Alright... Day 2 is off and running... literally. Today I have been pretty good so far... made south beach diet turkey roll ups (from the recipe in the book) which were ok (though I really disliked the strong lime taste.. next time no lime juice), and then I started a new exercise regimen. I'm trying the Cool Running Couch to 5k thing, and for a first day I guess I did well but was really disappointed in my lack of stamina. I did the 5 minute fast walk, then the 60 second jog 90 second walk intervals twice and felt like I was going to die. I did one more 60 second jog and then walked clasping my chest all the way home. I guess it isn't that horrible... it is about 1.25/4 of what I was supposed to do... but I wanted to be able to jump into it right away. I'm in worse shape than I thought I was, and that is pretty disheartening.. but I am happy with the fact that I didn't give in to the urge to just skip the running altogether and veg on my couch. I do waitress 4 or 5 nights a week, and that is good exercise, which is perhaps the reason I thought I would be able to do better... but I won't let this get me too down. I'm going to make it happen and in (maybe slightly longer than) 9 weeks (which is all it is supposed to take according to the c25k website) I will be running 3 miles.


baby steps, your doing great getting started and exercizsing!! way to go. It won't take long and you will start to see results and changes. Its encouraging when you realize its getting easier and you will need to step it up soon! I started walking on a treadmill at 2.0 mph and worked up a sweat doing that. Now Im up to 3.2 mph ! Don't rush it too much, your doing great.  
2008年 02月 6日 投稿者: Janelleas
Thanks Janelleas! I definitely know that I'll start doing better, I guess I just felt a little bit discouraged. On the whole, I realize that I feel better since I did exercise than I do on a daily basis when I don't. There is something so incredibly invigorating about going out there and making yourself healthier!! Thank you for your response!!! 
2008年 02月 6日 投稿者: forlornsinglemom
Totally agree with Janelleas, don't rush it too much, you are doing great. If you feel extreme discomfort in a workout it may be a sign that you need to slow that area down a bit. Your writing style shows determination.  
2008年 02月 6日 投稿者: information
oh honeygirl, if I can do this exercise stuff, anyone can, we will do it together,tis why we are here...................i have been here since last July and i'll tell ya what, if i had not found this site when i did, and all the support i get from these wonderful people i would be darn miserable by now, couldn't have done any of it without my buddies, thanks guys and gals, hugs to all. 
2008年 02月 6日 投稿者: mygranners
hugs mygranners... :-) 
2008年 02月 6日 投稿者: information
awwe thanks for all of the responses guys!!! Had a pretty kick butt day (between actually getting myself out there and exercising, to eating right even at work at the restaurant). I can already feel the soreness that I'm going to have tomorrow, but I can't wait to get out there and try again!! 
2008年 02月 7日 投稿者: forlornsinglemom





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