My house is sabotaged! Got home from work starving today and DH offers me a candy bar. I decline and quickly go to the kitchen to cook dinner. I open the refrigerator door and what is sitting in there - a plate of leftover pizza! Fortunately I found a healthy snack before I caved in.

Today I am thankful for strawberries and almonds - they saved me from pizza and chocolate!


AAACCCCKKKK!!! Wow, Buffy, can't say enough how much credit you deserve for getting through that! Talk about temptation! Well, if you can survive all that after a hard day at work, you can do ANYTHING! Watch out, Superwoman Buffy is in the house!!! 
2012年 09月 6日 投稿者: Sandy701
Good for you Buffy, you rock! I'm with you, find something healthy to make sure you get to eat too. Your husband is a trip.  
2012年 09月 6日 投稿者: Helewis
WOW you are a strong person to pass that up...Sooo proud of you..and yes its very hard when all that stuff keeps getting in your face...Well done girl...:O) 
2012年 09月 6日 投稿者: BHA
I would tell him to knock it off! LOL 
2012年 09月 6日 投稿者: HCB





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