit to get over stuff. The thing is eventually you will be able to talk about it and just have the good memories come up. You get to a place where it's all about the happy times instead of about the funerals or the illnesses that took them. It'll happen, it just takes time. In the meantime, you have us to talk to and if it gets super bad, don't hesitate to reach out. I know how awesome these people are at talking you down! They are all here to help, myself included. I've been there...literally. This might as well have been one of my posts. So I can definitely relate. When I get down I don't always post much but I'm always here even if you aren't seeing me so don't hesitate to message me if you need to talk!  
2019年 02月 28日 投稿者: katies71





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